Instructions for the Cook

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  • Ryumon
    • Apr 2007
    • 1818

    Instructions for the Cook

    I was just wondering why this isn’t called, in Japanese, the Tenzogenzo…

    Ryūmon (Kirk)
    I know nothing.
  • Bion
    Senior Priest-in-Training
    • Aug 2020
    • 5098

    Instructions for the Cook

    I want to say cause 教訓( kyōkun ) has the shared meaning of both lesson and precept, or moral teaching, where 教 is faith, doctrine or teaching and 訓 is instruction or explanation. So it goes beyond just lesson in an academic sense. The genzō in Shohogenzo comes from Daihui’s 正法眼藏 or Zhengfa Yanzang (read in Japanese as Shobogenzo) . Also, probably Dōgen just wanted to use that word in particular [emoji13] Jundo will correct me if I am wrong here . ( Thanks Ryumon for the motivation to go do some digging on the topic. Gassho )

    Sorry for running a bit long

    [emoji1374] Sat today
    Last edited by Bion; 02-18-2023, 09:43 PM.
    "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


    • Shonin Risa Bear
      • Apr 2019
      • 927

      Just use whatever vegetables you have, without disparaging their quality.

      ds sat today
      Visiting priest: use salt


      • Kokuu
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Nov 2012
        • 6992

        I was just wondering why this isn’t called, in Japanese, the Tenzogenzo…
        A Goodish Book for a Buddhist Cook...



        • Seiko
          Novice Priest-in-Training
          • Jul 2020
          • 1177

          Originally posted by Shōnin Risa Bear
          Just use whatever vegetables you have, without disparaging their quality.

          ds sat today

          The ingredients of my life. Some days a culinary delight. Other days harder to swallow.

          Gandō Seiko
          (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

          My street name is 'Al'.

          Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.


          • Ryumon
            • Apr 2007
            • 1818

            Originally posted by Bion
            I want to say cause 教訓( kyōkun ) has the shared meaning of both lesson and precept, or moral teaching, where 教 is faith, doctrine or teaching and 訓 is instruction or explanation. So it goes beyond just lesson in an academic sense. The genzō in Shohogenzo comes from Daihui’s 正法眼藏 or Zhengfa Yanzang (read in Japanese as Shobogenzo) . Also, probably Dōgen just wanted to use that word in particular [emoji13] Jundo will correct me if I am wrong here . ( Thanks Ryumon for the motivation to go do some digging on the topic. Gassho )

            Sorry for running a bit long

            [emoji1374] Sat today
            It was meant to be a joke… :-)

            Ryūmon (Kirk)
            I know nothing.


            • Bion
              Senior Priest-in-Training
              • Aug 2020
              • 5098

              Originally posted by Ryumon
              It was meant to be a joke… :-)

              Ryūmon (Kirk)
              Sheesh! [emoji23] I OBVIOUSLY did not get that memo it flew ENTIRELY over my head!

              [emoji1374] sat
              "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


              • Risho
                • May 2010
                • 3178

                well I liked your answer Bion hahaha




                • Bion
                  Senior Priest-in-Training
                  • Aug 2020
                  • 5098

                  Originally posted by Risho
                  well I liked your answer Bion hahaha


                  I will reply to this when I’m done marinating in my embarrassment[emoji1]

                  [emoji1374] Sat Today
                  "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                  • Shonin Risa Bear
                    • Apr 2019
                    • 927


                    ds sat
                    Visiting priest: use salt


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41220

                      Frankly, I think that we have to go in the other direction, time is money, and we have busy working Zen folks around here. So,

                      DOGEN-ON-THE-GO! TENZO-IN-TEN!

                      101 FAST Zen Meals for the Microwave, in 10 minutes or less!

                      dlt con3.jpeg

                      Set the timer, sit Zazen while it cooks, kill two cats with one stone.

                      dlt con1.jpeg

                      (oh, gee, somebody already stole my idea!)

                      dlt con2.jpeg

                      Gassho, J

                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41220

                        But also small footnote ...

                        ... The genzō in Shohogenzo comes from Daihui’s 正法眼藏 or Zhengfa Yanzang (read in Japanese as Shobogenzo) ...
                        That is not so. Where did you pick that up bit of information?

                        The expression "Shobogenzo" (something like "True Dharma Eye Storehouse/Treasury") was a common saying in Zen centuries before either Dogen or Dahui. It is what was traditionally quoted as Buddha's words when Buddha held up the flower and Mahakasyapa smiles in the famous Koan. It refers to the essence of the Buddha's realization and teaching:

                        I possess the Treasury of the Correct Dharma Eye , the wonderful heart-mind of Nirvana, the formless true form, the subtle Dharma gate, not established by written words, transmitted separately outside the teaching. I hand it over and entrust these encouraging words to Kashyapa.

                        Both Dahui and Dogen happened to take the reference as titles for some of their writings, but there is little chance that Dogen would have based his title selection on anything that Dahui wrote, assuming that Dogen even knew the work.

                        Now ... time for lunch.

                        Gassho, Jundo

                        Last edited by Jundo; 02-19-2023, 01:07 AM.
                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • Bion
                          Senior Priest-in-Training
                          • Aug 2020
                          • 5098

                          Instructions for the Cook

                          No no.. I meant the usage of the same kanji for the titles of both Dahui’s collection of Koans and Dogen’s. Carl Bielefeldt suggests Dogen might have picked up the title from him.

                          Enjoy lunch!!

                          [emoji1374] Sat today
                          "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41220

                            Originally posted by Bion
                            No no.. I meant the usage of the same kanji for the titles of both Dahui’s collection of Koans and Dogen’s. Carl Bielefeldt suggests Dogen might have picked up the title from him.

                            Enjoy lunch!!

                            [emoji1374] Sat today
                            Yes, that suggestion ... and a couple of other things that Carl Bielefeldt says in his "Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation" ... are "half-baked." . There, Bielefeldt writes:

                            The practice of making [Koan] collections was, of course, a common one among Sung Ch'an authors, who used them as an opportunity to offer their own interpretations and appreciations of the wisdom of the elders. Indeed the fact that Dogen styled his effort "Shobo genzo" suggests that he had as his model a similar compilation of the same title by the most famous, of Sung masters, Ta-hui Tsung-kao.
                            It is surprising that the good doctor does not mention that the term comes centuries before from the Flower Sermon.

                            Dr. Bielefe-it-or-not, who is something of a revisionist historian, was trying to "stir things up" with some of his comments in that book, and I find them lacking in ingredients sometimes.

                            Gassho, J

                            Last edited by Jundo; 02-19-2023, 01:45 AM.
                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Bion
                              Senior Priest-in-Training
                              • Aug 2020
                              • 5098

                              Ah! Gotcha! Thanks for clarifying. That man almost made me a liar [emoji23]

                              [emoji1374] Sat Today
                              "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi

