Ever since my first incomplete attempts at sitting as a teenager I've experienced something unusual with my vision. As soon as I get "into" it whatever I'm looking, no matter how mundane, at starts to distort. Light, shadows, forms, all meld together in abstract ways. I tell the foreground from background and no image stays static. As a result my eyes start to spasm a little. Whenever I blink the visual is rebooted and starts anew immediately. As my eyes move without my consent I'm finding it impossible to keep them fixed on one single point. Thus far I just take Jundo's advice and sit with it. I suspect it could be related to a neurological condition I have called Complex Motor Stereotypy, which has blessed/cursed me with an extremely lucid and highly visual mind, but I'm not sure and the medical research on the condition is minimal.
Anyone else experience this? Any thoughts or advice?
Sat Today
Anyone else experience this? Any thoughts or advice?
Sat Today