Treeleaf Coffee House - Updates and Secretary Notes

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  • Sekishi
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Apr 2013
    • 5673

    Hello everyone,

    Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for July 3rd, 2016

    - Cancer and heredity
    - Internet and Thunderstorms
    - The birth of Spock
    - The Wrath of Khan
    - Inauspicious beginnings
    - Kosho Uchiyama Roshi
    - Sitting in a chair
    - Pain killers
    - Health insurance
    - Mothers and fathers
    - Soto Zen in Japan
    - UU Buddhism Study Group
    - Bipolar disorder
    - The Harvard Brain Bank
    - Direct Interment
    - Sobriety Day by Day
    - "I'm OK"
    - St. John of the Cross
    - "Living Buddha, Living Christ"
    - The Purple Pen

    Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


    • Sekishi
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Apr 2013
      • 5673

      Hello everyone,

      Just as a reminder, if you ever wish to join the Coffeehouse, but did not receive an invitation for some reason (there is no accounting for the vagaries of Google Plus), I always post direct links to the Hangout in this thread:

      Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


      • RichardH
        • Nov 2011
        • 2800

        Hi. Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for July 17th, 2016

        - Pain
        - Infant health
        - medicine
        - Fraying fabric
        - Air conditioning during sesshin
        - Conifers displacing birch
        - Twisters
        - people chasing twisters
        - Swedish farmland
        - European Union
        - A cat meowed
        - Migration
        - Work without citizenship
        - Multiculturalism
        - A Chinese government sanctioned Dalai Lama
        - The Chicago Bulls and mindfulness
        - Short and long sittings
        - Half lotus vs. Burmese
        - Getting into the full lotus and remaining stuck like a pretzel
        - Poultry
        - Raising Kids
        - A new Star Trek TV show with a large budget
        - Jean-Luc Picard was the best captain
        - Babylon 5
        - Space Engine


        sat today


        • Jika
          • Jun 2014
          • 1337

          Jean-Luc Picard was the best captain

          Thank you all for keeping the coffee or tea house open.
          I'd like to join, but (yawn)

          治 Ji
          花 Ka


          • Sekishi
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Apr 2013
            • 5673

            Hello everyone,

            Was going through my notebook, and found notes from an old Coffeehouse...

            Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for April 17th, 2016

            - Hospitals and surgeries
            - Jukai and ceremonies
            - Blessings of clothing
            - Nursing is a calling
            - Clergy
            - "I'm hopeful" and "Be hopey" (Ajahn Brahm)
            - "Enterprise"
            - Becoming human
            - Houses
            - Care callers and volunteers
            - Crypto-currency
            - We do not get to choose...
            - Bowie
            - New Model Army - "I love the world!"
            - Benny Hill and "Yakkity Sax" (makes everything better!)
            - Charleston Heston and One Hundred Thousand Frogs Per Mile
            - "Oh poop, I'm going to die"
            - Nausicaa
            - Daizan and The Titans of Brah
            - Techo lenses for smartphones
            - Opiates
            - Bubbles!


            Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


            • Sekishi
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Apr 2013
              • 5673

              Hello everyone,

              Got a few weeks worth of notes to check in with here...


              Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for July 10th, 2016

              - "Fun" with Google Hangouts
              - Greed (look out -- it comes in many forms!)
              - Buddha in the sock drawer
              - Live in the now (where else can you live?)
              - Wifi is also "fun"
              - "New person"
              - We may not meant to walk on the sides of our feet...
              - What's in Marc's lunch?
              - That is a big blackberry!
              - How do we all access the forum?
              - Opening the Hand of Thought
              - Molecular Gastronomy
              - Dissecting a Hoho
              - Who toasts a poptart?
              - Prime day!
              - The harmonica
              - Thrift store finds
              - Paranoia
              - Up the creek...
              - Arthur Murry Hollywood Review
              - "The Beef of a Thousand Cows"
              - Pigeonholes that put food on the table
              - Oppositional Defiance Disorder ^_^


              Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for July 24th, 2016

              - Poor hot dogs
              - Knee replacement
              - All the computers
              - Synthesis
              - Pokemon Go
              - Dharma names
              - Right speech and teh Facebooks
              - Practice in not putting up a wall...
              - Parable: "The Three Questions" **
              - The Tenzo
              - Sociology and Organizations
              - Kids
              - Sitting and spouses
              - Please, lets all be verbs!

