Being of value to Sangha

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  • RichardH
    • Nov 2011
    • 2800

    Being of value to Sangha

    Until recently I was attending regular sittings at a beautiful little Zendo. It was in a space rented by the Dharma Drum organization, and shared with the Son group I was sitting with. The landlord sold the building this past winter... and the group moved across the city where I simply could no longer get-to for regular Tuesday evening practice. The teachings of this group were the kind I have heard many times over the years, and to be honest... weren't the important thing. The important thing for me was the group practice.... chanting, bowing, sitting.....together. This was where the rubber hit the road, and it is also where I happened to be useful. Every time this mouth opens, a bull charges out and knocks over a china display. But when I just sit, I sit with, as, for, and by, everyone sitting with me. It is not only an amazing support of my own practice, it supports the practice of others. By being a rock of consistency, always being there, and always just doing it, with no melodrama, I contributed something solid and true....and I knew it. ...and it was a joy to be that rock. So.. here at treeleaf, with this forum board, and my own history of blabbing on boards, it is more important than ever, to contribute in the best way I can, and that is to be there/here ,always, for group practice and sit well... no muss, no fuss.

    I think we all contribute in different ways, everyone has a strength, and finding what it is makes a difference. Everyone is different.

    Just sharing with Sangha.

    Last edited by RichardH; 06-26-2012, 02:30 PM.
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41217

    Thank you, K. You are now one of the pillars holding up the roof of this place via your words, non-words, non-actions and actions around here. We support each other.

    Gassho, J
    Last edited by Jundo; 06-27-2012, 12:23 AM.


    • Khalil Bodhi
      • Apr 2012
      • 317

      Thank you for that Kojip!

      To avoid all evil, to cultivate good, and to cleanse one's mind — this is the teaching of the Buddhas.
      -Dhp. 183
      My Practice Blog


      • Emmet
        • Nov 2011
        • 296

        I wish I could find the quote again, but a teacher once observed how if you take tongs and set a glowing coal out by itself, it'll soon go out, but if you arrange the coals together, rather than loosing heat their mutual heat combines, and they soon burst into flame. That has certainly been my experience of sangha.


        • Myoku
          • Jul 2010
          • 1491

          Thank you Kojip,
          I much agree with your post,

          Originally posted by Kojip
          I think we all contribute in different ways, everyone has a strength, and finding what it is makes a difference. Everyone is different.
          This cannot emphasized enough, in my opinion,

          ps.: About regular sitting, a number of us are pretty active at google+, feel free to mail me if you need some help to get that going; its pretty great to sit with your fellow treeleafers


          • Kyonin
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Oct 2010
            • 6752

            Thank you Kojip.
            Hondō Kyōnin
            奔道 協忍


            • Rich
              • Apr 2009
              • 2616

              Thanks Kojip, I enjoy your blabbing, even when I don't understand your view it piques my curiosity. I also sit with another group besides Treeleaf and its all good. I like Piobar's hot coal analogy.
              無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



              • Koshin
                • Feb 2012
                • 938

                Thanks for sharing Kojip, and believe me, your posts and the posts of the other members of the Sangha are rock-solid pillars for my own practice. See you in G+

                Thank you for your practice


                • Kaishin
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 2322

                  Thank you, Kojip! I hope to get back on Google+ more soon to sit live with others. I miss doing that.

                  P.s. Piobar, I believe that was Kodo Sawaki. If I remember correctly, Uchiyama related that analogy of Sawaki's in Opening the Hand of Thought.
                  Gassho, Kaishin
                  Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
                  Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


                  • RichardH
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 2800

                    Thank you for your encouragement and support, Jundo. .

                    I also agree with Piobair's coal analogy. Maybe It is more than the sum of parts, maybe it's alchemical.

                    Hi Myoku. Another regular group sit along with the Fri/Sat Zazenkai would be great. An an evening earlier in the week perhaps. Can you let me know went you folks are doing it?

                    Gassho, kojip


                    • Shujin
                      Novice Priest-in-Training
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 1190

                      Hi Kojip, I've occasionally sat the recorded version of zazenkais during the week from 2100-2230 EST on Google+. If that appeals to you, drop me a line and we'll put something on the calendar. I'm sure we could get a few more evening sitters to join in as well.

                      Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


                      • Hoyu
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 2020

                        Thank you for your practice Kojip. I enjoy having you around as I always learn from what you share

                        Originally posted by Piobair
                        I wish I could find the quote again, but a teacher once observed how if you take tongs and set a glowing coal out by itself, it'll soon go out, but if you arrange the coals together, rather than loosing heat their mutual heat combines, and they soon burst into flame. That has certainly been my experience of sangha.
                        Thank you for sharing this(also to Kaishin for the reference to its origin)! This wonderful lesson will forever give more depth to my mind and actions whenever I am laying charcole for Tea!

                        Ho (Dharma)
                        Yu (Hot Water)


                        • disastermouse

                          Originally posted by Piobair
                          I wish I could find the quote again, but a teacher once observed how if you take tongs and set a glowing coal out by itself, it'll soon go out, but if you arrange the coals together, rather than loosing heat their mutual heat combines, and they soon burst into flame. That has certainly been my experience of sangha.
                          Without attributing any intent in this way, can I just say that this metaphor makes me very uncomfortable. Not because it doesn't point to a truth, but maybe because it does.



                          • Mp

                            Originally posted by Kojip
                            to contribute in the best way I can, and that is to be there/here
                            Thanks for sharing Kojip.


                            • kfrance0
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 44

                              That's the great thing about's always there.
                              Kevin France
                              Breathe fully and effortlessly, like a child
                              See who you are, without distortion
                              (Tao Te Ching, ch 10)

