Leaving no traces, the kids of Gaza

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  • Dojin
    • May 2008
    • 562

    i dont tend to write here too much since i think words are pointless and i prefer to just sit zazen and live my life as best i can.
    but sometimes i feel compelled to do say something, i have been silent about it for a long time... but i think it is time i actually say something.
    so i would like to ask everyone to please keep your money and don't donate it. please go do volunteer work at a soup kitchen or something. but please dont donate money to any gaza causes.i think Ed said it already and he is correct any money sent to gaza is received by Hamas, it has 2 sides to it the political and military.but both would use that money. and believe me when i tell you that garbing your child and running for a bomb shelter because you are fired rockets upon isnt much fun. i wrote about it about 5-6 years ago in a post simply titled "Rockets".i am ashamed of leaving in this area and want nothing more to just leave this fucking country and let Jerusalem burn for all i care...i want to leave in a safe place where i dont need to be afraid for my family. i have lived in israel for over 20 years. in that time i have seen many a terror act, i have treated wounded from all over in my work as a nurse in different wards (currently the O.R) i have treated victims of terror acts, rocket attacks, burn victims from gaza and many more. it is very late now and i am tired and must go to sleep before my shift... but i will write more tomorrow on how this war is really happening and not just what the media says... if anyone has any questions and wants to hear more please PM me and i will try to answer all questions.

    I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
    - the Buddha


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41220

      Originally posted by Dojin
      i dont tend to write here too much since i think words are pointless and i prefer to just sit zazen and live my life as best i can.
      but sometimes i feel compelled to do say something, i have been silent about it for a long time... but i think it is time i actually say something.
      so i would like to ask everyone to please keep your money and don't donate it. please go do volunteer work at a soup kitchen or something. but please dont donate money to any gaza causes.i think Ed said it already and he is correct any money sent to gaza is received by Hamas, it has 2 sides to it the political and military.but both would use that money. and believe me when i tell you that garbing your child and running for a bomb shelter because you are fired rockets upon isnt much fun. i wrote about it about 5-6 years ago in a post simply titled "Rockets".i am ashamed of leaving in this area and want nothing more to just leave this fucking country and let Jerusalem burn for all i care...i want to leave in a safe place where i dont need to be afraid for my family. i have lived in israel for over 20 years. in that time i have seen many a terror act, i have treated wounded from all over in my work as a nurse in different wards (currently the O.R) i have treated victims of terror acts, rocket attacks, burn victims from gaza and many more. it is very late now and i am tired and must go to sleep before my shift... but i will write more tomorrow on how this war is really happening and not just what the media says... if anyone has any questions and wants to hear more please PM me and i will try to answer all questions.

      Thank you, Dojin in Israel, for reminding us that violence often has two or more sides ... but few good sides.

      May all (somehow) find peace and healing.

      I too would be cautious of making any donation unless sure it was going thru a reputable organization and actually benefitting only the suffering people intended.

      Gassho, Shalom, Salam, Jundo


      • Myosha
        • Mar 2013
        • 2974


        Breathe as all of us.

        Thank you for your service.

        "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


        • Jinyo
          • Jan 2012
          • 1957

          Dojin - I just wanted to say your presence here is felt - no matter the silence.

          I remembered your post of a couple of years back and it was one of the reasons I worded my post here as I did because
          the politics of Israel/Palestine are very complex and we come to this space as human beings who can in some way show care
          for one another beyond the ties of where we live and our very differing lives.

          I wish for a safe place for you and your family with all my heart and I thank you for the humanitarian work you do as a nurse.

          As Jundo writes,

          Gassho, Shalom, Salam,



          • RichardH
            • Nov 2011
            • 2800

            Originally posted by Dojin
            ..... i will write more tomorrow on how this war is really happening and not just what the media says...
            Hello Dojin. I recently heard very angry and painful words from someone who learned that a friend and her family died in Gaza. She has anger and an absolute view about how this war is really happening. You are suffering and will naturally have a view on how this war is really happening. I believe your view or her view are both valid and come from lived realities. I really hope that this forum does not become a forum for competing truth claims about who has the blackest heart. I understand why you may want to react to the O.P. which is a very loud truth claim, but I would , just personally, as another member, ask you to not respond to it. It could open a pandora's box. Where does the chain of pain begin? I do not know. Within my own circles of family and friends there are serious divisions, absolute positions, hatred. I hope this community does not polarize like that.