              The parable discussed was "The Three Questions" by Tolstoy:
              - What is the right time to begin anything?
              - Who are the right people to listen to?
              - What is the most important thing to do?

              You can read the parable here:

              But (spoiler alert) here are the answers:
              - NOW
              - The person you are with
              - Do good to the person you are with


              Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for July 31th, 2016

              - Facebook
              - Almost Ango time!
              - Enku's 120,000 Buddhas
              - How would YOU carve a Buddha?
              - Fugen and Kesa fabric
              - "KFC"
              - Views
              - Fugen's wedding!
              - "Do or do not, there is no try."
              - Starbucks
              - Tesla and charging stations
              - Green building codes
              - Ingress
              - Utopia
              - Protein folding
              - The Sheldonest Person
              - Sewing and Jukai
              - Google Plus retiring
              - Events on the forum
              - Meeting
              - On being first tenor
              - Paraguayian harperists
              - 29 Years Sober
              - Uchiyama
              - More Ingress..


              Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


              • Jika
                • Jun 2014
                • 1337

                As always in the long tradition, the notes sound mouth-watering!

                治 Ji
                花 Ka


                • Sekishi
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 5673

                  Hello everyone,

                  Checking in with notes from the August Coffeehouse meetings.


                  Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for August 7th, 2016

                  - Google+ struggles
                  - "Companion on the Way"
                  - Upholding promises
                  - Transmission
                  - Sewing
                  - A trip to Europe?
                  - Yugen training in Okinawa
                  - Married life
                  - Facebook - the Ego Manifestation Chamber
                  - SPAM
                  - Prayer without an answer
                  - Metta "Victems"
                  - Thank you. I am sorry. Making people smile.
                  - Humor as a gift
                  - Treeleaf as self-selecting "goodies"
                  - Kesa parts, Rakusu parts
                  - The Coffeehouse and Ango?
                  - Flattening groups and relationships
                  - "Official Sittings" and "Community Sittings"
                  - Podcast episodes


                  Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for August 14th, 2016

                  - Ango partners
                  - Meditation cushions for chairs
                  - Facebook "Friends"
                  - To be a "good Buddhist"
                  - Try on my Karma, I'll try on yours.
                  - Online churches
                  - Being Christian, Practicing Buddhism
                  - TRUMP!
                  - Expecting something
                  - Lawn maintenance and the Verse of Atonement
                  - Sobriety
                  - The Heart Sutra
                  - Photography
                  - Knee replacement
                  - Good bricks, bad bricks
                  - Narcotics
                  - Jesus the man
                  - "Starstuff"
                  - Leonard Cohen
                  - Lincoln
                  - Library fines
                  - Average teachers, normal humans
                  - A trip to Amsterdam
                  - Never a latecomer, just get started!


                  Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for August 21th, 2016

                  - Qualia
                  - Factory farming
                  - Petroleum based farming
                  - Indian Agricultural Program
                  - Progressive taxation
                  - The training program
                  - Kittens and Feline Allergies
                  - Wildfires
                  - Totoro
                  - Rail travel
                  - Washington DC and the cherry blossoms
                  - Fireworks
                  - Cats and spray "cheese"
                  - Soda / pop / Coke / Pepsi
                  - Dam Duck Race
                  - Sewing
                  - Baseball
                  - College loans
                  - Vertical markets
                  - Swiss Crackers

                  No really, there is a "Dam Duck Race":


                  Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for August 28th, 2016

                  - Ango commitments
                  - Bacon!
                  - Mindful eating and MFP
                  - Thich Nhat Hanh Book: "Savor"
                  - Kwan Um traditions
                  - When is a gong not a gong (hint: when it is something else, like a bowl, or a pan)
                  - Small schools
                  - TNH
                  - Ango / Jukai
                  - "Uncommitted Agnostic"
                  - Ancient Dragon Zen
                  - The difficulty finding a live chicken ... for Jukai?!
                  - "Coming out" as Buddhist
                  - Movie: "Dharma Brothers"
                  - Metta chant
                  - Come to the Dharma -- we have tea and cookies (and walls to stare at)
                  - Dana collection for rent
                  - The 108 prostration workout!
                  - Train meditation
                  - "The Five Minute Buddhist" and Harold Ramis
                  - Daytrips and vacations
                  - "You cannot step in the same stream twice."


