Dear Folks,
I was interviewed by a well known podcast about 'futurism & technology' regarding my upcoming book, 'Building the Future Buddha: The Kōan of Robots, Genes, Saving the World and Travelling to the Stars,' which considers what Zen and Buddhist Practice might be 500 or 2500 years onward from now (not just how it was 500 or 2500 years in the past, or when 'being in the now,' as is our usual focus in Zen):
Somehow, I ended up on a podcast that interviews really great folks like Noam Chomsky, physicists like Michio Kaku and Lawrence Krauss, Royal Astronomer Sir Martin Reese, AI genius Marvin Minsky ...
... and then the likes of me! The TWO HOUR marathon interview starts with my life story (I advise you to fast forward through that), but then gets into Zen practice for the technology-minded, as well as a variety of topics such as Buddhism in a world of robots, bodily implants in place of imprisonment for violent criminals, space travel, our possible AI overlords, ending Global Warming through Zen, and the potential for making a kinder, more loving and less violent human race via the human genome. Can we get some Dharma in our drones, motherly love on our motherboards, Precepts into our programs, generosity in our genes? In such an age, will Zen be practiced, programmed, bred or wired in? Can robots be 'Roshis,' and might AI attain enlightenment?
I discuss how the "white hat" good guys need to get ahead of these technological innovations before the "black hat" military-industrialists, corporations and dictators use these coming methods to create their ideal soldiers, workers and compliant citizens. What can Zen and Buddhist values and Precepts tell us about the ethical use of these technologies, as well as about creating gentle future humans (or whatever human-electro-bio hybrid species will succeed us) who are truly content, peaceful, wise, compassionate and good ...
... as well as how we need to remember to step away from the keyboards and screens, and turn off the machines too.
It is available as an audio podcast ...
... and also here on the youtubes:
Gassho, Jundo
I was interviewed by a well known podcast about 'futurism & technology' regarding my upcoming book, 'Building the Future Buddha: The Kōan of Robots, Genes, Saving the World and Travelling to the Stars,' which considers what Zen and Buddhist Practice might be 500 or 2500 years onward from now (not just how it was 500 or 2500 years in the past, or when 'being in the now,' as is our usual focus in Zen):
Roshi Jundo Cohen on Zen, AI, Transhumanism and Saving the World
During our 2-hour conversation with Jundo Cohen, we cover a variety of interesting topics such as the story of how a Jewish kid from the Bronx became a Zen Master in Japan; Buddhism and Zen Buddhism; oneness, wholeness, and the illusion of separation; whether we are living in a simulation; why the world is both perfect and imperfect; moderation, compassion, simplicity, desire and excess; dealing with pain and discomfort; why acceptance is not giving up; the wave as a manifestation of the sea; artificial meat, modifying the human genome and other tech solutions to our problems; David Pearce’s Hedonistic Imperative; the singularity, AI and Transhumanism.
During our 2-hour conversation with Jundo Cohen, we cover a variety of interesting topics such as the story of how a Jewish kid from the Bronx became a Zen Master in Japan; Buddhism and Zen Buddhism; oneness, wholeness, and the illusion of separation; whether we are living in a simulation; why the world is both perfect and imperfect; moderation, compassion, simplicity, desire and excess; dealing with pain and discomfort; why acceptance is not giving up; the wave as a manifestation of the sea; artificial meat, modifying the human genome and other tech solutions to our problems; David Pearce’s Hedonistic Imperative; the singularity, AI and Transhumanism.
... and then the likes of me! The TWO HOUR marathon interview starts with my life story (I advise you to fast forward through that), but then gets into Zen practice for the technology-minded, as well as a variety of topics such as Buddhism in a world of robots, bodily implants in place of imprisonment for violent criminals, space travel, our possible AI overlords, ending Global Warming through Zen, and the potential for making a kinder, more loving and less violent human race via the human genome. Can we get some Dharma in our drones, motherly love on our motherboards, Precepts into our programs, generosity in our genes? In such an age, will Zen be practiced, programmed, bred or wired in? Can robots be 'Roshis,' and might AI attain enlightenment?
I discuss how the "white hat" good guys need to get ahead of these technological innovations before the "black hat" military-industrialists, corporations and dictators use these coming methods to create their ideal soldiers, workers and compliant citizens. What can Zen and Buddhist values and Precepts tell us about the ethical use of these technologies, as well as about creating gentle future humans (or whatever human-electro-bio hybrid species will succeed us) who are truly content, peaceful, wise, compassionate and good ...
... as well as how we need to remember to step away from the keyboards and screens, and turn off the machines too.
It is available as an audio podcast ...
... and also here on the youtubes:
Gassho, Jundo