Yoga and zazen

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  • Alberto
    • Apr 2008
    • 78

    Re: Yoga and zazen

    Alberto, I think you may have read some people's misunderstanding of Iyengar. I haven't read any of his books but I was thinking of getting Light on Yoga one of these days after I catch up on my zen reading. Anyway, my neighbor is a Iyengar teacher and I think the practices are not designed to cure any diseases unless they directly related to a lack of general health. Instead, they are designed to alleviate the suffering from these diseases.
    Appendix II form the above mentioned book, where my comment derives from (id est, Iyengar himself) has the following title: "Curative asanas for various diseases". So there.

    Now, let's say the neighbor, with all due and sincere respect, claims that the asanas will alleviate while not cure the suffering from appendicitis. I know (there are very, very few things things I know and this is one of them) that no person with appendicitis will tolerate the asanas listed as "curative", let alone be relieved by them.

    The point is meant to illustrate something we all know very well: every leader (educational, spiritual, political, literary, you name it) has some sort of clear and deep vision of their thing, and that makes them think that their vision is all encompassing. That's why Shak is The Man: who else tells you not to believe their stuff but to go and try it yourself? I will adventure a guess here: the famous unsurpassed enlightenment includes the realization of the limitations of your worldly knowledge, and includes the clear understanding that we are culturally conditioned. God bless Shak (catholic upbringing, what can a guy do?)

    I acknowledge that trash talk about other belief systems is a dangerous thing. That's why I practice useless criticism on soto zen buddhist first and foremost. I acknowledge (ever so skeptically) other philosophies/religions/ways of life could be right; moreover, some ass like yours truly but with a different point of view could come and try to discredit us by mocking Nihijima Roshi's funky (and unsustained) theories on the balance of the sympathetic/parasympathetic system (however, roshi states clearly that is his belief, not a matter of fact).

    There are several catholic monks and priests ordained as zen priests . So my question is (with due respect to the Catholic institution and followers), why can a zen dude not believe in Yoga as a spiritual practice, or play with the ouija, or read tarot cards, or live by the horoscope? My answer to that would be plagiarizing Harry again: a banana and two kiwis. I know I just believe in what is, but I try to respect the need of others to believe in what might/could be.

    Gassho, the little self trying to realize that his true Self is Iyengar, Adashyanti and Benedict.


    • CharlesC
      • May 2008
      • 83

      Re: Yoga and zazen


