Dear Sangha,
As you know our dear Jundo Roshi is having surgery soon. We are all together in wishing him well, sending our love, and looking forward to hearing good news. We will have a special thread for updates on his condition.
As we wait, please join together in sitting a little extra if you are able - as an offering to our Teacher of our sincere and dedicated practice.
Beginning at midnight on Wednesday (Japan time), we will have a 48 hour Treeleaf SIT-A-THON!
If you would like to plan ahead please see the following spreadsheet and fill the times when you can sit:
Alternatively (or in addition), please feel free to note your sitting in this thread with something like this:
Lets do our best to have someone sitting somewhere for the whole 48 hours! We sit as one!
Please feel free to sit in the Treeleaf NOW Free Sitting Room, with Insight Timer, OR WITH NO "SOCIAL" PRESENCE AT ALL.
The most important thing is to just sit together.
Please, sit together allowing all dharmas to manifest the function of the one bright pearl.
As you know our dear Jundo Roshi is having surgery soon. We are all together in wishing him well, sending our love, and looking forward to hearing good news. We will have a special thread for updates on his condition.
As we wait, please join together in sitting a little extra if you are able - as an offering to our Teacher of our sincere and dedicated practice.
Beginning at midnight on Wednesday (Japan time), we will have a 48 hour Treeleaf SIT-A-THON!
If you would like to plan ahead please see the following spreadsheet and fill the times when you can sit:
Alternatively (or in addition), please feel free to note your sitting in this thread with something like this:
I'm sitting now for xx minutes -- for Jundo and all beings now suffering or ill in health.
Please feel free to sit in the Treeleaf NOW Free Sitting Room, with Insight Timer, OR WITH NO "SOCIAL" PRESENCE AT ALL.
The most important thing is to just sit together.
Please, sit together allowing all dharmas to manifest the function of the one bright pearl.
