Re: Help
Hi Folks,
this whole notion of Zen practise being beyond religion ( which I seem to detect here and there...maybe I'm just projecting though ) has only truly come to real prominence in the last 150 years since the Meiji restoration as far as I know, if I find the time I will try to find some quotes and sources to back this claim of mine up. Alan Watts and Mr D.T Suzuki did their share...
Dozens of generations of Zen masters had no doubt that Zazen and Buddhadharma were/are not to be divided. Now, I do not mean that the raft equals the shore. The shore we taste every waking moment is truly beyond boxes like -isms and religions, but the raft isn't. Dogen even makes a point in the Shobogenzo to make clear that his take on Buddhism is not to be confused with confucianism and daoism...and doesn't even mention Christianity for obvious cultural/historical reasons (though he might elsewhere, please correct me if you can).
To return to Greg's original question: I think it's important to just give oneself time to figure these things out for oneself through deep, no holds barred inquiry. Joseph Campbell once said "follow your bliss"....just find that bliss and you'll be okay
Hi Folks,
this whole notion of Zen practise being beyond religion ( which I seem to detect here and there...maybe I'm just projecting though ) has only truly come to real prominence in the last 150 years since the Meiji restoration as far as I know, if I find the time I will try to find some quotes and sources to back this claim of mine up. Alan Watts and Mr D.T Suzuki did their share...
Dozens of generations of Zen masters had no doubt that Zazen and Buddhadharma were/are not to be divided. Now, I do not mean that the raft equals the shore. The shore we taste every waking moment is truly beyond boxes like -isms and religions, but the raft isn't. Dogen even makes a point in the Shobogenzo to make clear that his take on Buddhism is not to be confused with confucianism and daoism...and doesn't even mention Christianity for obvious cultural/historical reasons (though he might elsewhere, please correct me if you can).
To return to Greg's original question: I think it's important to just give oneself time to figure these things out for oneself through deep, no holds barred inquiry. Joseph Campbell once said "follow your bliss"....just find that bliss and you'll be okay