Sounds really exciting!
Question though: in the main Ango post Jundo mentioned " Zazenkai: Join in each and every 90 minute Saturday Treeleaf Zazenkai, and 4-hour monthly Treeleaf Zazenkai netcast without fail." as a required Ango activity. How does it work with the Sunday Zazenkai?
Sat today & Lent a hand
Sunday Weekly Zazenkai (European morning)
This is a sticky topic.
This has been a dream of mine for a while, so I cannot be happier that we are finally able to do it. I am hoping it´ll be a wonderful way of connecting more with each other, benefitting from practicing together, and sharing in the experience live, sitting, chanting and bowing together, kicking off the day, and the week with this wonderful gathering.
sat and lah
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Sunday Weekly Zazenkai (European morning)
Hello everyone,
right with the beginning of this year's Ango, we will start offering a Sunday Zazenkai, meant to cater mainly to all of us located in Europe, who can´t really join the Friday Zazenkai live. We will meet on European mornings at 9:30 am Central European Time (8:30 UK / 10:30 Ukraine), but of course, this is open to everyone.
For your local time please have a look at our Practice Calendar: TREELEAF NOW >>
For 75 minutes, we will meet in the Treeleaf Now Scheduled Sitting Room: JOIN ZOOM >>
The password (if needed): << dogen >>
If you don't feel comfortable with being seen on screen, be assured that it is totally fine to join with camera and microphone turned off.Here is the Chant Book for those who wish to join in: CHANT BOOK LINK (we follow the weekly Zazenkai Chants)00:00 - 00:30 ZAZEN Start sitting on your own.
Don't wear a Rakusu or Okesa yet,
keep it next to your sitting place00:30 - 00:30 ROBE VERSE Host initiates chant.
Join in and put on Rakusu/Okesa together
( if you have one )00:30 - 00:40 KINHIN 00:40 - 01:00 ZAZEN 01:00 - 01:15 CEREMONY Heart Sutra, Dedication
Verse of Atonement & Four Vows
ATTENTION: Everyone, when rising for Kinhin or Ceremonies after Zazen, get up slowly, don't rush, hold something stable, you won't be "late", so TAKE YOUR TIME! Make sure you are careful getting up!
We are looking forward to sitting with you!
Deep bows,
Bion and Kotei sat/lah today.
PS - There is no "wrong" or "right" in Zazen ... yet here is a little explanation of the "right" times to Bow (A Koan) ...
The other video where Jundo mentions Zendo decorum is this one, from our "Always Beginners" video Series:
Sit-a-Long with Jundo: Zazen for Beginners (12) - Basic Zendo Decorum At Home
We also recommend a little Talk on why small rituals and procedures are so cherished in the Zendo:
SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: Small Things in the Zendo
(LINK)Last edited by Kotei; 09-01-2024, 06:59 PM.Tags: None- Stuck
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