Ryokan's Kaz translation
Rags upon rags,
tatter is my life.
I pluck my food on a country path.
My hut is buried in a tangle of weeds.
Looking at the moon, I hum all night;
deluded by blossoms, I forget to return.
Since leaving the monastery
what a fool I have become!
Hmm... effective.
Gassho求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.Comment
I can't believe they had this book at my local Barnes & Noble.. picked it up today! The introduction is much larger than the other book (the only other one I have on Ryokan): One Robe, One Bowl by John Stevens. I can't wait to get started on this.Email: risho.treeleaf@gmail.comComment