Re: Priests and Priests: Walking the Buddhist and Christian Path
This is why I was drawn particularly to Zen. It has been said that Zen is a transmission "beyond words" and the emphasis in our Way is to know the dharma, not just intellectually, but to experience it in all things and all forms. Words, whether written or spoken, are at the mercy of those who repeat them, and they get changed from their original meaning to suit the person speaking them. This is why there are so many schizms in so many religions. Catholic, Christian, Methodist, Free Presbyterian, Lutheran, Mormon, Scientologist, Baptist, Protestant, Anglican, Pali Buddhism, Theravada, Mahayana, Gelug, Islam, Sufism, Sihkism, Sunni, Shiite, on and on and on. These all say that they are the heirs of the original teachings of their religious leaders, but they can't all be right? Or can they?
Bits and pieces, perhaps, of the original sewn together with the personal beliefs of those who broke from their churches.
But our Way is beyond that. Our Way teaches us to experience the dharma for ourselves. I think, too, that many of the original teachings of the original religious worthies, follow that as well. I recalled something from the Gnostic Bible (Dead Sea scrolls) I believe directly from the Gospel of Jesus where he said, "You shall not find me in any place made of wood or stone, you will only find my dwelling place in the hearts of men." This was stricken from scripture as blasphemy by the Catholic Church, for obvious reasons, but this I think is more in line with what the actual Jesus might have said.
Originally posted by Hans
Bits and pieces, perhaps, of the original sewn together with the personal beliefs of those who broke from their churches.
But our Way is beyond that. Our Way teaches us to experience the dharma for ourselves. I think, too, that many of the original teachings of the original religious worthies, follow that as well. I recalled something from the Gnostic Bible (Dead Sea scrolls) I believe directly from the Gospel of Jesus where he said, "You shall not find me in any place made of wood or stone, you will only find my dwelling place in the hearts of men." This was stricken from scripture as blasphemy by the Catholic Church, for obvious reasons, but this I think is more in line with what the actual Jesus might have said.