Proposal for Sangha Discussion: "SAT TODAY!" - Sitting Before Talking
Hi all,
One of my concerns about this "Sat Today!" idea was that it would be very discouraging to someone who is having trouble sitting. Jundo has said explicitly that people who fall into that category can post, but what do people think about a subforum or sticky specifically for such posts. Basically it would be a place for folks to say, "Did NOT sit today...can you help?"
Just a thought.
P.S. I sat today. I also breathed, laughed, growled, and walked today.Comment
well, don't care for it. thought the daily sitting was a given, don't see what the I sat post would add to that. also don't care to be told I should vote or brush my teeth. do you really want to tell people not to post so much or to do so more mindfully?
I use insight timer app as do several other treeleafers. If you friend me, I think you'll have access to my daily log, which I would gladly share.
will follow the rules, but don't follow the logic.
gassho, I sat O
ps Jishin, I see you too! same eye?Last edited by Oheso; 11-05-2014, 01:14 AM.and neither are they otherwise.
I have mixed feelings on this topic. Encouragements to sit are good (and already make up the bulk of the communication here, at least as I see it). On the other hand, I know the silly feeling of "I'm a bad Buddhist because I skipped sitting", which can evolve into a sort of "Why should I even bother sitting if I'm just going to be bad at it?". Just a bit of vacuous mental trickery, but easy to buy into when you're mired in it.
That said, I did feel inspired to sit a second time today, which I hadn't done yet since reestablishing my practice. It's possible all the "Sat Today" messages had something to do with it. I'm remembering that if I'm feeling the accumulation of clutter in my mind, I actually have tools at my disposal to help clarify what I mistake as being unclear. These reminders and encouragements are the reason I come back here (not that I ever really leave). Now I just have to remember to sit without getting caught up in sitting.
Sat (again) todayComment
Hi again,
actually, my first thought was, why not have a separate "I sat today" thread, sort of like a place to sign in before you go reading and posting. Then, if Jundo or Unsui want to discuss someone's not sitting, they can reach out in private and start that discussion -- “hey, I noticed you don’t seem to be sitting lately, do you want to talk about it” -- instead of "calling them out" in public. I really don't have a strong feeling for or against "sat today" for myself, but I guess it could be inhibiting to some people. We will probably all have trouble on the zafu at some point. I hope folks feel comfortable enough to post and share their sitting problems... these discussions benefit us all. We all know Treeleaf is unique because it’s not just a forum, it’s a place of practice. Bottom line is we want to encourage people to sit; no one wants to make people feel worse if they are already struggling with their sitting.
did sit today展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.Comment
Dosho, thanks for the note. I absolutely agree with the rule - no chit chat if you are not taking care of sincere practice - but do we have to say so?
(I'm reminded of the story of the disciple and master climbing a mountain: the disciple gushes at each new sight - "Master, look, the wonderful flowers! Master, do you hear the birds singing! Master, the colour of the sky is beautiful!" and so on. The master walks in silence, but finally he mutters "Yes! But what a pity to say so!" )
Sat today, but what a pity to say so....
p.s. Lisa, I am worried about the little rabbit, it is sooo visible and no snow in the forecast!Comment
I can see why some are worried about this and I can see why some are all for it. If this is something we continue to do I just hope it stays in the light that Jundo presented the idea, something encouraging our practice and building energy and community spirit.Deep Bows.
Sat todayLast edited by Guest; 11-05-2014, 02:26 AM.Comment
hmmmmm, If I am being honest even the days on which I do sit ( which for the record is nearly every day) my posts can still be fairly haphazard at times. In recognizing so, I have tried to keep my posts at more of a minimum of late. I have mixed feelings about this also. I can see the purpose, it could be encouraging, but part of me feels like I am being babysat, and forgive my pun; this doesn't sit well with me. I feel inclined to agree with Nindo's story, what a pity to have to say so.
I am participating with an open mind.
Sat Today!Grateful for your practiceComment
This is not about being the "Zazen Police!"It is simply a symbol of our joining in with others. But I will remind folks from time to time who do not say "Sat Today" that, well, before we continue a particular thread we want to make sure we have all sat today unless we have a real reason not to.
I will add this to the message footer. Go in the upper right corner of this page where it says "Settings", then in the left hand column find "My Settings">"Edit Signature". That is fine. (Notice that there is no "I" in sitting).
Gassho, JundoLast edited by Jundo; 11-05-2014, 04:41 AM.ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLEComment
Over six years ago there was a Soto Zen Priest with a dharma name of Jundo who vowed to sit each day on line and invited anyone who wished, to sit with him. He also offered occasional short dharma teachings before each sitting period. To me Jundo's request that we post SAT TODAY next to our signature line simply reminds us of our core purpose. Yes Treeleaf forum is complex entity now, but in the long run it simply supports the learning and sharing of our Shanga but is not why Treeleaf exists. Use SAT TODAY as a affirmation of your commitment to sit with Jundo,Taigu and the Shanga each day.
Ran with the dog at sunrise and then SAT TODAY,
Jim (Lorax)ShozanComment
This idea immediately makes me think of having an always-live virtual Zendo where people are free to drop in, possibly having scheduled sitting times run by moderators. I'm sure this has been discussed or at lease thought about ad nauseam here, so I apologize if this is old news, but I'm curious if any recent research has been done on this? Would something like that be appropriate? Like "SAT TODAY", I don't think it's about overseeing that people are sitting, rather than trying to offer a more intimate communal experience to our sitting. Maybe a good idea, maybe not.
Jeff #SatTodayComment
Of course, it would be great to avoid overlap of times, but wouldn't it be great if we could cover much of the week and many many time zones with all kinds of live sittings? Anybody, if you would be interested in hosting such a group, please do!
Oheso wrote ...
do you really want to tell people not to post so much or to do so more mindfully?
Gassho, JLast edited by Jundo; 11-05-2014, 07:05 AM.ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLEComment