Observable Universe contains ten times more galaxies ...

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  • Jishin
    • Oct 2012
    • 4821

    Originally posted by Jundo
    I probably should mention that I have a fever today and I have had a little cold medicine. But please know that I mean every word here.
    You sound cray cray. [emoji33][emoji3]

    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


    • Kotei
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Mar 2015
      • 4315

      Originally posted by Jundo
      Gassho, the whirlpool

      M51, the Whirlpool:
      An astrophotograph by Duncan Miller on AstroBin

      Kotei sattoday.
      義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


      • Onkai
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2015
        • 3146

        This thread is great. It really opens my eyes and mind. I had come across the line in "One Bright Pearl" (in Tanahashi's edition of Treasury of the True Dharma Eye
        But when you clarify the body and mind as the bright pearl through the dharma words of Xuansha, you understand that the mind is not the self
        and I realized that I really identify with my mind. My body may be complicated and support my mind, all things may influence my mind, and my mind may influence what is around me, but I still feel that my mind is me. I'm sitting every day, but this perspective is tenacious, even when contemplating that my body is made up of the same things as the rest of the universe, "star dust," which is amazing. I hope this isn't going too far off topic.

        美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
        恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

        I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


        • Kyonin
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Oct 2010
          • 6748

          Hi guys,

          I must say that this thread has become one of my favorites ever. So much to grasp and to think about...

          Just today I had one of those cosmic zazen sessions where you just forget you are you and begin feeling you are the bird, the driver, the lady in the street, the earth itself... and then it all goes away when the bell rigs

          We are cells, but we are one. I am a billions of stars, but I still like to have a cup of coffee.

          I was sad and worried. Now I am whole.


          Hondō Kyōnin
          奔道 協忍


          • Zenmei
            • Jul 2016
            • 270

            Can I earmark my donation for more cold medicine for Jundo?

            Gassho, Dudley


            • Jakuden
              • Jun 2015
              • 6141

              Eureka! A glorious thread, much of it spoken in my language (Science). Whatever you're having for your cold, Jundo, please share. And feel better!

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • Shokai
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Mar 2009
                • 6478

                Originally posted by Jundo
                And thus the old joke ...

                and when the hotdog vendor neglected to give him back his change and the zen guy said, " hey, where's my change."
                the vendor replied, "Change comes from within!"

                deep bows

                sat Today
                gassho, Shokai

                仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                • RichardH
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 2800

                  Originally posted by Shokai
                  and when the hotdog vendor neglected to give him back his change and the zen guy said, " hey, where's my change."
                  the vendor replied, "Change comes from within!"

                  deep bows

                  sat Today
                  You just couldn't resist could you.

                  Deep bows

                  Sat today


                  • Shokai
                    Dharma Transmitted Priest
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 6478

                    Hey, it's a classic; what can I say


                    sat Today
                    gassho, Shokai

                    仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                    "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                    • Seido
                      • May 2015
                      • 167

                      I love looking at the high definition images from space, it's truly awe inspiring.

                      I think the expansion of the "known universe" is like the Overview effect.
                      Which was "first described by author Frank White in 1987, is the sudden recognition that we live on a planet. The experience transforms a person's perspective of Earth and mankind's place upon it, and he or she begins to think of Earth as more of a "shared home" and have a strong feeling of awe." (http://www.businessinsider.com/astro...-effect-2013-1).
                      If more people have had the opportunity to reflect on our conceitedness, and fragility, maybe we could overcome more of our difference and work together to make the world a better place.

                      Also, if I am one with everything, and everything just got bigger, did I just get fatter?

                      The strength and beneficence of the soft and yielding.
                      Water achieves clarity through stillness.


                      • Shugen
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 4532





                        Originally posted by Seido
                        I love looking at the high definition images from space, it's truly awe inspiring.

                        I think the expansion of the "known universe" is like the Overview effect.

                        If more people have had the opportunity to reflect on our conceitedness, and fragility, maybe we could overcome more of our difference and work together to make the world a better place.

                        Also, if I am one with everything, and everything just got bigger, did I just get fatter?

                        Meido Shugen
                        明道 修眼


                        • Rich
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 2615

                          Wow, a trillion galaxies.
                          And they all fit in the mind. 😂

                          Sat today

                          Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
                          無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                          • Mp

                            Originally posted by Rich
                            Wow, a trillion galaxies.
                            And they all fit in the mind. 😂

                            Sat today

                            Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
                            Nice, you too eh! =)




                            • Jundo
                              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 41007

                              A good place to remind all ...

