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  • Jikyo
    • Jan 2009
    • 197


    Originally posted by Jundo
    Originally posted by JeanVB
    Have been enjoying the Tenzo kyokun sit-a-longs and have re-watched the documentary, “How to Cook Your Life,” about Ed Brown, cook and Zen priest ordained by Suzuki Roshi. The people who cook for one of the Zen centers in the movie chant the entire Tenzo kyokun before they start cooking! They also show dana/samu in action when the cooks from San Francisco Zen Center prepare and deliver meals to some of the City’s underserved folks. Nice Dogen teachings throughout. For those interested, it’s available on Netflix http://www.netflix.com/Movie/How_to_...6596a423_0_srl.

    Thank you for mentioning this film. I just watched it again on your reminder. I sure wish that folks could get a copy as part of our talks on the "Instructions for the Cook", but all I can find online is a preview ...


    Wonderful profile of a real Zen character, wise teacher, living Tenzo, and great cook.

    Gassho, J
    Hi Jundo,

    You are most welcome! Thank you for the talks, which reminded me to watch the movie again. The footage of Suzuki Roshi lecturing is priceless.

    Gassho, Jean


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41007


      Originally posted by ZenDave
      If it's that cool, I can make time to watch it at somepoint for Ango. Netflix not only carries it, but they have it available for instant watch, So noone has to bump "Wolverine" down a spot. *chuckles as he is probably one of the few interested in that movie*

      Dave _/_
      Oh, then I highly recommend everyone watch it as we talk about "Instructions for the Cook" ... even if you have to sign up for their "free trial" :-)

      http://www.netflix.com/Movie/How_to_Coo ... a423_0_srl

      Oh, and "X-Men" has its place too! 8)


      • Dojin
        • May 2008
        • 562


        Hey everyone.

        How's the Ango getting along so far?

        i have not yet posted anything here and i know i should of done so earlier.
        i have not taken many commitments onto myself.

        sit zazen each day no matter what, for 20 minutes each day. ( failed it only once as i had a very busy day and had no choice but to sit on a bus, after 10 minutes my back began to hurt since there were no place to sit normally and i had to stop after 15 minutes ).

        i dont sit the zazenkai since saturday is the only day i have in the entire week that i have some free time to spend with my girlfriend, family and friends, and i use it to spend it with them... so not much time for a an hour long sit.

        i dont chant but i do have the opportunity for a lot of samu, i work as a nurse in a geriatric hospital and that is my job and samu ( although i sometimes dont enjoy it and bitch about it, i am always reminded of no resistance to it and just do it ).

        i am thinking of adding 10 more minutes to my sits and increase it to 30 minutes.

        i gave up cigarettes ( i dont smoke for many years but lately i have been allowing myself to smoke a few cigarettes here and there, i could smoke a whole pack in one night and not go back to smoking... i dont do it often maybe once in every few month. ) i think the fact my girlfriend always steals hits from cigarettes and the fact that she likes to smoke sometimes made me smoke myself sometimes.
        well i broke that yesterday night knowingly that i will do that. i was in a wedding of one of my oldest friends, im very happy for them!!!
        so i saw a lot of all friends and had a lot of fun and a lot to drink so i just allowed myself to smoke as much as i wanted.
        but now im back to not smoking.

        anyway i guess i am happy for slipping a bit since it reminds me that im only human and can fall off but im also able to keep at it afterwards, get up and keep going.

        Gassho, Dojin.
        I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
        - the Buddha


        • Jinyu
          • May 2009
          • 768


          Hi everyone!

          Everything is fine over here!
          I haven't been in trouble with the meal gatha, no problems dealing with cigarettes,...
          But on the other side, I'm working a lot, sleeping 5 hours/night but I haven't the choice for the moment!
          I just hade to split my zazen time into 30 min zazen + 5 min kinhin in the morning and the same in the evening... + the "Insta-zazen" on the train, bus, elevators, ...

          I also try to practice metta meditation twice a week during my midday pause... but unfortunately it's difficult with the schedule as it is to practice it everyday ...

