In Defense of Treeleaf

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  • Kaishin
    • Dec 2010
    • 2322

    Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

    Thank you, Soen.

    I was preparing to post a thread with some questions on how Zen relates/conflicts with the Theravadan focus on jhana states. First, I did a quick search, and found all the questions (and answers) I had intended to ask:


    So that is just another amazing thing about Treeleaf--its vast teachings and discussions are self-documenting, indexed, and fully searchable!
    Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
    Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


    • Graceleejenkins
      • Feb 2011
      • 434

      Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

      I have been a teacher for many years (as a calling, rather than a profession). I have taught many adults and teens who were failed by their schools and parents, teaching them to read, write, do math, and pass their high school equivalency tests when those in traditional paths had given up. If there is anything that I have learned from this experience it is that no one learns the same way, and no teacher, method, or environment is right for every student.

      Although I have been more successful than most in teaching these students because I am flexible in analyzing and adapting to the way an individual learner’s brain works, I have not been the right teacher for each and every student. Those few that I could not help were sometimes able to find help elsewhere, most notably those learners who needed a much more strict environment than I could personally provided (what I would call militaristic, which betrays my bias); however, I recognize that this was the right path for them, and I am glad that these students were able to find the right teacher to help them on it.

      Thus, given that everyone’s path of learning is not the same, for me, for now, with limited time, and with limited access to others with an affinity for Buddhism and Zen, Treeleaf is my best path. Who knows, I may eventually take a branching path away, or I may not, but for now, it does lead me further toward than away from Zen. Gassho, Grace.
      Sat today and 10 more in honor of Treeleaf's 10th Anniversary!


      • roky
        • Jul 2008
        • 311

        Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

        stephanie -- thanks -- i can relate to much of what you said -- in the end, online zen doesn't make it for me -- in fact, online social also does little for me, and zen culture is not my cup of tea -- just my practice is what i need

        i am also recovering from shoulder surgery, so thats all for typing

        may you all be well, roky
        "no resistance"
        thaddeus golas


        • Jundo
          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
          • Apr 2006
          • 41220

          Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

          Originally posted by roky
          stephanie -- thanks -- i can relate to much of what you said -- in the end, online zen doesn't make it for me -- in fact, online social also does little for me, and zen culture is not my cup of tea -- just my practice is what i need

          i am also recovering from shoulder surgery, so thats all for typing

          may you all be well, roky
          Hey Rock,

          I wish you a fast recovery.

          Rocky, you have written from time to time over your last 2 or 3 years here, that you would rather sit Zazen in the desert with your dog or alone in your trailer, and that you come to the Zen Hall to sit with others for the company ... but apart from that, have no real interest in 'chit chat' and socializing. That is fine! Not everything is one's cup of tea.

          But do not be limited by the mental barriers that one makes for oneself. If one finds oneself unable or disliking to share and commune with others ... online or off ... that may be an inability of one's 'self's' own making (speaking as rather a social wallflower and lone wolf my self). That's one's own hangup! Knock down that Wall, Mr. Rocky Gorbachev!

          If you cannot or don't want to by choice (which is your right) ... also do not doubt the ability of the many who can ... dropping all divisions of here there now then, near or far, me and you.

          Gassho, Jundo


          • Kyonin
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Oct 2010
            • 6752

            Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

            I have been on the Internet since back in the day of the text based Yahoo! homepage in 1994. And since then the Internet has been a invaluable tool for learning, meeting people from all over the planet and for personal growth.

            Thanks to the Internet I came to learn about Buddhism. My mind was learning with texts written by bloggers and authors in other countries, while my butt sits on a chair in Mexico.

            I have made friends for life, studied skills that help my career and got closer to relatives living in Spain, UK and the US. My whole livelihood, what I do for a living is based on the Internet.

            The Internet is the most important communication medium ever developed by humanity since Gutenberg invented the printing press.

            When good old Johannes Gutenberg made books available to everyone, knowledge started to spread and reach a lot more people than it would've reached by copying books by hand. The first book ever mass produced was, of course, the Bible, but that's another story.

