Thank you again, 
I do not know much about kinhin. I did it on a sesshin long time ago.
So, maybe I should learn that either.
The second point of you is something, what changed my zazen. I do it - when I sit - pretty good without gain and so……
I just felt fine most of the time and so it got longer and longer. Last week I sat 90 minutes, and time was fast.
So I did not feel it as a long sitting. But I was like in a "cloud"
(it is from german saying: I sit on clouds)
If I get tired I stop it after about 30 minutes.
The idea, that I get faster to whatever for me shows the foolishness of my ego. That appears sometimes during the day.
But I do not have an idea of the goal, so I can stay till I know it.

I do not know much about kinhin. I did it on a sesshin long time ago.
So, maybe I should learn that either.
The second point of you is something, what changed my zazen. I do it - when I sit - pretty good without gain and so……
I just felt fine most of the time and so it got longer and longer. Last week I sat 90 minutes, and time was fast.
So I did not feel it as a long sitting. But I was like in a "cloud"

If I get tired I stop it after about 30 minutes.
The idea, that I get faster to whatever for me shows the foolishness of my ego. That appears sometimes during the day.
But I do not have an idea of the goal, so I can stay till I know it.