Keep a good rule for me.ありがとう。
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Greetings from Kakunen (Mr. K.) now Training at Jyomanji
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Guest replied -
Guest repliedKakunen,
We touch each other with words from both sides of the world! It is a wonderful thing!
You speak enough English for us to talk to each other and feel that we are all the same. Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, everywhere. That is the language of Zazen. Thank you for this.
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Guest replied
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I think many younger priests in Japan are doing some Yoga, Tai chi and such too.
Please also do Hokey Pokey each day ...
Thao doing the Hokie Pokie in Japnese. She's the one in the dark purple dress and red headband. So cute.
Gassho, Jundo
Actually, as I was looking for the above, I found the following. International understanding of Japan!
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Guest repliedI try Ichiro Suzuki method stretching yesterday.Blood pressure is 120/80 and stop vertigo and headache.Very amazing.
In old style temple in Japan,negative image for yoga and so on.
But I decide ,I believe my feeling.
So I will ask head monk Tenryuji about yoga and stretch.
Now we have lots of stress for mind,so our practice will need to change.
This is my opinion.
I will respect old Japanese style and just doing celemony.
But I want to think about Buddha's traditional style,try some practice and find answer of himself,and helping myself and helping neighbors.
I really realize.
Thank you everytime.
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Also, you are dedicated to your practice and to helping others ... this is a good thing. =)
SatToday/LAHLeave a comment:
We touch each other with words from both sides of the world! It is a wonderful thing!
You speak enough English for us to talk to each other and feel that we are all the same. Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, everywhere. That is the language of Zazen. Thank you for this.
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Guest repliedI try Ichiro Suzuki method stretching yesterday.Blood pressure is 120/80 and stop vertigo and headache.Very amazing.
In old style temple in Japan,negative image for yoga and so on.
But I decide ,I believe my feeling.
So I will ask head monk Tenryuji about yoga and stretch.
Now we have lots of stress for mind,so our practice will need to change.
This is my opinion.
I will respect old Japanese style and just doing celemony.
But I want to think about Buddha's traditional style,try some practice and find answer of himself,and helping myself and helping neighbors.
I really realize.
Thank you everytime.
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Guest repliedYou are NOT crazy. I have pain. I have guilt. I beat myself up over things that happened many years ago. That is a human thing to do.
Remember what Viktor Frankl says: WE create our meaning in life. We must not let the past make the future. We must be the future we want.
I hope you are okay, Mr. K. If you want to practice English, please send me a private message here. We can practice together.
I am thinking about you, everyday. Thank you for your practice.
I am with person come from Belgium.
My English is not so bad,he said.
And I will enjoy my life.Step by step I will become true myself.
Thank you for your kindness
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I can not forgive my parents deeply.
I losed my family,money,work,health,home and friend in a flash.
Sometimes people become devil.
Am I crazy?This things happend 17 years ago.
But I stop thinking about it today.
I will go care training to Tokyo and go to Tenryuji.
I find a book written about head monk Sasagawa.So I want to talk about it to him.
I will just do it and sometime mistake and hear my mind and talking with a member around me and will walk forever.
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Remember what Viktor Frankl says: WE create our meaning in life. We must not let the past make the future. We must be the future we want.
I hope you are okay, Mr. K. If you want to practice English, please send me a private message here. We can practice together.
I am thinking about you, everyday. Thank you for your practice.
-satTodayLeave a comment:
Yes, I understand. The same for me.
Worry less, sit with a big heart, take care of your health, live gently.
I have vertigo too! 20 years. Sometimes very sick, sometimes ok. But always ok.
sat todayLeave a comment:
Guest repliedGreetings from Kakunen (Mr. K.) now Training at Jyomanji
What others say is not you. Everyone has an opinion, but their opinion doesn't show who you are. You show yourself through your actions, your words, and your heart.
Training can help with your sadness, which can help with your high blood pressure. But it is very important to also listen and work with your doctor. Practice and doctors together will help you. =)
I losed my family,money,work,health,home and friend in a flash.
Sometimes people become devil.
Am I crazy?This things happend 17 years ago.
But I stop thinking about it today.
I will go care training to Tokyo and go to Tenryuji.
I find a book written about head monk Sasagawa.So I want to talk about it to him.
I will just do it and sometime mistake and hear my mind and talking with a member around me and will walk forever.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited by Guest; 06-26-2017, 05:24 AM.Leave a comment:
What others say is not you. Everyone has an opinion, but their opinion doesn't show who you are. You show yourself through your actions, your words, and your heart.
Training can help with your sadness, which can help with your high blood pressure. But it is very important to also listen and work with your doctor. Practice and doctors together will help you. =)
SatToday/LAHLeave a comment:
Yes I am very sad.Yesterday somebody come around me and said to me,shame on you and go out right now.Your father's blood is dirty ,so you also dirty.
But life will change.
I give up to cure by hospital,I will go to training room ,where is Ichiro Suzuki was training.
I try to know my structure of my body and mind.
This is my answer.
Thank you for kind word for me.
I can understand your English...
Best regards.敬意を表します。
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Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_Leave a comment:
Guest repliedYes I am very sad.Yesterday somebody come around me and said to me,shame on you and go out right now.Your father's blood is dirty ,so you also dirty.
But life will change.
I give up to cure by hospital,I will go to training room ,where is Ichiro Suzuki was training.
I try to know my structure of my body and mind.
This is my answer.
Thank you for kind word for me.
I can understand your English...
Best regards.敬意を表します。
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What others say is not you. Everyone has an opinion, but their opinion doesn't show who you are. You show yourself through your actions, your words, and your heart.
Training can help with your sadness, which can help with your high blood pressure. But it is very important to also listen and work with your doctor. Practice and doctors together will help you. =)
SatToday/LAHLeave a comment:
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