Re: Tradition versus innovation
When I first encountered a 'live' kesa at Throssel Hole I was quite moved, the simple cloth draping across the left shoulder reminded me so much of the Buddha rupas that had inspired me since teenage that it helped me to see the Buddha within the wearer. At the end of my Jukai where we all stood on top of the altar (slightly bigger than Trealeafs), and all the monks including Rev Master Daishin, the abbot, circled us bowing to the Buddha within us it did, because of the Kesa, feel to me like Buddha bowing to Buddha. It helped me to realise, in a brief way, my own Buddha nature was there, just waiting for me to wipe away the delusion and let it out, (sorry- a bit prosaic that, but I did say I was artistic).
Perhaps there is something in my artistic nature that allows me to suspend suspicion and open to my heart, I don't know. But I do know that after sewing this second rakusu I look forward to sewing a Kesa, as I am sure it will help me greatly in my practise.
When I first encountered a 'live' kesa at Throssel Hole I was quite moved, the simple cloth draping across the left shoulder reminded me so much of the Buddha rupas that had inspired me since teenage that it helped me to see the Buddha within the wearer. At the end of my Jukai where we all stood on top of the altar (slightly bigger than Trealeafs), and all the monks including Rev Master Daishin, the abbot, circled us bowing to the Buddha within us it did, because of the Kesa, feel to me like Buddha bowing to Buddha. It helped me to realise, in a brief way, my own Buddha nature was there, just waiting for me to wipe away the delusion and let it out, (sorry- a bit prosaic that, but I did say I was artistic).
Perhaps there is something in my artistic nature that allows me to suspend suspicion and open to my heart, I don't know. But I do know that after sewing this second rakusu I look forward to sewing a Kesa, as I am sure it will help me greatly in my practise.