Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies ...

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41024

    Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies ...

    Thought the universe was crowded with 100 billion to 200 billion galaxies? Try one trillion or even two trillion galaxies and more.

    That’s the latest census, reported Thursday.

    An astrophysics professor at the University of Nottingham in England led the international team that came up with the mind-boggling estimate of 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Professor Christopher Conselice said that represents a minimum tenfold increase.

    ... and no matter how many there be, one or none, a trillion or bopabillion ...

    ... all is just you and you just that.

    And that is all.

    Gassho, J


    PS -

    Join together 100 billion neurons—with 100 trillion connections—and you have yourself a single human brain ...

    ... and no matter how many there be, one or none, a trillion or bopabillion ...

    ... all is just you and you just that.

    And that is all.
    Last edited by Jundo; 10-15-2016, 03:08 PM.
  • Mp

    Wow ... I knew I was just a bug and this just proves it! This truly is a vast universe we occupy ... =)




    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41024

      Originally posted by Shingen
      Wow ... I knew I was just a bug and this just proves it! This truly is a vast universe we occupy ... =)


      Ah, what makes you think the bug is small?

      Gassho, J


      • Mp

        Originally posted by Jundo
        Ah, what makes you think the bug is small?

        Gassho, J
        Oohhh, good one Jundo ... big or small, the bug is both the universe and a grain of sand. Whole and complete in its perfectly imperfect bugness! =)

        Or maybe I head is just in the cosmos. [emoji89]



        Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41024

          That is a trillion galaxies, by the way, and not merely a trillion stars. Our galaxy alone contains maybe a 100 billion stars, and that is but one galaxy alone. Further, scientists speak only of the visible universe, not what may exist beyond the visible horizons ...

          Nonetheless, One Bright Pearl (or Jewel) says Master Dogen ...

          The whole universe in ten directions is one bright pearl ... The point is that the whole uni-
          verse in ten directions is not vast and great, not meager and small, not square
          or round, not centered or straight, not in a state of vigorous activity, and not
          disclosed in perfect clarity. Because it is utterly beyond living-and-dying,
          going-and-coming, it is living-and-dying, going-and-coming. ...
          and from the Genjo ...

          the entire sky is reflected in dewdrops on the grass, or even in one drop of water. ... Each reflection, however long or short its duration, manifests the vastness of the dewdrop, and realizes the limitlessness of ... the sky.
          The great Hua-Yen Buddhist master Fatsang compares the whole universe and all of reality to a golden lion, lions of lions ... think of each star and galaxy, and the entire cosmos, as lions in lions ...

          ... all the parts of the lion, down to the tip of each and every hair, take in the whole lion in so far as they are all gold. Each and every one of them permeates the eyes of the lion. The eyes are the ears, the ears are the nose, the nose is the tongue, the tongue is the body. They all exist in total freedom without obstruction or impediment. This is called the mutual identity of all dharmas [phenomena] in freedom. ... in each of the lion's eyes, in its ears, limbs, and so forth, down to each and every single hair, there is a golden-lion. All the lions embraced by each and every hair simultaneously and instantaneously enter into one single hair. Thus in each and every hair there are an infinite number of lions. Furthermore, each and every hair containing infinite lions returns again to a single hair. The progression is infinite, like the jewels of Celestial Lord lndra's Net; a realm-embracing-realm ad infinitum is thus established, and it is called the realm of lndra's Net. ....
          And of course, Monty Python Bodhisattva ...

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          Gassho, J

          Last edited by Jundo; 10-16-2016, 12:22 AM.


          • Kyonin
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Oct 2010
            • 6748

            Thank you Jundo.

            This video... I have watched several times already. And after the articles you shared, I'll watch it even more times...

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


            Hondō Kyōnin
            奔道 協忍


            • Kotei
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2015
              • 4317

              thank you for posting this.

              The attached pic is my favorite regarding 'wow, so many Galaxies in the Universe'.
              Info and Pics taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble_Ultra-Deep_Field (highres image to be found there)
              The diameter of the picture content, when looking at the night sky, is about a tenth of the diameter of the full moon. Smaller, than a 1mm*1mm piece of paper, held at one meter away. About a thirteen-millionth of the sky.
              Hubble was pointed at a quite dark place, in order to achieve long exposure times for imaging the distant Galaxies.
              Lightspeed is quite fast... but traveling a long way.
              So this is not 'now'. It is a view about 13 billion years back.

              Kotei sattoday

              義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


              • Jundo
                Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                • Apr 2006
                • 41024

                A little more ...

