Dogen Fascicles

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  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6991

    Dogen Fascicles

    Hi all

    I really like Kaz Tanahashi's translation of Shobogenzo but have been frustrated by the fact that the fascicles are only listed by their English name. This is frustrating for two reasons. Firstly, often articles and teachings only refer to fascicles by their Japanese name, and secondly, English names for the fascicles vary.

    For my own use I have compiled an alphabetical list of the fascicles in both Shobogenzo and Eihei Shingi (Dogen's Pure Standards for the Zen Community) and copy it below in case it might be of use to anyone else.


    Ango Practice Period S79
    Arakan Arhat S35
    Baika Plum Blossoms S59
    Bendōhō The Model for Engaging the way ES
    Bendōwa On the Endeavour of the Way S1
    Bodaisatta Shi Shōhō Bodhisattva’s Four Methods of Guidance S46
    Bukkōjō Ji Going Beyond Buddha S29
    Bukkyō The Buddhas’ Teaching S25
    Bukkyō Buddha Sutras S53
    Busshō Buddha Nature S23
    Busso Buddha Ancestors S16
    Butsudō The Buddha Way S50
    Chiji Shingi Pure Standards for the Temple Administrators ES
    Daigo Great Enlightenment S27
    Dai Shugyō Great Practice S76
    Darani Dharani S56
    Den’e Transmitting the Robe S14
    Dōshin Heart of the Way S94
    Dōtoku Expressions S40
    Fushukuhanpō The Dharma for Taking Food ES
    Gabyō Painting of a Rice Cake S41
    Ganzai Eyeball S63
    Genjōkōan Actualizing the Fundamental Point S3
    Genko Undivided Activity S42
    Go Shin Fukatoku Ungraspable Mind later version S20
    Gyōbutsu Iigi Awesome Presence of Active Buddhas S24
    Gyōji, Ge Continuous Practice, Part Two S31b
    Gyōji, Jō Continuous Practice, Part One S31a
    Haichi Dainin Gaku Eight Awakenings of Great Beings S84
    Hakujushi Cypress Tree S36
    All-Inclusive Study S62
    Hokke Ten Hokke Dharma Blossoms Turn Dharma Blossoms S18
    Hosshō Dharma Nature S55
    Hotsu Bodai Shin Arousing the Aspiration for Enlightenment S70
    Hotsu Mujō Shin Arousing the Aspiration for the Unsurpassable S69
    Hou Eating Bowl S78
    Ikka Myōju One Bright Pearl S4
    Immo Thusness S30
    Ippyakuhachi Hōmyō Mon One Hundred Eight Gates of Realizing Dharma S96
    Ji Kuin Mon Instructions of Kitchen Work S82
    Jinzū Miracles S26
    Jippō Ten Directions S60
    Jishō Zammai Self-Realisation Samadhi S75
    Jukai Receiving the Precepts S95
    Juki Confirmation S33
    Kai’In Zemmai Ocean Mudra Samadhi S32
    Kajō Everyday Activity S64
    Kankin Reading a Sutra S22
    Kannon Avalokiteshvara S34
    Kannondōri Kōshō Gokuku-ji Jū’un-dō Shiki Regulation for the Auxillary Cloud Hall S5
    Kattō Twining Vines S47
    Keisei Sanshoku Valley Sounds, Mountain Colours S10
    Kembutsu Seeing the Buddha S61
    Kesa Kudoku Power of the Robe S13
    Kie Buppōsō Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha S89
    Kobutsu Shin Old Buddha Mind S45
    Koku Space S77
    Kokyō Old Mirror S21
    Kōmyō Radiant Light S37
    Kūge Flowers in the Sky S44
    Kuyō Shobutsu Making Offerings to Buddhas S88
    Maka Hannya Haramitsu Manifestation of Great Prajna S2
    Menju Face-to-Face Transmission S57
    Mitsugo Intimate Language S52
    Muchū Setsumu Within a Dream Expressing the Dream S39
    Mujō Seppō Insentient Beings Speak Dharma S54
    Nyorai Zenshin Tathagatha’s Entire Body S71
    Ōsaku Sendaba King Wants the Saindhava S81
    Raihai Tokuzui Receiving the Marrow by Bowing S9
    Ryūgin Dragon Song S65
    Sammai Ōzammai King of Samadhis S72
    Sangai Yuishin Three Realms are Inseparable from Mind S48
    Sanji Gō Karma in Three Periods S85
    Sanjūshichi Hon Bodai Bumpō Thirty-Seven Wings of Enlightenment S73
    Sansuikyō Mountains and Rivers Sutra S15
    Semmen Washing the Face S8
    Senjō Cleansing S7
    Sesshin Sesshō Speaking of Mind, Speaking of Essence S49
    Shime Four Horses S86
    Shin Fukatoku Ungraspable Mind S19
    Shinjin Gakudō Body-and-Mind Study of the Way S38
    Shinjin Inga Identifying with Cause and Effect S90
    Shizen Biku Monk of the Fourth-Stage Meditation S91
    Shisho Document of Heritage S17
    Shoaku Makusa Refrain from Unwholesome Action S11
    Shohō Jisso The Reality of All Things S51
    Shōji Birth and Death S93
    Shukke Leaving the Household S83
    Shukke Kudoku Virtue of Home Leaving S87
    Shunjū Spring and Autumn S66
    Shuryō Shingi Regulations for the Study Hall ES
    Sokushin Zebutsu The Mind Itself is Buddha S6
    Soshi Sairai I The Meaning of Bodhidharma’s Coming From India S67
    Taitaiko Gogejarihō The Dharma When Meeting Senior Instructors of Five Summer Practice Periods ES
    Tashin Tsū Seeing Others’ Minds S80
    Tembōrin Turning the Dharma Wheel S74
    Tenzokyōkun Instructions for the Zen Cook (Tenzo) ES
    Tsuki The Moon S43
    Udon Ge Udumbara Blossom S68
    Uji The Time Being S12
    Yuibutsu Yobutsu Only a Buddha and a Buddha S92
    Zazen Gi Rules for Zazen S58
    Zazen Shin The Point of Zazen S28
    Zenki Undivided Activity S42

