Gassho All,
I am a new contributor to the forum. We have a small but persistent zen practice group here in the QC - Illinois-Iowa but I enjoy checking in at Treeleaf. As with most all of us, I read the zen books for entertainment and try not to let them interfere with my practice. :wink: Has anyone tried any of the exercises in Thich Nhat Hanh's book, The Miracle of Mindfulness? Here in Iowa, we are in the nexus of political campaigns right now and I've been looking at them with the "mindfulness" lens. "Mindfulness is the miracle by which we master and restore ourselves." TNH
I am a new contributor to the forum. We have a small but persistent zen practice group here in the QC - Illinois-Iowa but I enjoy checking in at Treeleaf. As with most all of us, I read the zen books for entertainment and try not to let them interfere with my practice. :wink: Has anyone tried any of the exercises in Thich Nhat Hanh's book, The Miracle of Mindfulness? Here in Iowa, we are in the nexus of political campaigns right now and I've been looking at them with the "mindfulness" lens. "Mindfulness is the miracle by which we master and restore ourselves." TNH