                Zen master Changsha Jingcen entered the hall and addressed the monks, saying, “... all worlds pervading the ten directions are the true monk’s eye. All worlds pervading the ten directions are the true monk’s complete body. Pervading all worlds in the ten directions is your own brilliant light. All worlds in the ten directions are within your own light. And throughout all worlds in the ten directions there is not a being that is not you. This is what I’ve taught you when I’ve said that all the buddhas, dharmas, and sentient beings of the three worlds are the great light of wisdom. But even before this light was propagated, what is the place where you existed? Before this light was propagated, before buddhas and before sentient beings, from where did the mountains, rivers, and the great earth come forth?”

                A monk asked, “What is the true monk’s eye?”

                Changsha said, “So vast and wide that you can’t leave it.”


                Nishijima Roshi (from A Heart to Heart Chat on Buddhism with Old Master Gudo, translated by Jundo Cohen)

                If I were to speak of the ordinary reality of Zazen in concrete terms, I would say that, by the practice of Zazen, we place ourselves into a state of stable and quiet sitting, wherein we can discover our True Self. ... To do so is to expand this very limited world in which we live into the boundless world that is reality. Habitually, we view ourselves as living within various narrow worlds constructed by human beings. We live in finite physical bodies and finite mental perspectives of the mind, all as individual members of our families, our schools, our businesses, our clubs, our nations and so on. We are under the illusion that such a narrow state is the sole and necessary state, the way things must be for human beings. However, as we sit with posture in upright and balanced form, simply looking upon the things which come before our eyes as they are, we forget all about the limiting worlds of categories human beings have constructed for themselves, which we are always, always constructing for ourselves within our heads.

                Thereby, as we transcend and go past the narrow worlds human beings have created, we become aware through and through that we are living in a world of vast scope, a boundless world, the widest world. It is not the small world of our body or our mind, nor our family, nor the restricted world of our workplace or other organizations, nor the bordered world of our nation, nor even this whole planet Earth, nor confined by the far reaches of our solar system, or galaxies upon galaxies. Rather, by sitting with posture in correct and balanced form, simply looking upon the things which come before our eyes as they are, we move beyond each and every one of these spheres of limit, and experience that we are living right at the very heart of the universe, each as one aspect of this magnificent, boundless, wholeness of the universe. This is the very meaning of No Self. This is the very meaning of to forget our self. Zazen is the state of our experience of being a facet of a magnificent, boundless universe of scope beyond mere thought, seeing as they are the things that may come before our eyes. Accordingly, we may perceive the existence of some conflict and contradiction between Return to Original Self and No Self when we ponder those concepts in our mind, but through the actual practice of Zazen, each is unified into a single whole, and each is included harmoniously within Zazen.
                A Tibetan perspective
                “The primary element in the buddha-fields cosmology is the
                infinity of space and light ... [This] cosmology encompasses an infinite number of worlds in
                space, whose arrangement lies beyond the reach of rational
                thought. These worlds appear in all conceivable, as well as
                inconceivable, dimensions and shapes ...These worlds suffuse the ten directions;
                millions of worlds interpenetrate one another, and each
                world contains billions of others. Billions more are
                contained within each atom of each world. This is a
                cosmology whose monumental scope serves to open the mind
                to the unlimited, unfathomable, nonrational aspects of the
                universe. As a result, the mind breaks out of the cage of fixed
                concepts of definite space and existence and enters the open
                space of myriad worlds without beginning or end, beyond all
                fixed dimensions of size and shape. This cosmology also
                conveys the bodhisattva conception of enlightenment, which
                is the spiritual development of all living beings throughout
                the universe as the primary path of one’s own search for
                awakening. ...
                All that is described is contained within the “sphere of
                reality” (dharmadhātu), the ultimate realm that contains
                everything that exists. This sphere never changes, never
                becomes anything other than itself. It always remains empty
                of true existence. The countless realms that appear
                throughout the universe all manifest within this single realm:
                they exist within it and are destroyed within it. From the
                point of view of their ultimate nature, no realms have ever
                appeared, have ever been inhabited, have ever been
                destroyed. Nevertheless, in relative terms, infinite worldsystems
                arise as phantom appearances based on
                interdependent connections, and these worlds serve the
                purposes of enlightened beings who act as spiritual guides,
                realizing that these realms have no ultimate reality. The
                unenlightened beings who inhabit these realms also have no
                ultimate reality; they cling, however, to the idea that they,
                their worlds, and their experiences are ultimately real. The
                sphere of reality and the interdependent manifestations
                within it can be perceived simultaneously only by the eye of
                a buddha.
                [Myriad Worlds, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye.]
                Yamada Koun Roshi ...

