My name is Paddy/Patrick.
I have been practicing Zazen on some level for about 10 years.
I do not live near a teacher or sangha and have done the best I can to find teaching.
I was involved with an online pureland sangha briefly.
Their teacher wrote a bit about Dogen Zenji.
One of the key points he wrote about was Dogen's teaching that enlightenment is simply seeing things as they truly are.
The writing went on to say that this was an impossibility because things are different depending on perspective; using as an example, that to view a mountain from different sides it would not look the same.
My understanding of what Dogen meant would be that seeing things as they truly are would be to recognize, no matter the angle from which you view the mountain, that it is the same mountain.
I was just looking for opinions. Is this the correct understanding of what Dogen meant? Or am I off track?
My name is Paddy/Patrick.
I have been practicing Zazen on some level for about 10 years.
I do not live near a teacher or sangha and have done the best I can to find teaching.
I was involved with an online pureland sangha briefly.
Their teacher wrote a bit about Dogen Zenji.
One of the key points he wrote about was Dogen's teaching that enlightenment is simply seeing things as they truly are.
The writing went on to say that this was an impossibility because things are different depending on perspective; using as an example, that to view a mountain from different sides it would not look the same.
My understanding of what Dogen meant would be that seeing things as they truly are would be to recognize, no matter the angle from which you view the mountain, that it is the same mountain.
I was just looking for opinions. Is this the correct understanding of what Dogen meant? Or am I off track?