    S – Shobogenzo numbered fascicle
    ES – Eihei Shingi (Dogen’s Pure Standards for the Zen Community)
    Last edited by Kokuu; 02-26-2015, 11:27 AM. Reason: missed a fascicle!
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Thank you Kokuu. I have never cared for the rather inconvenient ways that Tanahashi Sensei does that, and also the way he structures his indexes of key terms in his books.

    Gassho, Jundo



    • Kokuu
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Nov 2012
      • 6991


      It really is a shame that more care isn't taken with such matters. It is a wonderful book, and not inexpensive, so I hope the publishers will consider making it easier for people to use in future editions.



      • Jiken
        • Jan 2011
        • 753

        Thank you Kokuu. This has been something that has bothered me as well but I was too lazy to fix.




        • Myosha
          • Mar 2013
          • 2974


          Very handy. Thank you.

          Myosha sat today
          "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


          • Mp

            Thank you Kokuu for the helpful breadcrumbs. =)




            • Ed
              • Nov 2012
              • 223

              Thank you, I too went through that little bump corssreferencing with other translation.
              Kaz's is wonderful.
              "Know that the practice of zazen is the complete path of buddha-dharma and nothing can be compared to is not the practice of one or two buddhas but all the buddha ancestors practice this way."
              Dogen zenji in Bendowa


              • Sekishi
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Apr 2013
                • 5673

                Lovely, thank you for compiling and sharing this list Kokuu!

                Sekishi #sattoday
                Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                • Jika
                  • Jun 2014
                  • 1337

                  Thank you, Kokuu!

                  I don't know the problem, but it is always good to have a solution at hand before the problem occurs, my mind says .
                  And I like lists.

                  治 Ji
                  花 Ka


                  • Byokan
                    Senior Priest-in-Training
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 4282

                    Wow, Kokuu, Thank you, this will be helpful to many, I'm sure!

                    sat today
                    展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
                    Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


                    • Kyonin
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 6752

                      Hi Kokuu!

                      Thanks a lot! I made it a PDF so I can have it close to me always.


                      Hondō Kyōnin
                      奔道 協忍


                      • Heisoku
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 1338

                        Thanks Kokuu this is really useful.
                        Sat today
                        Heisoku 平 息
                        Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


                        • Kokuu
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 6991

                          I have actually written to Shambhala this morning to ask them to consider adding an index/appendix of this kind.



                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41208

                            Originally posted by Kokuu
                            I have actually written to Shambhala this morning to ask them to consider adding an index/appendix of this kind.

                            Thank you Kokuu,

                            I will share the list at the SZBA and, since a lot of folks there worked with Tanahashi Sensei on his translations, I will ask if someone knows why he does this. It is intentional choice, not a mistake, as he does so on all his books.

                            Gassho, Jundo
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Shugen
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 4532

                              Thank you Kokuu




                              Meido Shugen
                              明道 修眼

