As is typical of our Sangha, the ceremony will be conducted simultaneously in three places around the world ... dropping all thought of here and there, now and then ... with the Preceptor (Jundo Cohen) in Japan, and our Ordainees, Shinkai in Austin, Texas and Dosho in New York. (We also will welcome one additional new novice priest, Myozan of Dublin, Ireland, who was recently Ordained by Rev. Taigu). This is a rescheduled ceremony from last month, but I am pleased that it will allow Dokan, who is visiting Japan for Shakuhachi and Zazen, to assist the ceremony as Jisha (??, the ceremony attendant) helping Jundo.
If you would like to witness the ceremony, and join in our celebration, the netcast will be seen at this link ...
... at the following times on May 23-24 (please note the day and time change from last time) ...
9am Japan time Thursday morning May 24th (that is New York 8pm, Los Angeles 5pm Wednesday evening May23rd, London 1am and Paris 2am Thursday morning May 24th ...
... for about an hour or so.
Because of the new day and times for the ceremony, we know that it will be difficult for many Sangha members to join us that day. But FEAR NOT if not possible for you to join 'live' in your location at those times, as the entire event will be recorded and shared with everyone ... and you will be with us beyond all thought of here and there, now and then. Also, this time, we will not have witnesses visible on MeBeam as last time. Rather, Dokan will attend representing the warm hands and hearts of all of you.
Here's a little talk I offered last month, for the ceremony scheduled then ...
[youtube] [/youtube]
Gassho, Jundo