Being at Ease with the Self

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  • dharmasponge
    • Oct 2013
    • 278

    Being at Ease with the Self

    I was at my Monday evening sit with the Ch'an group - in the break the leader spoke of something John Crook used to speak of - "Being at ease with the self". This had a huge impact on the subsequent session.

    The mind arises from Emptiness and appears, I see being at ease with it as acknowledging it, but not needing to do anything about it.

    Question of course is....who sees it arise?

    Sat today
  • Rich
    • Apr 2009
    • 2616

    That's a great question that brings you back to what is. Being at ease with this is such a gift.

    Master sueng Sahn said 'cut off all thinking'.

    Sat today
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...


    • Jishin
      • Oct 2012
      • 4823


      The mind is emptiness.

      Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_


      • Ugrok
        • Sep 2014
        • 323

        Hello !

        As Jishin said above and as your last question shows, I don't think the mind "appears" or "disappears" or whatever. There is nothing special to look for or to acknowledge, and there is no self to be at ease with, and no "who" that can be at ease with "it".

        Just relax and sit, as always, i guess !


        Sat Today


        • Byokan
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Apr 2014
          • 4282

          Hi Tony,

          Originally posted by dharmasponge
          The mind arises from Emptiness and appears, I see being at ease with it as acknowledging it, but not needing to do anything about it.

          The mind (please define mind) arises from Emptiness (does it?) and appears (where is it?), I (who?) see being at ease with it (here is separation, yes?) as acknowledging it (why?), but not needing to do anything about it (why not?).


          The wave arises from the ocean and appears. Does the water need to be at ease with it, acknowledge it, or decide whether or not to do anything about it?

          sat today
          展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
          Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41217

            Intentionally not participating in this thread ... except to say that.

            Now here is the question: Am I participating or not participating?

            Last edited by Jundo; 04-02-2015, 02:34 PM.


            • Jishin
              • Oct 2012
              • 4823

              Tea anyone?

              Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_


              • Kyonin
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Oct 2010
                • 6752

                Hi all,

                In my beginning-less study of the Heart Sutra I have come at peace with the idea that all is Emptiness. No formations of mind.

                It's just us watching our thoughts and holding onto them.


                Hondō Kyōnin
                奔道 協忍


                • Troy
                  • Sep 2013
                  • 1318

                  Originally posted by Jishin
                  Tea anyone?

                  Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_
                  I take mine with a little sweetener



                  • Nameless
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 461

                    Wonderful. Lately, zazen has taken on a new flavor for me. Just effortless silence, no thoughts at all, not even the thought about how silent it is. Seems that so much of my suffering lives only in my thoughts. When they evaporate, dukkha joins them. Even though there are no thoughts, it doesn't feel like Dead Zen (Lobotomy Zen). There's still something, just can't quite say what it is ya know?

                    Gassho, John
                    Sat Today


                    • Jinyo
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1957

                      Originally posted by Nameless
                      Wonderful. Lately, zazen has taken on a new flavor for me. Just effortless silence, no thoughts at all, not even the thought about how silent it is. Seems that so much of my suffering lives only in my thoughts. When they evaporate, dukkha joins them. Even though there are no thoughts, it doesn't feel like Dead Zen (Lobotomy Zen). There's still something, just can't quite say what it is ya know?

                      Gassho, John
                      Sat Today
                      Best not try to say - let's just all enjoy



                      sat today


                      • dharmasponge
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 278

                        Originally posted by raindrop
                        Hi Tony,


                        The mind (please define mind) arises from Emptiness (does it?) and appears (where is it?), I (who?) see being at ease with it (here is separation, yes?) as acknowledging it (why?), but not needing to do anything about it (why not?).


                        The wave arises from the ocean and appears. Does the water need to be at ease with it, acknowledge it, or decide whether or not to do anything about it?

                        sat today
                        Hi Lisa,

                        The mind, definition...? The conventional appearance I am talking about. The base of consciousness. The platform of awareness. Either way, you know what I mean [emoji12]

                        Yes it does arise out of emptiness as does everything - see Heart Sutra.

                        Where is it? Nowhere...its a formless phenomena not bound by time or space.

                        Who? Me, the generic image I have of myself. Illusory but existent.

                        Acknowledging it because it is the root of my delusions.

                        Not doing anything as isn't that the point of Shikantaza?

                        Finally, the sea and wave don't posses a mind and therefore aren't sentient.


                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        Sat today


                        • Jishin
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 4823


                          Don't put legs on a snake.

                          Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_


                          • Byokan
                            Senior Priest-in-Training
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 4282

                            Hi Tony,

                            I know some people really dislike these discussions, and words do tend to lead us in circles! But “I” don’t “mind” discussing it. Shikantaza is the essential thing to do, no question. But I also think sometimes it’s ok to wonder and chatter like curious little monkeys. Sometimes sounding it out really helps to clarify things. It does for me, anyway; maybe it’s a “beginner” thing.

                            If you view the mind as an entity with a discrete existence, then yes, I suppose you would need to deal with it in some way, acknowledging, or doing something about it or not. But I think this view is an illusion that brings you into a hall of mirrors, with “I” reflecting off of “Mind”, and no end to it.

                            I was using the sea as a metaphor: the wave arises, but where is the boundary between the wave and the sea? There is no separation. In this metaphor the water has no need to acknowledge or do anything about the ocean or the wave... because they are all one, the same thing, just manifesting as their “water-ness”. I was trying to point to the idea that the mind may “arise from” Emptiness, but is not a separate thing from it.

                            I think you are saying that because you are sentient, you must respond to your perceptions of self and reality? The primary task, as I see it, is -- not to acknowledge or do anything about “mind” -- but rather to realize this fundamental nature, the real essence of mind, I, being, etc... They are all the same “stuff”. Realizing the nature of the water rather than cataloging oceans, waves, rivers, clouds, raindrops, etc.

                            The mind is not the root of your delusions. The idea of mind, self, or I, as a separate thing, is the delusion.

                            Anyway that’s how I see it. Today. Is there cake to go with our tea?

                            sat today
                            Last edited by Byokan; 04-03-2015, 09:12 PM.
                            展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                            Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


                            • Ongen
                              • Jan 2014
                              • 786

                              There is no cake.

                              "Realising the nature of the water rather than cataloging oceans, waves, rivers, clouds, raindrops, etc. "

                              Wonderful. Thank you


                              Camped in my new tent today

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              Ongen (音源) - Sound Source