                Lining up words in their entirety, he fashions one phrase.
                Gathering up the myriad worlds, he produces a grain of dust. These lines
                are a reference to the world of satori. ... [W]hen we bring together everything in the universe it is contained in a
                grain of dust. For those who don't understand, this can only sound like nonsense, but seen
                from the standpoint of the world of satori it makes perfect sense. There is the line in the
                Shinjinmei: "One is everything, everything is one." This is just another way of expressing
                the world of satori. When I hold up a single finger this is the entire universe. If you do not
                understand this, you cannot be said to be truly enlightened. When I hold up a finger, you
                may think it is just that single finger but it is actually the entire universe appearing. If I
                put down my finger, the entire universe disappears. Zen is always like this
                Buddhism is filled with galaxies of like perspective on the myriad worlds in the ten directions ...

                Gassho, J

                ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                • Diarmuid1
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 45

                  How is all just you?
                  I understand how I make the universe by opening my mouth.
                  I struggle to understand how all is me.

                  Last edited by Diarmuid1; 10-16-2016, 07:48 PM.




                  • Amelia
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 4980


                    There is no true separation between "you" and the atoms that make up the space, people, and things around you.

                    At the same time, atoms never truly touch, so there's no "you" to begin with.

                    This has been a cool thread. Fun to read and listen to this morning.

                    Gassho, sat today
                    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                    • Jakuden
                      • Jun 2015
                      • 6141

                      Originally posted by Diarmuid1
                      How is all just you?
                      I understand how I make the universe by opening my mouth.
                      I struggle to understand how all is me.

                      Where did "you" come from? You are part of each of your parents.... who are made of their ancestors, who at some point in history arose as a species from another species, who arose from species that millenia ago came out of the ocean, who arose from the first life in the primordial stew, which arose from the elements of the Earth, which arose from the Big Bang.

                      Additionally, the air we breathe is made up of elements that make up the entire universe, as is the food we eat and the water we drink. And beyond matter, we are also made of photons and energy which derive from the sun and the energy of the Universe. We are the Universe and the Universe is us.



                      • Shokai
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 6480

                        That's strange, just when I was convinced the universe is infinite


                        sat Today
                        gassho, Shokai

                        仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                        "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                        • Jishin
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 4821

                          Originally posted by Diarmuid1
                          How is all just you?
                          I understand how I make the universe by opening my mouth.
                          I struggle to understand how all is me.

                          This is a very very easy answer.

                          Don't know...

                          Don't know?

                          Don't know.

                          What is the name of this?

                          Don't know.

                          What is my real name, not my corpses name?

                          Don't know.

                          How about your real name?

                          Don't know.

                          Who is dragging your copse around?

                          Don't know.

                          What is don't know's name?

                          Don't know.

                          Does don't know have a brother?

                          Don't know.

                          What is your true age?

                          Don't know.

                          What is.....?

                          Don't know.


                          Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_
                          Last edited by Jishin; 10-17-2016, 01:35 AM.


                          • Stacy
                            • Mar 2013
                            • 84

                            Originally posted by Kotei
                            thank you for posting this.

                            The attached pic is my favorite regarding 'wow, so many Galaxies in the Universe'.
                            Info and Pics taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble_Ultra-Deep_Field (highres image to be found there)
                            The diameter of the picture content, when looking at the night sky, is about a tenth of the diameter of the full moon. Smaller, than a 1mm*1mm piece of paper, held at one meter away. About a thirteen-millionth of the sky.
                            Hubble was pointed at a quite dark place, in order to achieve long exposure times for imaging the distant Galaxies.
                            Lightspeed is quite fast... but traveling a long way.
                            So this is not 'now'. It is a view about 13 billion years back.

                            Kotei sattoday

                            Hi Kotei,

                            The Ultra-Deep field is definitely a lovely shot! There's a certain video I like to go back to from time to time, which goes on to include a 3D view of it.

                            https://deepastronomy.spaceI've recently discovered an animation that was rendered using the measured redshift of all 10,000 galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Dee...

                            And that is definitely something I have found amazing, that anything we see from space is from the past. The light takes all that time to reach us, and so telescopes are kind of like time machines in that sense.

                            Overall, a lovely thread here.




                            • Diarmuid1
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 45

                              Originally posted by Jishin
                              This is a very very easy answer.

                              Don't know...

                              Don't know?

                              Don't know.

                              What is the name of this?

                              Don't know.
                              This I understand. But Jundo -and many others in zen- say that the universe is us and we are it. These claims suggest that somebody does know.



