Early morning sit today. Let the delusions fall away. No wants,no needs...except coffee.
My Zazen Challenge
1/1 - Last night I finally had a chance to sit after about a week and a half of having the new baby home.
By being mindful during my cooking, diaper changing, etc. as Jundo suggested, I did find a place for my practice during this exhausting time. It was still nice to get back on the zafu.Leave a comment:
Good luck to everybody with this challenge!
I vowed sitting every day over five yours ago (but not always just sitting at the beginning, but also counting the breath and other Buddhist meditation practices). And somehow I found out, that it is much more easy to sit every day (even if it means ten minutes in bed, before falling asleep) than not to sit every day. Perhaps this is because of the routine, like toothbrushing everyday: At some point it isn't very special to sit every day, but it would be special if you wouldn't. So don't give up, not a single day!
MikeLeave a comment:
Good luck to everybody with this challenge!
I vowed sitting every day over five yours ago (but not always just sitting at the beginning, but also counting the breath and other Buddhist meditation practices). And somehow I found out, that it is much more easy to sit every day (even if it means ten minutes in bed, before falling asleep) than not to sit every day. Perhaps this is because of the routine, like toothbrushing everyday: At some point it isn't very special to sit every day, but it would be special if you wouldn't. So don't give up, not a single day!
GasshoLeave a comment:
Sat outside today in the heat. Feel the warmth. Release. All good.
GasshoLeave a comment:
Incredibly early morning sit with a head cold but I am grateful for it. May all beings meet with the Dharma and find true happiness!Leave a comment:
Just back from a trip to Ecuador visiting family. Formal practice was spotty at best but I realize how grateful I am for all the people and conditions that make this life and practice possible. So, always coming back to this moment I have started anew.
Let me respectfully remind you
Life and death are of supreme importance.
Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost.
Each of us should strive to awaken.
Take heed.
This night your days are diminished by one.
Do not squander your life.Leave a comment:
My 10 year old daughter started sitting with me before her bed time! She keeps me VERY honest when it's time to sit.
4/365 (1/1)Leave a comment:
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