          I'm just having some "back" problems (sitting on a bad chair all day! :evil: ) so I've been practicing zazen on a chair, with a soft cusshion, all week.

          Also have been doing some samu work, I've been painting an appartment for a lady and his two childs during the week and this morning I'm going to help someone to move as a samu (I don't really know the guy but a friend told me he really needs help so...).

          That's everything for the moment!

          Hope you guys are OK ! :wink:


          Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


          • Shonin
            • Apr 2009
            • 885

            Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

            This week was a lil better than the last two. Things are falling more into a pattern. Did much better with the metta verse and meal chant. Still keeping to my vows ( other than the aforementioned energy drink problems). Getting less excercise than I was hoping, some days i just run out of time when i have some "extras" in life.

            Sticking to my vegetarian diet. Other than an oops where I remembered our potato salad had diced hard-boiled eggs in it. I was like " DOH!" All Homer Simpson style.
            So strike that off the list of things to eat.

            Sitting has been going well. Been very good about keeping up on my sitting. Yesterday, I was literally so busy my sitting never happened ( today is looking about the same). I was zipping around after work picking up some things from Wal-Mart. Then back out later to spend an hour at Hobby Lobby getting all my fabrics and sewing materials, which takes significantly longer when you have no clue what you're doing, looking for or purchasing. am good now. Rotary boards = expensive. Cardboard for me $6.99 DING! WINNER!! vs. like $27 bucks on on.

            Couldn't find a clear yard/meter stick. Closest they had was inches only. *shrug* But over in another section of the store I found a nice thin metal one for about $7. Had both inches and centimeters. Almost bought a T-Square instead.

            Dave _/_


            • Tb
              • Jan 2008
              • 3186

              Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE


              Had two interesting meetings this week with "baldheaded guys with "Bibs"".
              And of course we discussed my current situation. The funny thing is how they conveyed the situation and the advice they gave me. One was cool and laughed a lot, the other more serious and came with sound advice.
              And the funny thing is, they're both right. All i can do in the current situation is see what really happens and do something (as i always like to say, when this happens, do this. When that happens do that.)
              What i really wanted to convey through this is how valuable our practice is and that we have such wondruous people to do it with. That is one experience that has been really highlighted with this Ango for me, especially since i have been sitting more online and having more online meetings.

              Other than that, things are as they should.

              Life is our temple and its all good practice
              Blog: http://fugenblog.blogspot.com/


              • Shugen
                • Nov 2007
                • 4532

                Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                I seem to be getting a bit complacent in my commitment to Ango - too much time on the computer, not doing the meal chant, just going through the motions during zazen and metta etc.

                Reading the Jukai thread, and seeing all the excitement there with all the people receiving Jukai this year has been a boost - so thank you to everyone that has posted.

                This evening I am going to do the 2 hour Jukai sit to kind of reconfirm my commitment to Ango.

                Meido Shugen
                明道 修眼


                • Kevin
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 113

                  Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                  Ango for me has been up and down. I have been sitting every day, and have recently increased my sitting time to 25 minutes. I have also added a daily metta practice at the end of each sitting.

                  However, the meal chant is still a problem, though I do pause for a kind of thanksgiving/chant. I just need to memorize the meal gatha, I guess. I have raised my voice in anger a few times. I've had some issues with illness due to a change in a medication I'm taking, which has affected my mood, as well. I've noticed it happening, but sometimes not until after I've yelled. However, I'm doing better. While I have felt my ire rise, it has only progressed to yelling once or twice, and then only mild yelling. I consider that an improvement.

                  With a birthday a couple of weeks ago, gift cards for gifts, and so on, I have slipped into consumer mode a bit. Stumbled there. Getting sucked back into my church for a bit has thrown me for a loop, too, but it is turning out to be a very useful point of practice for me. It's helping me to clarify my beliefs, but also helping me practice loving kindness.



                  • monkton
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 111

                    Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                    Ango progressing fine, I'm bit later in writing my update this week as, like a lot of folks it seems, I've been pushed for time. However, I haven't missed a sitting yet, although I have been 'sitting with my tiredness' quite a few nights recently. The dust is settling again now, which I'm happy about. I am doing the metta practice everyday and I've only found myself freezing mid-mouthful having realised I'd forgotten the meal chant a couple of times.
                    One development this week: usually when I return to the consciousness of just sitting there's always a little reprimand in the back of my head, "where were you? you shouldn't be off daydreaming like that!" But this week, for some reason, the reprimand wasn't there; maybe the invigilator got bored and went home? Anyway, I just returned to sitting and the whole process felt a lot... smoother.
                    Also, (force of habit), I've noticed that after the metta practice and the meal chant I'm always expecting myself to say 'Amen'!



                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41007

                      Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                      Originally posted by monkton
                      One development this week: usually when I return to the consciousness of just sitting there's always a little reprimand in the back of my head, "where were you? you shouldn't be off daydreaming like that!" But this week, for some reason, the reprimand wasn't there; maybe the invigilator got bored and went home? Anyway, I just returned to sitting and the whole process felt a lot... smoother.
                      There ya go.

                      Just return as naturally as water settles.
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Jinyu
                        • May 2009
                        • 768

                        Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                        Hi folks!

                        Just a few words between two courses (still don't have internet at home...).
                        These days have been a bit more difficult, sitting is still painful and the schedule is very tigh!
                        I've got to sit in churches, because I take the train too early to do it at home before leaving... But it also has some advantages... sitting in a 16th century church is not a very awful thing, and they've got free chairs :lol:
                        I had some extra "Insta-zazen" when it's possible, especially between two courses ... when I'm not chatting whit other people :P

                        On the other hand, giving up cigarette his also a bit difficult for the moment, I had some especially in the moment were the schedule was too tigh :?

                        I also try to practice metta in the train twice a day... and it goes pretty well, but it's always better when it's "fully" done at home, in a longer version than 15min...

                        I hope you guys are having a "nice" practice!


                        Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


                        • Jikyo
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 197

                          Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                          Hi everyone,

                          Ango has been going well for me. My food commitments have become more stringent this past week as I’ve embarked on an elimination diet (looking for food allergies). So, at our house it’s pretty much lentils, chickpeas, oats, brown rice and steamed veggies. At least I was vegan to start with.

                          I’ve been doing the Metta practice twice daily, and the meal chant at each meal. I really like the words used in Jundo’s meal chant, so I’ve stopped using the Five Contemplations, which I’ve done for years. I’ve also started chanting the Heart Sutra before my morning sit, and the Verse of Atonement and Four Vows at the end. All very supportive of my practice and a great way to set the tone for the day. Plus, one of my cats comes to listen to the Heart Sutra every day; she sits there looking up at me with rapt attention.

                          Before starting Ango, I was aware of coming back to the practice again and again throughout the day (Insta-Zazen or re-centering myself on my breath while performing a difficult task, etc.). Now it seems that I am aware that everything I do (or don’t do) is there within the framework of practice. The practice is always there, but now it’s more in my awareness. I know what I mean, but in trying to articulate it here - it doesn’t even make sense to me. Let’s just say I’m finding the intensified practice period beneficial.

                          And I misspoke in an earlier post - I’m currently getting up at 0430 to sit live with the monthly four hour Zazenkai, so with the time change at the end of next month, I’ll be getting up at 0330! Not to mention the other Saturday Zazenkais will move to 0430. :shock: Now, if I can only apply that discipline to starting my rakusu...

                          Gassho, Jean


                          • JamesVB
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 79

                            Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                            Thank you Sangha members for presenting this opportunity to deepen my practice. Before my commitment to Ango, my sitting practice was spotty at best; never any consistency. My committing to Ango corresponded with my two week vacation from work and I was able to kick-off Ango with the prior 4 hr Zazenkai.

