Treeleaf Coffee House - Updates and Secretary Notes
Thank you, we thought more in lines of periscope, to compensate for the timezones...
But seriously, we'll keep you posted on the events.
Right now, everybody's just tired, she don't sleep which means i don't and she can't do much home but rest which means i work 2 Jobs and take care of mostly everything at home, so...
Yeah, it is all good practice.
Thank you again My friends.
#Sat2dayLife is our temple and its all good practice
Hello everyone,
Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for February 29th, 2016
- Chair Yoga
- Sitting groups
- Sitting in the morning, sitting in the evening
- Buddhist fora
- Trek, Battlestar and Ron Moore's evolution
- Taishi's book
- Presenting: A Prison Escape
- The Okesa
- Compassion and tornadoes up the road
- Yokoji Temple in CA
- Chesapeake Bay
- Group and core group
- The Truth of Writing
- Caretakers
- Being the Professor
- Fugen and Jannica - MTFBWY!
Thank you all for manifesting Sangha.
#SatTodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Hey folks,
Here is the breakdown for todays Coffeehouse chatter ...
- Star Trek (both original and next generation)
- Sending our ashes to space
- I am Spock; I am not Spock
- Fugen dropped by with Momma and baby Noah
- Where we all live
- Family & kids going to college; what they study
- Cut backs in our school systems
- Our pets
- Horses coming as Coffeehouse guests
- Rakusu: how one gets one and the value/teaching of sewing one
- Meanings behind our Dharma names
- Life gets in the way
- Babylon 5 & Battlestar Galactica
- Windows 10 security
- Lotus Sutra
- Kids using drugs & alcohol
- AA & NA having an open approach to different religions and/or faiths
- What it is to be a priest
Thank you all for a great sit down and chit chat ... always good to get to know you all better. =)
Hello Leafers,
here is this weeks Coffeehouse ramblings. =)
- Finding balance in life and the Dharma
- Technology and its challenges
- Wacky weather
- Funny work stories
- Here comes Spring .... and taxes!
- What? Unethical and egotistical CEOs? No! *LOL*
- Learning Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement)
- Tea ceremony and making a good cup of tea
- Sewing the rakusu
- Being a vegetarian or meat eater and the precepts
- Google+ and its goofiness
- Ham Radio
- Taking care of your health (make sure you get your check-ups folks) =)
- Technology, emulation, and Turing Completeness
- Old Zenith TV ... is it a TV controller or an Intergalactic Transport Device?
Hello folks,
Was a short Coffeehouse today, but we had a nice surprise with a visit from Fugen and baby Noah, so that was very nice. =) Also we sat together in celebration for Treeleaf's 10th year ... here is some of what we talked about.
- Shape shifting
- Star Wars (the new one specifically)
- Holding babies
- The smell of new babies
- Making bread
Hello everyone,
While I was away I did not post secretary reports. So here are a few weeks worth.
Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for April 10th, 2016
- Old friends. New friends.
- Snow!
- Circadian rhythm - it is DARK out there
- Mammalian memory - babies, faces, and smells
- Name your price - good or bad (and the "maybe so" tale)
- I [heart] NY
- 20M people
- 10 days for 10 years
- "The Winter That Never Ended"
- "Opening up time" - chop wood, carry water, do the dishes
- Lawrence Welk
- Canada (and the Film Board(s) of Canada)
- Danger Pay
- Beach Combers
- __Trouble with Traci__
- The nature of things
- "Going Down the Road" by Dan Shabib
- Politics and borders
- President = Prime Minister + King/Queen?
- Benedict Arnold - the hero across the lake
- The same but different
- "Slavery" vs. slavery
- RZC and Xerox
- The health and viability of PBS
- Anglophone - Francophone
- Symbols disconnected from source materials
- "Too much skin, not enough bees."
Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for April 24th, 2016
- Will in England
- Spouses in practice - timing
- Audience at Sarnia
- Photos and stories from ordination
- Body practice
- And now, dirty laundry...
- Well that panel is backwards...
- Dog hair and retreats
- Sesshin silence, radio silence
- The young man's dungeon
- "You and misery until you fade and misery becomes universal suchness"
- Theravada and nine day retreats
- The heavenly realm of stretching the legs
- Mindful movements and the awareness speed limit
- Wishing for an experience while on retreat
- Quadracopter lotus
- "What does it feel like to want to have an experience?"
- Goal?: uproot defilements and no longer be reborn into this world
- Goal?: raise funds to build something
- Buddhist fora
- Sangha that uses a forum vs being a forum
- Virtual vs "virtual"...
- "Hollow mountain Zendo" in Minecraft...
