Re: Buddhism and GODthingy?
damn near word for word what i was going to post... Dosho... quit reading my mind! :lol:
I wasn't raised with any faith, although I think my parents believed in a "god" they never went to church with us as kids or really ever discussed the ideas. I always assumed there was none and it was "useful stories and teachings to keep thinking beasts being nice to each other" As a teen i really got fired up if some one suggested I needed to join their "Crew" so I could be one of the 100,000+ to reserve a spot in heaven as an angel or let Jesus in my heart or Id burn in a fiery hell!!?? (perhaps a tad more work on brochure and ad package would help their cause with me! :roll
Here is the kicker that I didn't really see then. Those people were not trying to be mean. They were doing what the thought was right - and it is Right for them so it must be Good for all! Thing is I was mean in response for sure. They may have been "disrespecting" my choice not to choose but they were just trying to offer their help. They want me to be as comfy cozy, safe and headed to what ever heaven /free from hell that they were going too, and believed to be true. My tune has changed significantly since then
ops: The teachings may be different to a degree but most are aimed to help, I think. All of em can be twisted to suit the greedy, hateful and power hungry -Buddhism too. The Human factor can fudge even the purest teachings. And even the fudgiest (yeah - i made it up :P) human can find refuge in those teachings so we have to try to be the acceptance we seek from others too. If it works for them WICKED COOL as long as it doesn't cause harm to others I'm perfectly fine with it (broad statement and I'm aware there is myriad of possible situations where my logic there breaks down)
Any who I have a wonderfully open and accepting, often teasing light-hearted tormenting, kind wife who actually gave "just sitting" a try. My parents and my inlaws are very accepting. I really don't talk alot about it with them. My mom came to our Jukai ceremony as did my wife and little one. I am doing this for them as much as me and as mentioned I really am lucky to be able to practice openly.
I really appreciate all the post here, lots to Think on. excuse my rambling post
Gassho, Shohei
Originally posted by Scott
I wasn't raised with any faith, although I think my parents believed in a "god" they never went to church with us as kids or really ever discussed the ideas. I always assumed there was none and it was "useful stories and teachings to keep thinking beasts being nice to each other" As a teen i really got fired up if some one suggested I needed to join their "Crew" so I could be one of the 100,000+ to reserve a spot in heaven as an angel or let Jesus in my heart or Id burn in a fiery hell!!?? (perhaps a tad more work on brochure and ad package would help their cause with me! :roll

Here is the kicker that I didn't really see then. Those people were not trying to be mean. They were doing what the thought was right - and it is Right for them so it must be Good for all! Thing is I was mean in response for sure. They may have been "disrespecting" my choice not to choose but they were just trying to offer their help. They want me to be as comfy cozy, safe and headed to what ever heaven /free from hell that they were going too, and believed to be true. My tune has changed significantly since then

Any who I have a wonderfully open and accepting, often teasing light-hearted tormenting, kind wife who actually gave "just sitting" a try. My parents and my inlaws are very accepting. I really don't talk alot about it with them. My mom came to our Jukai ceremony as did my wife and little one. I am doing this for them as much as me and as mentioned I really am lucky to be able to practice openly.
I really appreciate all the post here, lots to Think on. excuse my rambling post

Gassho, Shohei