Proposal for Sangha Discussion: "SAT TODAY!" - Sitting Before Talking

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  • Dosho
    • Jun 2008
    • 5784

    Originally posted by Daizan
    Just a note.... having sat with a few Theravadin and Zen groups, it does seem that Zen attracts more feisty independent minded people. That feistiness is maybe a good soil? But this is just going on personal observation.
    I think there may be much truth to this as I agree that it is fertile soil. Nothing wrong with some debate and I think folks are just being honest with their first reactions. As long as it doesn't turn into personal attacks, I think it's just fine and healthy to vent a little.


    Sat today


    • Nengyo
      • May 2012
      • 668

      Originally posted by Dosho
      Very little status I would say. I was not implying it was a badge.

      I have tried to answer members' questions about my disagreement with this idea, but I will now cease all complaint and get on board with the trial!


      Sat today
      I'm so very split on this. On one hand I'm completely anti-authoritarian and naturally rebellious. On the other, I do usually sit quietly for a period to think about how to best be rebellious. I'm caught in a viscous circle.

      Sat today*


      * I sat in a very defiant manner
      If I'm already enlightened why the hell is this so hard?


      • Ishin
        • Jul 2013
        • 1359

        Originally posted by Dosho
        Very little status I would say. I was not implying it was a badge.

        I have tried to answer members' questions about my disagreement with this idea, but I will now cease all complaint and get on board with the trial!


        Sat today
        I THINK what Dosho is implying ( and do correct me if I am wrong) is that posting that you sit versus that you do not sit, could be perceived/executed by some as a form of spiritual bragging. "I am more Buddhist than you because I sat today". Of course encouragement is good, but this could turn into a kind of subtle posturing situation. It probably will be just that for some.

        Sat Today! (just fyi)
        Grateful for your practice


        • Myosha
          • Mar 2013
          • 2974


          Doing what Teacher says and throwing the rest away.

          Myosha sat today
          "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


          • Ansan

            I am still in that newbie classification, but I think this is a wonderful idea. I do have a question though, that might only be pertinent to our situation. My husband and I are building our own home from indigenous and recycled materials and the inside has no doors, just archways. When I get up in the mornings (I am usually the last one up) the household is awake and ready for the day. We have two large dogs (we call them our furkids) and it is time for breakfast for them. They eat only raw foods so we don't just put kibble in their bowls. The cat also begins to purr and mew as soon as she sees me. She wants her breakfast too. Sitting first thing in the morning is almost impossible with a fully awakened house and no doors. I wait until all go outside (except the cat...there are hawks out there waiting for breakfast too) including my husband who sits on the porch while I sit. I would like to participate but I would have to break the rules. The no-talking rule I can handle. How about morning they count as "talking" before sitting?



            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41220

              Hi Ka,

              The talking is just around the forum here, not with your loved ones.

              The sitting is any time within the last day, so plenty of opportunity to feed the dogs.

              Gassho, J


              • Heisoku
                • Jun 2010
                • 1338

                I am worried that a misplaced h might be too much information
                Sat today
                Heisoku 平 息
                Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


                • Risho
                  • May 2010
                  • 3178

                  Originally posted by Heisoku
                  I am worried that a misplaced h might be too much information
                  Sat today




                  • Amelia
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 4980

                    I am feeling fine about this now. The point is that Jundo would like us to sit at least once every 24 hours. Having to type "sat today" is a physical reminder to check ourselves and do so. If it is a rule that we all must follow, how can anyone be set apart? It doesn't seem like bragging to me if I don't choose to perceive it that way or put my own fancy spin on it. I choose to perceive it as a way of making sure that we are reminding ourselves, as a Sangha, to sit.

                    Sat today, gassho
                    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                    • Amelia
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 4980

                      I want to add that personally I won't be using it in my signature because I like having to type it out. Makes me examine my honesty and effort.

                      Sat today, gassho
                      求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                      I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                      • Dosho
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 5784

                        Originally posted by Clark
                        I THINK what Dosho is implying ( and do correct me if I am wrong) is that posting that you sit versus that you do not sit, could be perceived/executed by some as a form of spiritual bragging. "I am more Buddhist than you because I sat today". Of course encouragement is good, but this could turn into a kind of subtle posturing situation. It probably will be just that for some.

                        The point of my message was that I was not implying that, but I suppose it's possible that could happen. We'll see how things go.

                        And if I may chime in about the signature line idea, shouldn't the point of this exercise be that you consciously note if you sat or not? As such, I would think it better to have to type it in each time rather than permanently in the signature line. I get that if you are posting you are essentially saying that you did sit, but I have to think some folks (myself included) would start to forget.

                        So, it's just a thought. I'll be typing it out each time I post so it doesn't become too automatic, but it may be different for others and that's okay!


                        Sat today


                        • Ansan

                          Originally posted by Nindo
                          (I'm reminded of the story of the disciple and master climbing a mountain: the disciple gushes at each new sight - "Master, look, the wonderful flowers! Master, do you hear the birds singing! Master, the colour of the sky is beautiful!" and so on. The master walks in silence, but finally he mutters "Yes! But what a pity to say so!" )

                          Sat today, but what a pity to say so....

                          Nindo, That is a lovely quote! It reminds me of my own inner voice that is often telling me "Isn't that a gorgeous sunset, moon, etc." I often speak back: "What a pity that you broke the mood. Please be quiet please" Thank you!!


                          • Ansan

                            Originally posted by Jundo
                            Hi Ka,

                            The talking is just around the forum here, not with your loved ones.

                            The sitting is any time within the last day, so plenty of opportunity to feed the dogs.

                            Gassho, J
                            Thank you, Jundo. Us newbies often do not know how to read. Question: Even though I do sit every day in the morning, I am now faced with a dilemma. Soon, I will be tutoring at the elementary schools where I will have to get up at 5:30 AM to be there on time. I am hardly awake at that hour. 8AM is normal for me. I don't feel quite right unless I sit and before the day starts officially. But I am afraid I will certainly fall asleep at the wrong time!!


                            • Joyo

                              Well, I sat today. I was going to come on here and start reading and chatting first. However, I remembered the new plan. I sat first. Great reminder, I like this.

                              sat today


                              • Jinyo
                                • Jan 2012
                                • 1957

                                Originally posted by Joyo
                                Well, I sat today. I was going to come on here and start reading and chatting first. However, I remembered the new plan. I sat first. Great reminder, I like this.

                                sat today
                                Me too Joyo - it's helping me to stay focused.



