Hi everyone! I am hoping someone here has dealt with long-term injuries/chronic pain and can give me some advice on how to maintain a zazen practice. Long story short, I was injured pretty badly on March 7th last year and I have been dealing with surgeries and recovery with my last and final surgery at the end of Feb this year. I was was doing pretty well at maintaining a zazen practice for a while, up until this last surgery. This one was to reconstruct the arches in one of my feet and it has sucked! I have been on pain meds that make me out of it and I have to keep my foot elevated all day. I am having trouble right now finding the motivation and will to meditate right now. I was blaming the fact that I can't sit at my alter on my zafu or seiza bench, but that is just a crap excuse and I know it.
Has anyone else worked through something like this before, if so what helped get you back on the wagon?
Gassho _/\_
Has anyone else worked through something like this before, if so what helped get you back on the wagon?
Gassho _/\_