                            My commitment to Ango is as follows:
                            1. 20 Minute daily sitting
                            2. Every Saturday Zazenkai
                            3. Daily Metta verse practice
                            4. Daily Nurturing Seeds practice
                            5. Listening to the daily Sit-a-long
                            6. Participation in the online forum
                            7. Skype Jundo or Taigu
                            8. Commit to Jukai readings, rakusu, and all
                            9. Dogen's "Instructions for the Cook"
                            10. No food past 6:00 PM & no comfort food eating
                            11. Meal chant & mindful eating
                            12. Increased charitable contributions
                            13. I am committed to the special two-day Rohatsu Retreat
                            14. FInally, my Ango period will continue until December 12

                            While away from work for two weeks, I was able to participate in the 4 Hr. Zazenkai in addition to sitting twice daily. I did not think that two sits a day was something that I would be able to continue after my return to work, but so far the twice-a-day habit seems to be sticking. I have also noticed that my mind is quite active in the morning, presumably with dream thinking momentum, but I am getting to the point where I can just sit with what ever comes up and then let it go. One morning I repeated the Metta verse, but under the condition that If I caught my mind running off, I would start the verse again. This created quite mental conflict between my Mind and my mind. My ego kept trying to remind me that I had a limited time before which I needed to prepare for work; when I caught this, I started over. Eventually my mind stood harumpfed in the corner with arms crossed, but silent. It took me 25 minutes to complete the Metta verse and I still had to sit 20 min. zazen.


                            • Shonin
                              • Apr 2009
                              • 885

                              Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                              So me and Ango, on the one hand I failed in some commitments here and there. Felt kinda bad about it. Kinda dreaded comin in here and saying " Well I missed this or that" thought about why I failed on some of these things when I failed on them ( am horrrid about the excercise). Thought about the virus i've had this week. Did it stop me or did I stop myself because it made everything else difficult ?

                              But I think it's been more of a learning week than the others have been. More of an eye opener. I began to reflect during the week and especially today at various points about discipline and me vs. discipline. I realized even with the support of this wonderful Sangha, it's all about pushing yourself into the difficulty. not dreading it, or trying to fit it in, or scheduling, but just about getting down and dirty with the Practice. Enjoying the strengthening moments of what has been at times seriously difficult commitments ( varies which ones on which days).

                              I've come to the conclusion that me and discipline don't go so well together. Not a missed point in my life mind you. But it became a bit clearer. I am dodging the suffering when I feel it will be too much , without knowing if it is or isn't. I can ratioanlize all the reasons why it was " okay" to miss this or that. Or to sneak lil bits of meat this week. Not from a craving but more from convenience, am hungry now this is available eat that...sorry Vow..eat now or don't eat.

                              But it struck me how cheating on the Vow was a loss at a chance to grow and improve. To not escape the hardships. But to jump headlong into them and call them Life Sensei. To hug them and thank them for the opportunity to grow.

                              Alot of times I've been saying " I just cannn't do this. It's too much of a pain right now. Am about at wits end." but realizing it was just skipping around the difficulty. Failing to look the laziness in the eye and squash it like a bug. But if i'm giving up before I even try then how do I know if I can't do it or not. If i'm justifying not doing it and rationalizing it , all i'm really doing is convincing myself it's too difficult.

                              It also made me think about having to work hard for what we really want. I really wanted to take part in this Ango when it was mentioned. It's the kind of thing that lets you know what you're made of. I was excited. I still am. I had to think about how important my Practice really is to me. It's given alot to me in this last 1/2 year or so.

                              Time to give a bit more back than what I have been. Stop making the excuses. Wipe the nose, down the coffee, get my priorities straight. Look down at the swirling mass of "I don't know's" and " I can't" and say "I really have no idea what you're about." then dive in to see what exists beneath them.

                              If what I want is to , as they say " Arrouse the Way seeking Mind." then this IS the way to do it. If I really want it, then I just gotta do the work.

                              The only real obstacle is my own mentally concocted BS.

                              Dave _/_


                              • Shugen
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 4532

                                Re: Experiencing Ango - PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANGO EXPERIENCES HERE

                                Thank you Dave! Great post! I needed a little pep talk.

                                Meido Shugen
                                明道 修眼

