I've been having an e-mail exchange with Jundo over the past few days, and one of the things I commented on was my discomfort with the rituals that are practiced in Zen. I thought it would be a good idea to post my thoughts here, and see what you all think. Here's what I said first:
I've been hanging around Treeleaf pretty much since the beginning, but I'm constantly torn between my immense appreciation for your teachings and for the sangha that you have built, and my distaste for all the ritualistic trappings that are part of zen. I come and go as my feelings shift. At times, I want to make a stronger commitment to zen practice. But at other times, I can't help thinking that a more secular Buddhism, without the ritualistic baggage, suits my views better. But the ideas that zen brought to Buddhism resonate very strongly within me. In the past few months, I’ve been reading a lot of Pali canon texts. They are very grounded, very deep, but they don’t have that touch of the ineffable that zen has.
Then, in reply to Jundo's reply (which I won't post, unless he says it's okay to do so):
In some ways, I guess what bothers me is that these ritual - not just the chanting, but the robes, the rakusu and the rest - are transplanted, and don’t resonate with me.
I wonder if any of you have similar thoughts, and, if so, how you deal with them.
I've been hanging around Treeleaf pretty much since the beginning, but I'm constantly torn between my immense appreciation for your teachings and for the sangha that you have built, and my distaste for all the ritualistic trappings that are part of zen. I come and go as my feelings shift. At times, I want to make a stronger commitment to zen practice. But at other times, I can't help thinking that a more secular Buddhism, without the ritualistic baggage, suits my views better. But the ideas that zen brought to Buddhism resonate very strongly within me. In the past few months, I’ve been reading a lot of Pali canon texts. They are very grounded, very deep, but they don’t have that touch of the ineffable that zen has.
Then, in reply to Jundo's reply (which I won't post, unless he says it's okay to do so):
In some ways, I guess what bothers me is that these ritual - not just the chanting, but the robes, the rakusu and the rest - are transplanted, and don’t resonate with me.
I wonder if any of you have similar thoughts, and, if so, how you deal with them.