                  Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                  • Sekishi
                    Dharma Transmitted Priest
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 5673

                    Hello everyone,

                    Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for September 4th, 2016:

                    - Google Plus
                    - Facebook
                    - Servers
                    - Clinton Emails
                    - The City of Treeleaf
                    - How to *properly* take someone's temperature
                    - "I like having a clear mind, so I try to get enough sleep."
                    - The enteric nervous system
                    - Bariatric surgery and mental formations
                    - Dharma names
                    - Dokusan
                    - Two teachers
                    - Timezones
                    - Insight Timer ("I don't have to show you any stinking badges"...)
                    - Tricycle - "When Would Buddha Eat"
                    - "Term Intensive" and online retreats
                    - Cutting away worldly attachments
                    - Friendly cities
                    - Enlightenment: It is NOT chasing your friends with a Roman candle...
                    - Enlightenment: Is it like burning trash in a hurricane?
                    - The art museum as a sacred space
                    - Digital art, and the politics of software
                    - Supporting each other in Sangha
                    - Like attracts like...


                    Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                    • Meian
                      • Apr 2015
                      • 1712

                      I just bust out laughing at a few of these, and my family asked why ...... so I just said "Buddhist jokes" and they looked at me like I had three heads. I wish I could have been there, but I would have been laughing too hard

                      Sat today

                      Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
                      鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                      visiting Unsui
                      Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                      • Ongen
                        • Jan 2014
                        • 786


                        Gassho Ongen
                        Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


                        • Sekishi
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 5673

                          Originally posted by allwhowander
                          ...... so I just said "Buddhist jokes" and they looked at me like I had three heads.
                          I found an old picture of you back when you had ELEVEN heads...


                          That is Avalokiteshvara with 11 heads and many arms (sometimes a thousand of them)! All the better to hear the cries of the world and to offer help (I think each of the heads / faces also sometimes corresponds with an aspect of compassion):

                          May we all listen and offer compassionate help when we can.


                          Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                          • Sekishi
                            Dharma Transmitted Priest
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 5673

                            Hello everyone,

                            Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for September 4th, 2016:

                            - Painting and art with a deadline
                            - Ango partners
                            - Keep it simple (in the whispering cedars)
                            - Relationships and significant others
                            - Life creates obstacles
                            - Seeking to attain
                            - Mind theater, mouth theater
                            - "The World is Made of Stories" (David Loy)
                            - Lisa Simpson narrates my life...
                            - Boogers on a shoe!?
                            - Tinnitus and resonant heads
                            - Hearing everything, hearing nothing
                            - Slow connections, fast connections
                            - Board certification and fellows
                            - Psychiatry and feeling too much
                            - Traits vs. disease vs. disorder
                            - Diagnosis of certifiable politicians
                            - Getting started with Ango
                            - The life expectancy of married men and married women
                            - Nitrates in European wine
                            - Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match!
                            - "Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?" (Ajahn Brahm)
                            - "The Four Noble Truths" (Ajahn Semado)
                            -- Ebook version:
                            - The Buddha Basics - fundamental water in which the ancients swam
                            - Putting your (Zen) pants on one leg at a time
                            - Willy Wonka on the big screen
                            - Gene Wilder (x4)


                            Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                            • Ongen
                              • Jan 2014
                              • 786

                              Sorry I missed it... next week!


                              Sat today
                              Ongen (音源) - Sound Source


                              • Myogan
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 378

                                Some difficulty starting up but pain shared is half the pain and laughter shared is doubled.

                                Switching Sanga to YouTube?
                                Sekishi Lives!
                                Medication onset
                                Grieving animal and human
                                Being the Mama Grizzly
                                Chest surgery
                                Film accidents
                                Tv tropes
                                Laughter relief of pain/ Alan Funt
                                Alan Funt
                                Internet connection
                                Ring tone
                                Max headroom
                                Max Headroom
                                Horrors of life
                                Animal shelter stories
                                Evolution of dogs
                                Vacuuming dead skin cells
                                Kusala Bhikshu and zen cats

                                May All Beings Be Happy
                                Last edited by Myogan; 10-23-2016, 09:40 PM.
                                Marc Connery
                                Myo̅ Gan - Bright Cliff

                                I put the Monkey in Monkeymind

