What if the "clouds" come off as smog, sometimes?

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    Originally posted by Alexander
    Hi Richard,

    I'm a CBT Therapist and I supervise a small team of CBT therapists, all working with OCD on a daily basis. I also have a prior diagnosis of OCD myself, very similar to your experience by the sound of it. I also received EMDR therapy for PTSD, which was connected (this is very common).

    I just wanted to share this to reassure you that the combination of CBT and zazen has been very beneficial for me. I no longer use medication and my occasional symptoms are manageable with support from my wife and my own supervisor. Shikantaza can be very challenging when intrusions are "loud" or intense, but I have found counting the breath is the best alternative at these times. I know Jundo sometimes recommends this when shikantaza is not possible.

    A word of recommendation if I may - always seek a therapist who has specialist post-graduate qualifications in CBT. Behavioural therapy is currently enjoying another boom in popularity, leading many therapists to re-market themselves. Some claim to offer CBT to treat OCD / PTSD, sometimes with limited knowledge or expertise. OCD is a widely misunderstood condition and many of my patients have previously received unhelpful input from well meaning amateurs. The best way to avoid this is to ask lots of questions and scrutinise the therapist's actual qualifications.

    I know OCD can feel frightening, confusing and isolating, not to mention frustrating and overwhelming. It helps me to remember that all things are impermanent. I wish you the best of luck. If you have any questions about finding a therapist or other resources, please feel free to send me a PM.

    I am not an expert, but this sounds like some very wonderful and helpful advice, thank you Alex. =)



