Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41220

    Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

    On the evening of Wednesday May 23rd in North America (the morning of Thursday May 24th in Europe and Japan), our Sangha will welcome new novice priests through the ritual of Shukke Tokudo (????) Ordination.

    As is typical of our Sangha, the ceremony will be conducted simultaneously in three places around the world ... dropping all thought of here and there, now and then ... with the Preceptor (Jundo Cohen) in Japan, and our Ordainees, Shinkai in Austin, Texas and Dosho in New York. (We also will welcome one additional new novice priest, Myozan of Dublin, Ireland, who was recently Ordained by Rev. Taigu). This is a rescheduled ceremony from last month, but I am pleased that it will allow Dokan, who is visiting Japan for Shakuhachi and Zazen, to assist the ceremony as Jisha (??, the ceremony attendant) helping Jundo.

    If you would like to witness the ceremony, and join in our celebration, the netcast will be seen at this link ...

    ... at the following times on May 23-24 (please note the day and time change from last time) ...

    9am Japan time Thursday morning May 24th (that is New York 8pm, Los Angeles 5pm Wednesday evening May23rd, London 1am and Paris 2am Thursday morning May 24th ...

    ... for about an hour or so.

    Because of the new day and times for the ceremony, we know that it will be difficult for many Sangha members to join us that day. But FEAR NOT if not possible for you to join 'live' in your location at those times, as the entire event will be recorded and shared with everyone ... and you will be with us beyond all thought of here and there, now and then. Also, this time, we will not have witnesses visible on MeBeam as last time. Rather, Dokan will attend representing the warm hands and hearts of all of you.

    Here's a little talk I offered last month, for the ceremony scheduled then ...

    [youtube] [/youtube]

    Gassho, Jundo
  • Yugen

    Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

    I'll be there! The time works for me perfectly - I can't wait to join you and celebrate with our newly ordained priests!



    • Dokan
      Friend of Treeleaf
      • Dec 2010
      • 1222

      Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

      Hello fellow Leafers!

      Google+ now has the ability to turn the Hangout into a live broadcast which is streamed to YouTube. After the Hangout is closed, it is then uploaded to YouTube as a recording.

      I was wondering...would this be something someone may want to volunteer to do on the day of Tokudo? We wouldn't see you in Tsukuba, but it would be great for posterity.

      Any volunteers?

      Here's the information from Google: Hangouts on Air

      Also, I can put together a quick guide on how to set it up.

      Thanks & Gassho,

      We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
      ~Anaïs Nin


      • Yugen

        Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

        Hey Dokan,
        I cannot stress enough my technology incompetence - but I would be happy to volunteer - if you can be very specific in your instructions - !



        • Jiken
          • Jan 2011
          • 753

          Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

          Congratulations guys. I look forward to catching the recorded version as I work late on Wednesdays.




          • Dokan
            Friend of Treeleaf
            • Dec 2010
            • 1222

            Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

            Originally posted by Yugen
            I cannot stress enough my technology incompetence - but I would be happy to volunteer - if you can be very specific in your instructions - !
            It's really not that complicated. Let me write up some instructions and on steps involved tomorrow and maybe we can do our Fukudenkai tomorrow night online with you hosting?


            We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
            ~Anaïs Nin


            • Shujin
              Novice Priest-in-Training
              • Feb 2010
              • 1192

              Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

              Night shift for me as well, this time -- my congratulations again to y'all.

              Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁


              • Ekai
                • Feb 2011
                • 672

                Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                I will try to make the live version (if my 2-year old will let me ). If not, I will definitely watch the recorded version.



                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41220

                  Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                  Originally posted by Ekai
                  I will try to make the live version (if my 2-year old will let me ). If not, I will definitely watch the recorded version.

                  One nice thing, among many, for our ceremony ... the kids can run around, sing and shout ... one can come and go for diaper changes and story time. No disturbance possible.

                  That applies even to one of our Ordainees, who will have his family in the room. No interference with the ceremony possible. Let em do their kid thing, and it is the Buddha singing shouting and getting a diaper change.

                  Gassho, J
                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Myozan Kodo
                    Friend of Treeleaf
                    • May 2010
                    • 1901

                    Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                    Hi everybody,
                    I will be with you all, but a few hours later, as the time GMT, what with child minding, makes it hard to be there live this time. Good luck to all. Enjoy it Jundo, Dosho, Shinkai and Dokaan! And enjoy the celebrations afterwards.


                    • Ekai
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 672

                      Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                      Originally posted by Jundo
                      Originally posted by Ekai
                      I will try to make the live version (if my 2-year old will let me ). If not, I will definitely watch the recorded version.

                      One nice thing, among many, for our ceremony ... the kids can run around, sing and shout ... one can come and go for diaper changes and story time. No disturbance possible.

                      That applies even to one of our Ordainees, who will have his family in the room. No interference with the ceremony possible. Let em do their kid thing, and it is the Buddha singing shouting and getting a diaper change.

                      Gassho, J
                      Ok, that's what's so great about this Sangha. I will be there with bells on and Hunter doing his kid thing.



                      • Taigu
                        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2710

                        Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                        Ekai (what a wonderful name), this is broad, this is big, beyond the beyond. NOW.

                        and thank you for your gracious-wise presence.




                        • Hans
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 1853

                          Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                          How wonderful,

                          I'm sure it's going to be an amazing experience. As long as the "heart" is pure, even mistakes shine bright in the light of true don't be afraid something might go will And it will be wonderful.


                          Hans Chudo Mongen


                          • Dosho
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 5784

                            Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                            Originally posted by Jundo
                            Originally posted by Ekai
                            I will try to make the live version (if my 2-year old will let me ). If not, I will definitely watch the recorded version.

                            One nice thing, among many, for our ceremony ... the kids can run around, sing and shout ... one can come and go for diaper changes and story time. No disturbance possible.

                            That applies even to one of our Ordainees, who will have his family in the room. No interference with the ceremony possible. Let em do their kid thing, and it is the Buddha singing shouting and getting a diaper change.

                            Gassho, J
                            Hi all,

                            Ekai's post and Jundo's response have brought up an issue I've been rolling around in my head, so I figured why not share it? I am the ordainee in question that will have family in the room. At present, it'll be my wife and oldest son (also my assistant) who is about a month shy of his 7th birthday. As things stand now my nearly 3 year old son won't be there because of the late hour, which makes me very sad. When the ceremony had been in the morning we had planned for my wife to go get him from sleeping to be there for the end. But now that it is at night my wife thinks it best (and I largely concur) that we put him to bed at his usual time which is before the ceremony begins. I would like my whole family to be there, so I am very conflicted as to what I should do. Although not always the case, past experience has shown there to be a high probability for crying when he doesn't get his way because of the late hour, grabbing everything on the tables I have to use for the ceremony, want to see himself on camera, and make things very difficult for my wife who will have worked a full day, have thrown dinner together, and helped me get ready for the ceremony.

                            Does anyone have any advice? I could sure use some.



                            • Shujin
                              Novice Priest-in-Training
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 1192

                              Re: Treeleaf 'Shukke Tokudo' Ordination Ceremony: May 23rd-24th

                              Hi Dosho,
                              I can understand where you're coming from - my heart would certainly want my little guys to be present for something like this. I would give your wife (and yourself) and break, however and put your little one down at his normal time. In all likelihood, he won't remember the ceremony as the years pass. You, on the other hand, will probably remember if he is an overtired wreck. Hope this helps.

                              Kyōdō Shujin 教道 守仁

