Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

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  • Dojin
    • May 2008
    • 562

    Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

    Dosho, thank you so much!
    what you wrote was very profound and makes me look at my life and realize many things i have known before but seems to have forgotten.
    it seems i have forgotten to be satisfied with what is and let things just be. i still let things be as they are and i do accept them but it seems i dont really enjoy life as much as i used to. maybe its my mental fatigue but i dont seem to be able to overcome it and feel utterly alone... even though i am not alone at all i do feel lonely lately. even with my girlfriend i feel that our relationship has met many difficulties that are pretty much pointless and have no reason but stupidity and ignorance on both our sides.

    anyway, thank you for your efforts!
    i only wish you to finish your kesa and just let it be as it is, and most importantly i wish you happiness.

    Gassho, Dojin.
    I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
    - the Buddha


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41208

      Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

      Originally posted by Dojin
      Dosho, thank you so much!
      it seems i have forgotten to be satisfied with what is and let things just be. i still let things be as they are and i do accept them....
      We are satisfied with things as they are and let life be ... yet we keep sewing and moving forward.

      We keep sewing and moving forward ... yet let things be as they are and accept them.


      • Taigu
        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
        • Aug 2008
        • 2710

        Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!


        You have received the most precious teachings the okesa can give you.
        What you experience now is the very reason I disagree with people saying that a kesa can be machine sewn.
        They simply don't know what they are talking about, even if they are respected Japanese roshis.
        You are now with your green blanket sitting close to Kodo Sawaki.And more importantly closer to yourself than ever.
        Thank you for sharing this with us.
        Thank you for being a student of the kesa.
        Thank you for treasuring your life as it is.




        • Dojin
          • May 2008
          • 562

          Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

          Originally posted by Jundo
          Originally posted by Dojin
          Dosho, thank you so much!
          it seems i have forgotten to be satisfied with what is and let things just be. i still let things be as they are and i do accept them....
          We are satisfied with things as they are and let life be ... yet we keep sewing and moving forward.

          We keep sewing and moving forward ... yet let things be as they are and accept them.

          It is a hard Lesson to learn... and even harder ( much much harder ) to implement and uphold it all the time...
          sometimes i seems to forget that but i am reminded of it by all of you here in treeleaf, thank you for that.

          Gassho, Dojin.
          I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
          - the Buddha


          • Shohei
            • Oct 2007
            • 2854

            Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

            Very nice kesa indeed Dosho!
            This lesson caught up with me stitching the thing to my loose fitting pants, removing stitches and redoing them... only to realize it was STILL WRONG!! (3rd times a charm i cringed)
            It will get done and you will have to start again - so rushing is out
            Thank you so much for you, your efforts and the wonderful teaching!

            Deep bows


            • miheco
              • Dec 2007
              • 69

              Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

              Seven months after buying the fabric, I have started the cutting. I read through the various formulas for the size and used a pinned bedsheet to make sure everything was correct, for some reason it seemed so large, because I'm a small in stature person. Amazing it was correct.

              Discovered I didn't have enough cotton cloth. Went back to the big-box store hoping to find the same bolt and it was there in the remnant pile, untouched as I left it last June.

              After cutting my second Cho, I realized I cut it opposite the grain, so I rotated the piece & recut that piece into a Tan.

              I am finding freedom in this whole process. My days start off by cooking & tidying up, washing and tending to my mothers twisted feet, suffering from advanced dementia, time, place and words are slipping away from her, my patience sometimes weighs heavy on me but now is somehow lightened by this Okesa cutting and sewing.



              • Shohei
                • Oct 2007
                • 2854

                Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                Couldnt agree more on the freedom found in the process to make whole a living and breathing robe and the fabric one! Still can be frustrating at times but as we know a good teacher in those rough stitches too.
                Im glad you are on this journey too Thank you for your efforts Jintai!

                Deep bows to you and for your patience.



                • Dosho
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 5784

                  Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                  Hey Jintai,

                  Glad you are moving forward with the kesa and it's nice to have our little group here working on things. If I can ever offer any assistance please don't hesitate to post here or send me a message directly. I'm sure we'd all prefer to trade advice here in the forum but sometimes you need to vent to one person...well, at least I do.

                  Deep bows to you and your practice.



                  • Taigu
                    Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 2710

                    Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                    Hi Jintai,

                    Very glad you are undertaking this great task. Come and knock on my door, if you wish. And also remember that I will start a course about sewing the okesa this Spring.




                    • Dojin
                      • May 2008
                      • 562

                      Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                      i am really excited and waiting for the kesa project to start... i didnt get it from looking at the instructions on the blog
                      I gained nothing at all from supreme enlightenment, and for that very reason it is called supreme enlightenment
                      - the Buddha


                      • Jikyo
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 197

                        Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                        Hi Taigu and everyone,

                        I am very interested in joining the kesa sewing circle this spring. Looking forward to sewing with you all!

                        Gassho, Jikyo


                        • Seishin the Elder
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 521

                          Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                          While I still have enough hawser rope and a shiny anchor to sew with, I would like to join the sewing bee of living the Kesa.

                          Kyrill Seishin


                          • Taigu
                            Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2710

                            Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                            Welcome Seishin, Jikyo and Dojin ! We will start in Spring and I will try to offer personal guidance and advise people so they don't get stuck. Shohei and Dosho might be willing to help me too.




                            • Jinyu
                              • May 2009
                              • 768

                              Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                              Hi folks!
                              I just have seen we will be soon sewing together again , and I'll be glad to be part of it and share the experience with all of you! So, please count me in!

                              Can't wait to "ruin" my fingers again :lol:

                              Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels


                              • Taigu
                                Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                                • Aug 2008
                                • 2710

                                Re: Kesa OKESA, it is about time!

                                No problem, Luis.
                                It is a great undertaking.