            Thing is, the whole humanity got benefits from the printing press. And of course Buddhism is reachable by anyone who is curious enough to pick up a book.

            That being said, I've never ever found anyone complaining that Zen books are bad because they are not a real life teacher. Books are written by real people, who commit and work on spreading knowledge; as such, we are able to absorb and learn without ever questioning the veracity or the existence of the author.

            Times change and the Internet now reigns supreme over most communication media. It's the new way of connecting with people, the new way of learning. At the end of every Skype call there is a human, real life skin and blood.

            To me, seeking knowledge and connecting with people over the web is no different than reading books and sending paper letters. This is faster, more personal and it's just the way we communicate today.

            Learning, working on my computer while being connected to hundreds of friends, family and clients is a huge part of my life and I'm sure millions of people have embraced this way of living.

            So, if humans now connect, communicate learn and grow using the Internet, I don't see why Treeleaf is less valid a sangha than a temple based one.

            Treeleaf is a live and colorful sangha. We connect, live, learn and grow. Support each other. We make friends and help. We sit transcending time and space and while I am alone in my study sitting, I know that on the other end of the Google Hangout there are friends joining me, doing the same.

            Treeleaf has changed my life in so many great ways that I can't even begin to thank enough Jundo and Taigu for their work and dedication to us. They don't seek reward, they don't ask for anything, yet they care for us and embrace us. They give precious times of their lives to create a huge knowledge base available to anyone interested.

            Times change, humans evolve. Our communications mediums do grow and evolve and they serve their purpose: to connect humans in both ends of the line.

            I think people should understand this and just move on with their lives because is just a matter of time when more sanghas pop up and start working on the very same model.

            Treeleaf is here to stay and I am humbled and very happy to be part of it.
            Hondō Kyōnin
            奔道 協忍


            • Shokai
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2009
              • 6530

              Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

              Wow Choco, well put

              gassho, Shokai

              仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

              "Open to life in a benevolent way"



              • Jiken
                • Jan 2011
                • 753

                Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                Good job Choco


                • TomB
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 38

                  Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                  Very good explanation Choco, thank you.




                  • Myozan Kodo
                    Friend of Treeleaf
                    • May 2010
                    • 1901

                    Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                    Very well put. You explained it so well. I agree 100 per cent. Thank you.

                    Sorry I haven't sat with you on Google+ for a while. I haven't seen you in the 'Stream'. I hope all is well.


                    • Shugen
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 4532

                      Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                      Hello Roky!

                      I've been wondering where you've been. The zen-hall has become quite popular. You should join us. (I still can't drag my lazy ass out of bed in the morning to sit so you probably won't be seeing my smiling face!)

                      Meido Shugen
                      明道 修眼


                      • Shohei
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 2854

                        Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                        Choco -
                        I had said similar things - to some others questioning online sangha, dharma online etc and well... only a tiny fraction as clear and well put as you have just done, Thank you for speaking my your mind (and mine! )
                        Thank you for expressing this so well.



                        • Taigu
                          Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 2710

                          Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                          What people call reality is but a dream,
                          dreams themselves are more real than anything else,
                          mountains walk
                          a painted cake is a relish
                          those calling us fools
                          should pick the Shobogenzo again and
                          simply read and live

                          We are twisted and crooked and imperfect
                          yet, this is it




                          • Hoyu
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 2020

                            Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                            You know I'm down with what you said Choco!

                            Ho (Dharma)
                            Yu (Hot Water)


                            • Jiki22
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 89

                              Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                              nice job Choco,
                              thank you for sharing
                              _/|\_ Gassho with deeply respect
                              慈 ji 氣 ki : Energy of Compassion


                              • Shogen
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 301

                                Re: In Defense of Treeleaf

                                Taigu said,
                                We are twisted and crooked and imperfect
                                yet, this is it

                                Volumes of written or spoken words cannot say it better. Deep appreciation for your time and efforts. Gassho Shogen

