Jundo wrote:
That being said, I have reservations about the Practice (gee, I am so critical of every darn thing today!!!) if it means that we associate Buddhist Practice with having to feel happy happy happy. In my mind, Buddhist Practice is much more powerful if about being as we are, which is not always happy.
That being said, I have reservations about the Practice (gee, I am so critical of every darn thing today!!!) if it means that we associate Buddhist Practice with having to feel happy happy happy. In my mind, Buddhist Practice is much more powerful if about being as we are, which is not always happy.

PS-- I realize that there is still the dualistic trap of preferring moments of clarity over others. My take here is that TNH suggested it, I tried it, it fits, . . . otherwise we could also reject the lotus position, straight back, etc. because they all suggest that other ways are inferior.