                              Most Zen teachers of all flavors will emphasize how vital and important is some insight and piercing of the "self/other" divide, and a realization and experiencing of the intimate wholeness, oneness (beyond even the word "oneness") and interflowing all is one/one is allness of who we are. We call this "Satori" or "Kensho", seeing True Nature ... as important in our Soto Zen way as in the Rinzai and most other Mahayana Buddhist schools, although perhaps the approaches and roadless roads to there (just here) can vary a bit from school to school.

                              That being said, most Zen and other Buddhist teachers of all suits say that such is not enough, just a reference point, just the startless start to the rest of life. Rising from the cushion, back into the world of "me" and "you" and war and peace and birth and death and a trillion trillion galaxies , what do we do with this insight and knowledge? How do we bring it all together?

                              That is what Dogen called "Practice-Enlightenment", not just a seeing or realizing of some great Whole-Empty One Beyond One (realizing = seeing and understanding in the bones) ... but also "realizing" by "making it real" in actually living life in this complex messy world.

                              Both realization (1) and realization (2) are precious aspects of our Way ... a 1 and 2 that is one beyond one, not just one not just two. Tricky? Yes, but also simple beyond simple. Anyway, that is what this path of Practice-Enlightenment is about.

                              Gassho, J

                              SatToday ... then got up and got on with it.


                              P/S: Added Comment on Kensho in Soto Zen:

                              A good time to repost this reMINDer that momentary and passing "enlightenment experiences", no matter how wondrous, are not the point or end of the Roadless Road ... nor even really necessary to get us where we are 'Non-Going'. Nice place (or placeless place), but wouldn't want and couldn't live there (even though always there whether we realize such fact or not ... a "here" even beyond words like "here vs. there", yet here and there and everywhere).

                              [Seeing this boundless grandeur] is a bit like experiencing the wonders of the Grand Canyon [during the long bus trip of Buddhist Practice]. One cannot stay there, as lovely as it is. Nice and educational place to visit ... would not, should not, could not truly live there. One can even live perfectly well never having visited the vast Canyon at all. The most important thing is to get on the bus, get on with the trip, get on with life from there.In our Soto Way, the WHOLE TRIP is Enlightenment when realized as such (that is the True "Kensho"!) ... not some momentary stop or passing scene or some final destination. For Soto Folks, when we realize such ... every moment of the Buddha-Bus trip, the scenery out the windows (both what we encounter as beautiful and what appears ugly), the moments of good health and moments of passing illness, the highway, the seats and windows, all the other passengers on the Bus who appear to be riding with us, when we board and someday when we are let off ... the whole Trip ... is all the Buddha-Bus, all Enlightenment and Kensho, all the "destination" beyond "coming" or "going" or "getting there", when realized as such (Kensho). This ride is what we make it.
                              More here:

                              Hi, Please tell me that the faces staring back at me from the carpet during zazen will cease over time. No matter where I rest my gaze there is a different face each time. Why is it always faces that I see, in the carpet, curtain patterns or clouds? It is I must confess very distracting. Gassho Steve gassho2

                              It is also possible for Wisdom and Compassion to sink into the bones without such experiences, just as well and even in a more lasting way. One can be drenched to the bone in a sudden downpour that eventually dries up, or soaked thoroughly to the bone walking steadily threw the mist.

                              By the way, is s Canyon little "e" "empty" (only a big hole in the ground), thus a canyon? Or is the Emptiness of the Canyon fullness (a Big Whole in the Buddha Ground)? (A little Koan to toss in)

                              When seeing the canyon, are you seeing the canyon or does the canyon see you? Perhaps the canyon sees the canyon? An old Koan on truly seeing, Who is the donkey? Who is the true-body? Who is the well or the canyon? Who is the sky and the water? (Book of Serenity 52) ...

                              Sôzan asked Elder Toku, “'The true Dharma-body of Buddha is like the
                              empty sky. It manifests its form corresponding to things – just like the moon on
                              the water.'1 How do you explain the principle of this corresponding?” Toku said,
                              “It is like a donkey looking into a well.” Sôzan said, “You put it in a nice way, but
                              you were able to say only eighty percent.” Toku said, “How about you, Master?”
                              Sôzan said, “It is like a well looking at a donkey.”
                              Jundo comments: After her drink, the donkey goes back to hauling wood.
                              Last edited by Jundo; 10-20-2016, 12:54 PM.
                              ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                              • Troy
                                • Sep 2013
                                • 1318

                                Great thread. Thanks! Always fascinated by this type of stuff.


