Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40791

    Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher


    I just had a chance to listen to Ethan's very insightful talk. Just a few comments and quick impressions ...

    1 - "Online" practice, such as at Treeleaf, may more easily fit certain Buddhist ways of practice than others. For example, I think it fits very well our emphasis on "Shikantaza" and "life is our temple/at home" practice more than, for example, a flavor of Buddhism emphasizing monastic practice and silent retreat removed from the world, Koan centered Zazen (not sure about that one), certain esoteric group rituals or the like.

    2 - Some so-called "Internet Buddhism" is probably insufficient if just a passive "arm chair" listening to a few podcasts or Youtube talks. That is not enough. So, here at Treeleaf, we try to create, as much as possible, the many elements of Sangha and actual practice. From our "mission statement" ...

    Treeleaf Zendo ... seeks to provide Zazen sittings, retreats, discussion, interaction with a teacher, and all other activities of a Zen Buddhist Sangha, all fully online.

    This also means a "hands on" practice (and "butt on" Zafu practice). One must actually "just do it".

    There are some elements that are hard to recreate, like actually going out for a meal with folks. But, hey, I think we are trying to head in that direction too ...

    PPE 2- Share an meal

    Share a meal together, recite the Meal Gatha together, eat in silence for 5 minutes.
    After that, talk is encouraged on the general subject of "gratitude", as is the theme of the Gatha, for the food and other aspects of life.

    3 - So much depends, however, on the attitudes, dedication, sincerity and energy of the participants ... whether in a "no space space" like Treeleaf, a "bricks & mortar" Sangha meeting under a roof, or in a monastery in far off China. You "non-get" what you put into it ... like a marriage, like a career or calling, like any effort (or "non-effort effort").

    Just some quick impressions.

    Gassho, J


    • Ryumon
      • Apr 2007
      • 1815

      Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

      Originally posted by Nindo

      What I see with people who flit in and out of our very small local sangha is that they use the internet to collect a dharma talk here and a podcast there but never settle down to a steady practice. They think all the wisdom is outside of themselves and to be received from this overwhelming offering of books and the internet. I may be judging in error, but I don't see these people digging to the ground of the teaching and apply it to their lives. It's more like "I'm so depressed today, maybe a dharma talk will make me feel good".
      Do they have to "dig to the ground?" Should the dharma be a 100% commitment for everyone? Isn't it better for them to find out anything about the dharma than nothing at all?

      Dharma centers can be off-putting, no matter how much their members try to welcome new people. And many people have great difficulty crossing the threshold of a dharma center. I think the Internet is nothing more than a library - albeit a multimedia library - and that people use it to find information just as people do (or used to) use a library. No one would criticize people for going to a library and reading part of a book, rather than "digging to the ground" of a book and reading it from cover to cover.
      I know nothing.


      • louis
        • Aug 2007
        • 172

        Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

        Big Organ(TM), head Schmonk! Precepts optional Fridays! Oh enough, playa - my nose hurts from all the milk I just squirted. Expect 10,000 hits on the next April fools vid. Off to go sit with that.....
        _()_ Louis


        • Shokai
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Mar 2009
          • 6429

          Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

          A few people have written me to ask if it is true.
          Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive :shock: :lol: :lol:
          gassho, Shokai

          仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

          "Open to life in a benevolent way"



          • JohnsonCM
            • Jan 2010
            • 549

            Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

            Originally posted by Shokai
            A few people have written me to ask if it is true.
            Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive :shock: :lol: :lol:
            Seems I heard a Precept or two about that.
            Sat today


            • JohnsonCM
              • Jan 2010
              • 549

              Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

              Originally posted by JohnsonCM
              Originally posted by Shokai
              A few people have written me to ask if it is true.
              Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive :shock: :lol: :lol:
              Seems I heard a Precept or two about that.
              Of course, we have to remember the Buddha's famous OmanIgotcha Suttra, which he began with, "Hey Shariputra, if everything is empty, what's this on your robe?"
              Sat today


              • Shokai
                Dharma Transmitted Priest
                • Mar 2009
                • 6429

                Re: Buddhist Geeks 230: The Internet Is Not Your Teacher

                Sha Ri Shi, Shiki Fu I Ku; :shock: Nan daiyo ?
                :lol: :lol: :roll:
                gassho, Shokai

                仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                "Open to life in a benevolent way"


