My Eyes

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  • Byrne
    • Dec 2014
    • 371

    My Eyes

    Ever since my first incomplete attempts at sitting as a teenager I've experienced something unusual with my vision. As soon as I get "into" it whatever I'm looking, no matter how mundane, at starts to distort. Light, shadows, forms, all meld together in abstract ways. I tell the foreground from background and no image stays static. As a result my eyes start to spasm a little. Whenever I blink the visual is rebooted and starts anew immediately. As my eyes move without my consent I'm finding it impossible to keep them fixed on one single point. Thus far I just take Jundo's advice and sit with it. I suspect it could be related to a neurological condition I have called Complex Motor Stereotypy, which has blessed/cursed me with an extremely lucid and highly visual mind, but I'm not sure and the medical research on the condition is minimal.

    Anyone else experience this? Any thoughts or advice?


    Sat Today
  • Kyotai

    When looking at a wall, I sometimes see dark shadows or blotches, things that aren't really there when I focus on them. I usually try and find a dot on the wall and rest my gaze on that. I find if I don't have something to rest my gaze on, I get sleepy really fast.

    Gassho, Kyotai
    sat today


    • Mp

      Hello Byrne,

      There has been some talk on what our eyes do during zazen. Sometimes it can be the things in front of our eyes (objects) that cause distortions, but it can also be our own minds creating them. Either way try not to become fixed to them and just bring your eyes or mind back to a relaxed state. Sometimes lighting can be an issue, wallpaper, and the like ... try some different variations to find what works best for you. =)

      Here are some other threads with similar thoughts and ideas ...

      When I sit, my vision kind of glazes over. I try to avoid this, but it is the most relaxed and natural feeling position for my gaze. As I stare at the wall, should I fix my gaze at a certain point and not let it glaze over? Should I close my eyes? Should I continue to let them glaze over (feels best)?

      Dear "leafs", recently I was struggling a little more than usual with a frequent occurrence during my sitting. I sit in medium daylight about two feet from some generic white woodchip wallpaper (not sure of the term, it's that grainy textured stuff) which after a few minutes of zazen tends to turn into swirling

      This afternoon, I was sitting for a while, and I started having some interesting visual hallucinations. I wasn't especially tired or anything, but the wall I was looking at started moving. In the room where I sit, two of the four walls are white, and they have a kind of stucco on them. I sit facing one of them. After a while,

      It's more like a "purple out." It's been happening since I started sitting bout 15 or so years ago. I sit there, very still, and my vision starts to cancel itself out. It's like when you look at those weird blotches on the computer or some such, and when you close your eyes a vision is revealed to you from the

      Hope this helps. =)




      • Kyonin
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Oct 2010
        • 6752

        Hi Byrne

        Sometimes I have experienced super crazy light shows in my eyes. For what I have read it has to do with how your eyes and mind work when you are still, and how electric currents move through your optic system.

        I would just relax and enjoy the show. It's nothing special.


        Hondō Kyōnin
        奔道 協忍


        • Jishin
          • Oct 2012
          • 4823


          Maybe closed eyes and open ears during Zazen?

          Gassho, Jishin, _/st\_


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41216


            The fellas above give good advice.

            Let me just say that, in our Shikantaza way with the eyes about 1/3 open, there should be nothing particularly unusual or out of focus about the vision. It is seeing normally, but just not thinking about and judging what one is seeing. Otherwise, nothing usually particularly strange about the vision.

            As some of the links above point out, there are times ... in the relative quiet and "sensory understimulation" of just sitting or looking at a wall ... that the eyes might play certain tricks such as seeing strange optical illusions, patterns in the wall and such. They are also the exception, not the rule, and one just treats them like all else ... more furniture in one's line of vision, not to be particularly throught about or judged.

            If you are experiencing more than that, and regularly, it is either a medical condition (as Byrne describes) or one is doing something to excess (such as forcing the eyes to fixedly stare, failing to naturally blink, allowing them to really go out of focus or the like).

            Gassho, J

            What a room looks like before Zazen ...

            What the room looks like during Zazen (but just not thinking particularly thoughts like "ugly sofa, nice chair, wish I were outside, need to clean this dirty floor ... "

            Last edited by Jundo; 03-27-2015, 03:58 AM.

