Leaving no traces, the kids of Gaza

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  • Taigu
    Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
    • Aug 2008
    • 2710

    Leaving no traces, the kids of Gaza

    Being recently invited at a friend's house, Amiko, she asked me how I would like to be remembered. I just said that I wanted to leave no traces whatsoever. Not a single trace.

    I suggest you say the following if asked about Taigu:

    Taigu, just an ordinary fool, part of no association ( Europen, American or else) with little authority and seldom any credentials, maker of fleeting poems and a hopeless dude. You can even call him an arsehole if you wish. Likes to shut up. Hates wordy Zen.

    All the rest can go to hell.

    And by the way, the kids falling now butchered by imperialism and blind terrorism...WHAT DO YOU FUCKING DO WITH THAT!!!!

    Pardon my French, but you see, at this stage I prefer rude words to big capital letters to express surprise and real concern.

    A very angry Zen dude that have no time and no patience with would be warriors aiming at children and civilians.

    These kids leave no trace as they have hardly any weight and of course are not important enough for the big leaders and small people in charge of this world.

    We will dedicate the Washington retreat to these innocent victims and see how we can help, really help.


    Last edited by Taigu; 08-01-2014, 12:06 PM.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41220


    Might the people in all lands learn to share and live together. Might there be no more violence. Might the children of all nations grow up in peace.

    It has not been so for thousands of years, and it is not so today. But there is still tomorrow.

    Gassho, J


    • Daiyo
      • Jul 2014
      • 819

      They say the meek shall inherit the earth.

      Let's have the hope that when all the horrible violence stops its devastating siege, there are still meek to receive it and earth to be inherited.

      This bring tears to my eyes and a sense of being so powerless to help all the innocent people suffering from others' anger and greed.

      Thank you Taigu and Jundo for inviting us to reflect and not forget.

      Deep bows,



      • Myosha
        • Mar 2013
        • 2974

        Metta to all.

        "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


        • Rich
          • Apr 2009
          • 2616

          Taigu, I am with you 100% on this and will do something to help this situation even though it may be small in the overall scheme of things but if many do a little something changes.

          Kind regards. /\
          無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



          • Ishin
            • Jul 2013
            • 1359

            Trying to see Jerusalem , and indeed all lands as places of peace and hope. Metta to all involved in this terrible mess.
            Grateful for your practice


            • KellyRok
              • Jul 2008
              • 1374

              I will be sitting with you and for all those suffering under such dire circumstances. I will do whatever I can to help .



              • Rich
                • Apr 2009
                • 2616

                Just a suggestion. save the children is highly rated and respected.

                Gaza Children in Crisis
                This is the page created for testing of content hub image latency.

                Text "DONATE" to 20222 To Give $10 for Gaza Relief.
                Save the Children USA

                Kind regards. /\
                無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



                • Mp

                  Thank you Taigu ... I too will sit, dedicate, and continue to do what I can, however small.



                  • MyoHo
                    • Feb 2013
                    • 632




                    • Amelia
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 4980

                      If donating money helps, that is wonderful. But, how does $10 donated to the children of Gaza stop a military blast? I hate sounding so cynical, but can my texted money really help them? Is there any other way?
                      求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
                      I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


                      • RichardH
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 2800

                        Here are some good questions I asked myself this morning , while feeling angry and very divided. Maybe this reads as finicky in the face of horror, but I do not have the comfort of simple righteousness.

                        -Practice shows that I can only assign proximate cause for suffering to any persons or group. A first cause in the chain of pain is nowhere to be found, but can, as a skillful means, be assigned to greed, anger, and ignorance, in order to break the chain. Am I doing that?
                        -How does action springing from a perception of proximate cause, differ from action springing from a perception of absolute cause? How do the consequences differ?

                        - What is the difference in the state of feeling, thoughts, body energy, when I assign proximate cause to a person or group, and assigning absolute cause?

                        - In any relationship/conflict, how does the perception of absolute cause in one group effect my perception of their motives and actions generally? How does it effect my perception of motives and actions in their opposite ? What role does the relative temporal power of each play in conditioning these perceptions.
                        -What does the perception of a root evil doer look like? What is selected out? What is the tone and texture? Do I identify with the root evil doer? What does that identifying feel like?
                        -What does the perception of a root noble doer look like? What is selected out? What is the tone and texture? Do I identify with the root noble doer? What does that identifying feel like?

                        -Given the pervasiveness of injustice and suffering, why do I assign absolute cause to some people or groups and not to others? What might condition this selectivity?


                        Incidentally.. these are not idle musings. I am taking whatever action is possible in my little life to end this, but know too much about the forces in play to be hopeful.
                        Last edited by RichardH; 08-01-2014, 05:34 PM.


                        • Kyonin
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 6752

                          I have been sitting for the victims of the silly wars going on as of late.

                          So stupid we are.

                          So much work to do and so much compassion to learn.

                          Thank you for this post, Taigu.


                          Hondō Kyōnin
                          奔道 協忍


                          • Morgan
                            • Mar 2014
                            • 27

                            Hi Amelia and Walter, I looked upon these images this morning, and I, too, felt powerless. (these images are not easy to see, or un-see, even for a jaded old fool like myself. Please don't click if you are sensitive to raw violence)

                            I am powerless. I am a single raindrop, falling from the sky onto desert sand. I am a snowflake, drifting lazily downwards, but I have friends. I have a voice. I am not still.

                            I can choose to speak, and if, in speaking, I can convince two others that this is the face of atrocity then we can become a puddle, or a light dusting on a pine bough.

                            My friends have friends. They have voices, and they need not be still. They can speak, and if in speaking, they each convince two others, and they convince more, then we can become a flood, we can become an avalanche, and we CAN change things.

                            CAN do this, but only if we are not still. We can do this only if we reach outside of ourselves, and turn each small action into an unstoppable wave.

                            If we all speak out in a single voice, even our governments will hear us. So donate that dollar. Engage in acts of peaceful protest. Speak to your elected representatives and be heard.

                            am powerless.

                            are not.



                            • Seimyo
                              • Jan 2012
                              • 861

                              Thank you Taigu.

                              Incidentally.. these are not idle musings. I am taking whatever action is possible in my little life to end this, but know too much about the forces in play to be hopeful.
                              I feel much this way too Daizan.


                              明 Seimyō (Christhatischris)