            • Heishu
              • Sep 2012
              • 484

              Dojin, thank you so much for your comment. I can read about it, I can watch the news about it, but I cannot fathom the experience that you live each moment of your life. I too hope for safety for you, your family, and all others caught in this conflict. I offer metta, that is all I can do.


              “Blessed are the flexible, for they never get bent out of shape." Author Unknown


              • Dojin
                • May 2008
                • 562

                Daizan i hear what you are saying but i will write it down anyway when i get the free time.
                i try to be unbiased and i have both compassion for all of the victims and many bad things to say about both sides. so i will do my best as to not let it turn in to some right-winged bashing...if it turns in to some forum argument over who is right or wrong i will ask Jundo to delete it since i want no part in fights like that.
                i do not respond to any posts like that on FB but here i feel is a good place to actually speak out.

                Gassho, D.
                I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
                - the Buddha


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41220

                  Please speak, Dojin. There will be no fighting here. Only civil and compassionate discussion.

                  Gassho, J
                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Kyonin
                    Dharma Transmitted Priest
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 6752

                    Hi Dojin,

                    I think we have enough of who's wrong or right and I bet Treeleafers fell the same. Please write your mind. Rest assured we will read with no judgment.



                    Originally posted by Dojin
                    Daizan i hear what you are saying but i will write it down anyway when i get the free time.
                    i try to be unbiased and i have both compassion for all of the victims and many bad things to say about both sides. so i will do my best as to not let it turn in to some right-winged bashing...if it turns in to some forum argument over who is right or wrong i will ask Jundo to delete it since i want no part in fights like that.
                    i do not respond to any posts like that on FB but here i feel is a good place to actually speak out.

                    Gassho, D.
                    Hondō Kyōnin
                    奔道 協忍


                    • Jamie
                      • Mar 2013
                      • 49

                      Metta to all those suffering under violence
                      Metta to all those perpetrating violence



                      • Ed
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 223

                        Dojin, metta to you, dharma brother, and yours, and your enemies as well.
                        And to all in this wonderful sangha: I sit with you daily, peace.
                        In deep gassho,
                        Seido Ed Blanco.
                        Last edited by Ed; 08-06-2014, 04:21 PM.
                        "Know that the practice of zazen is the complete path of buddha-dharma and nothing can be compared to it....it is not the practice of one or two buddhas but all the buddha ancestors practice this way."
                        Dogen zenji in Bendowa


                        • Joyo

                          Dear Dojin, metta, peace, to you, to all involved in this very sad violence. May you be well, may you be free from suffering, may you live in peace.

                          With deep bows,


                          • Rich
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 2616

                            I think the concern of money going to Hamas is valid. However Save the Children is highly respected and validated by third parties as one of the gold standards of charity. Almost 90% of funds go to children services in 120 countries. I am in the process of learning how these services are delivered and how political groups are prevented from receiving funds. Will keep you posted. Also their website contains much info on types of services provided.

                            Kind regards. /\
                            無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                            • Christopher
                              • May 2014
                              • 45

                              The doctor who lost his three daughters in the 2009 incursion into Gaza, Doctor Izzelldin Abuelaishe suggested doing something concrete for injured children in Gaza. His article in the Toronto Star has turned into the following petition (see link) https://www.change.org/p/stephen-har...n_update_email

                              It would seem to be one of the most valuable contributions that others might copy. The progress message here is copied from my computer.
                              Lauren Lowe just posted an update on the petition you signed:

                              How You Can Help #Heal100Kids
                              Lauren Lowe
                              Petition Organizer
                              Aug 06, 2014
                              As we surpass 3000 supporters, there is a lot of exciting buzz around Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish's initiative to bring 100 Palestinian children to Canada for medical attention. There...


                              • Christopher
                                • May 2014
                                • 45

                                I see the link did not work. Anyone interested to read more will probably find it here https://www.change.org/en-CA/about

                                Change.org started hosting petitions from the members and public just this last winter.


