Gathas reloaded :)

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  • Hans
    • Mar 2007
    • 1853

    Gathas reloaded :)

    Dear Treeleaf friends,

    Jundo reminded me of a practise recently, which some of you might find helpful or even inspiring.

    I am talking about Gathas. A former Treeleaf member had a wonderful way with Gathas and managed to remind us of their beauty and usefulness time and again through her own heartfelt compositions.

    Since she left a few years ago, the whole topic has had less of a limelight spot, which is why Ango might be a good time to at least remind us of this aspect of our practise.

    But what are Gathas?

    Traditionally Gathas would literally refer to pre-Mahayana "hymns", "songs" or "verses".

    In a Buddhist context, pithy excerpts of Sutra passages would also be called Gathas, but later on Chinese Buddhists luckily started the trend of calling some of their own compositions Gathas as well.

    Gathas are usually just a few lines long and are composed in a way that makes them relatively easy to remember.

    So writing a Gatha is not about putting loads of fancy words into written form, but rather to create something that can act as a gentle and poetic reminder of what is happening right NOW….the NOW can refer to particular times that the Gathas are pointing to.

    Obviously a meal Gatha (as included in our beautiful Oryoki ceremony) makes most sense when chanted during the time of actually having a meal.

    You can use traditional Gathas, or create Gathas yourself.

    As long as your Gatha expression comes from the heart and is actually useful to you and your practise, not a lot can go wrong. After all, all is equally an expression of Buddha nature, and as such qualifies to be made the topic of a Gatha

    Gathas can be wonderful "anchors" of the here and now and can also act as mindfulness lifebelts in the busy schedule of a modern individual's multitask existence.

    A traditional Gatha example relating to using the bathroom is the following (this version is one from the Nebraska Zen center):

    Bathing the body
    Vowing with all beings
    To purify body and mind
    Cleansing without and within

    Another Gatha example is related to the opening of Sutras (from the Village Zendo in Manhattan):

    Gatha on Opening the Sutra

    The Dharma, incomparably profound and infinitely subtle,
    Is rarely encountered, even in millions of ages.
    Now we see it, hear it, receive and maintain it.
    May we completely realize the Tathagata's true meaning.

    Why not give it a go yourself one of these days? How about a traffic jam Gatha? We find Buddha everywhere!

    Please share your Gathas with us, so that we can all realise the Buddha Way together!


    Hans Chudo Mongen
    Last edited by Hans; 09-08-2014, 11:31 AM.
  • RichardH
    • Nov 2011
    • 2800

    Awake at 3 a.m.
    with a crowded life
    I can wiggle my toes
    and smile



    • KellyRok
      • Jul 2008
      • 1374

      As we approach the beginning of another week,
      May we not view it as a punishment,
      But as an opportunity to find joy in our lives
      And share it with others.


      • pinoybuddhist
        • Jun 2010
        • 462

        Here's one I came up with just a few minutes ago while changing a diaper:

        Changing this soiled diaper
        May we all realize the unsoilable buddha nature: not one, not two.



        • Kokuu
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Nov 2012
          • 6991

          Hi all

          I love this idea! Here are a few attempts:

          Filling the kettle
          with precious water
          may all beings
          have sufficent to drink.

          Washing the floor
          with the buddha’s hands
          my own face disappears
          the more I scrub.

          Putting out bird food
          seeds and nuts are scattered
          like dharma blossoms
          may all beings be free from hunger.

          Chopping up firewood
          the hands of my ancestors
          cut through delusion
          along with my own.

          Sipping my tea
          the elegant and subtle taste
          is like the many tastes of dharma
          all satisfying our thirst.



          • Daiyo
            • Jul 2014
            • 819

            Thanks all.

            Your words are soothing.

            I started the week with a lot of things to do, worries, etc.
            Certainly not in the best mood.

            I was trying to think of a gatha to calm down when one is falling in anger and pessimistic thoughts.
            But nothing came to my mind, maybe I was very angry to even think.

            I'll have to let it be to be able to let it go.



            • Kokuu
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Nov 2012
              • 6991


              I don't know if these might help or not?

              Feeling my anger
              like the heat of a fire
              I cast the suffering of all beings
              into the raging flames.

              Worrying thoughts cloud my mind
              Breathing in slowly
              I hold them gently
              like an upset child.



              • Daiyo
                • Jul 2014
                • 819

                Indeed they help, Kokuu.




                • Myosha
                  • Mar 2013
                  • 2974

                  Going for a dump,
                  Praying with all beings
                  to remove all filth and destroy the
                  Poison of greed, anger and ignorance.

                  w.c. gatha

                  "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


                  • Daitetsu
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 1154

                    Lovely gathas here, thanks for sharing!

                    Here some gathas I've been using in the last years (I like to keep them short):

                    When I feed the cats:
                    Feeding my cats
                    I am nurturing the whole universe

                    Household chores:
                    The profane is sacred.
                    Everyday mind is Buddha's mind.
                    (That one is from TNH)

                    When taking out the trash:
                    In the garbage, I see a rose.
                    In the rose, I see compost.
                    Everything is in transformation.
                    Impermanence is life.
                    (Also from TNH)

                    My modified meal gatha:
                    This food comes from the efforts of all sentient beings past and present
                    From the earth, from the rain, from the sun
                    All ten thousand things make life possible

                    Here is a list with 68 lovely gathas from Thich Nhat Hanh:
                    Dwelling in the present moment, We can see so many beauties and wonders right before our eyes–a child’s smile, the sun rising, the autumn leaves. We can be happy just by being aware of …

                    When angry, things have to be even simpler IMHO, as thinking is impeded then.
                    This is totally non-Buddhist though.
                    I take a deep breath, smile to myself and just think "F**k it!". Then I breathe out slowly.
                    May be primitive, but it works. (Sometimes adding "It does not matter that much." can be useful).


                    no thing needs to be added


                    • Daiyo
                      • Jul 2014
                      • 819

                      Thanks Daitetsu,

                      What is most funny is that after anger has passed by, most times I can only laugh at what made me lost my temper.

                      How tricky is the mind!



                      • MyoHo
                        • Feb 2013
                        • 632

                        Thank you Hans for starting this thread.

                        Stop just stop
                        Take a breath and observe
                        This and all other
                        May peace be my practice



                        Aaaah Kokuu, I just knew you wouldbe good at this!


                        • Risho
                          • May 2010
                          • 3178

                          This is awesome! I missed the Gatha thread. These are some awesome gathas guys

                          This is one I chant when washing my hands.... I guess that's sort of obvious. lol

                          Washing my hands,
                          I vow with all sentient beings,
                          to not let a single speck of dust remain.




                          • Hans
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 1853

                            Wow folks,

                            I am mightily impressed! Beautiful.


                            Hans Chudo Mongen


                            • Cooperix
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 502

                              Not very original, but to the point. This phrase can deeply soothe me.

                              This moment is enough.

                              Last edited by Cooperix; 09-08-2014, 09:59 PM.