- Treeleaf 3.0
- Noah, Jannica, Fugen, and Brian Karrig (sp?) at the Jazz festival
- Injections, pain medications, being immobile
- Pain groups
- Self sabotage and politics
- Sitting in chairs
Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for May 1st, 2016
- Google plus responsibilities (fukudenkai)
- Google events changing again?
- It's not safe to hope for the best (without preparing for the worst)
- Google video
- Hosting providers
- Building a coffin...
- Kylo Ren and Vader (and Bill Watterson)
- Wookie the Chew
- Yoda statues!
- Buddha in Minecraft
- Maroon and black...
- Right speech
- Letting go, but it still stings...
- Priests and spouses
- Europe, Dogen Sangha, and Treeleaf
- Membership and numbers
- Just sitting vs. "just sitting"
- Sangha getting us to the cushion
- Buddhist practice and marketing
- Why priests? YOU do the work!
- Substandard Internet
- Genealogy
- "Yankee"
- The two party system
- The electoral college
- Abolitionists and methods
- "Someone is wrong on the Internet!"
- The US is NOT a post-racial society
- Jerrymandering
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Hello everyone,
Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for May 8th, 2016
- Juzu beads
- Don't (sun)burn the baby
- Forest fires in spring
- Moving to a cabin (without kids)
- Siding and houses
- Babies and sleeping
- "Today is the first day of the rest of my life"
- Joko Beck
- 140 characters of self aggrandizement and offensiveness
- The Donald and the future of the Unitary Executive
- Who will be the First Lady to HRC?
- Hanging photography
- WiiU and PS4
- Walking the neighborhood
- Virtualization and The Cloud
- White beard vs. grey beard
- AA
- The serenity prayer
- The earth in 300 years...
- Sociology of death
- Where the ashes go
- Facebook vacations
- Cameras, prime lenses, rectilinear lenses and other photo nerdia
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Hello everyone,
Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for May 15th, 2016
- What's in your cup?
- The view from your window
- Hawaii
- Spam sandwiches
- Vacations with kids
- Kids making the world new again
- Grey hairs
- Weaponizing Murphy's law
- The social cost of hyper-miling
- Keep your hands on the wheel
- Dawgs and dogs
- The U.S. elections
- Healthcare and pre-existing conditions
- College
- Squirrels
- Oahu
- Monastery in New Zealand
- A Treeleafer in Rohan
- Electric fences
- Wearing the Kesa
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Hello everyone,
Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for May 29th, 2016
- From Indiana..
- Hawaii slideshow
- Feral chickens
- Scouts Canada
- Kittens
- 0c to 30c in one week
- The gift of air conditioning
- High fructose corn syrup
- Fermentation in its many forms
- "Sushi and Beyond"
- Japanese cuisine in Hawaii
- Debt and Daruma
- Motion sickness
- Cord cutting
- "The Last of Sheila"
- Quadrupeds finding home
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Wild temperature and weather changes, check! Fibromyalgia and weather changes don't get along. I am interested to know about the "debt and daruma" topic: is that a Buddhist form of debt management?
Sat today
Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk鏡道 | Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
visiting Unsui
Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.Comment
Hello everyone,
Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for June 19th, 2016
- "Oh bluetooth"
- Fathers
- Cow-nose rays
- The cloud...
- Pain
- Heat
- Sewing
- Hiragana & katakana
- Tsunami stories
- $$$
- Medicine
- The Marx Brothers
- "Lydia the Tattooed Lady"
- Dabbling in music
- The Treeleaf Band ^_^
- Gandalf the Grey (Cat)
- NOMs the Dog
- The domestication of dogs (and cats)
- The Donner Party
Here is Lydia's song:
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Hello everyone,
Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for June 26th, 2016
- Kesa practice
- Facilitating chants
- Being greeted by name
- Sitting in a room
- The four horses
- Hard lessons go deep
- The temperaments of sentient beings
- Narcissistic disorder?
- Stepping outside ourselves
- Gary Snider
- Physical limits
- Birth, sickness, old age, death
- "The Sun, My Heart"
- The definition of poetry
- Tranquility that "I" feel
- The sense of "me" = dukkha
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment
Hello everyone,
Here is the Treeleaf Coffeehouse secretary report for June 26th, 2016
- Kesa practice
- Facilitating chants
- Being greeted by name
- Sitting in a room
- The four horses
- Hard lessons go deep
- The temperaments of sentient beings
- Narcissistic disorder?
- Stepping outside ourselves
- Gary Snider
- Physical limits
- Birth, sickness, old age, death
- "The Sun, My Heart"
- The definition of poetry
- Tranquility that "I" feel
- The sense of "me" = dukkha
#sattodaySekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.Comment