Discrimination in the SZBA: Small Changes, BIG BARRIERS

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41109

    Discrimination in the SZBA: Small Changes, BIG BARRIERS

    The Soto Zen Buddhist Association, an accrediting organization of Soto Zen clergy in the English speaking world which I have belonged to since 2004, will currently not recognize any priest as a full member unless the applicant has spent:

    "At least 5 years training at a monastery, in a residential practice community, or while living a temple-centered life"


    "At least one 90-day formal practice intensive that meets the criteria established by the SZBA training committee."

    These are honest, well-intended standards meant to identify those Soto Zen priests who are serious, dedicated, well-trained and experienced in our Traditions, priests who have a proven record of good, ethical and energetic service to other sentient beings, filtering out those who are not so serious, dedicated, ethical and the rest. I support these standards, and the vast majority of SZBA full members have been able to satisfy these standards. Problems arise only with regard to those serious, dedicated priests who, due to disabilities and other hardships which they are passing through with grace, wisdom and courage, are unable to meet those requirements because of how they are narrowly interpreted by the SZBA. When requests for change are made to the SZBA, the complaints are ignored, microphones turned off, doors slammed shut.

    Despite many possible meanings to "living a temple-centered life," and despite Master Dogen's own flexibility on the meaning of "90-day formal practice intensive" (Ango), the SZBA continues to discriminate against those fine priests who cannot do so, simply because most members of the SZBA and its Board of Directors once physically could or can.

    There are active priests who have demonstrated, over long years, that they are dedicated and have been serving others ethically and with great energy, but who are simply unable to attend to such physical training and residential isolation without serious risks to health. Nonetheless, such priests have repeatedly, over years, demonstrated their knowledge and understanding of our Traditions, history and practices (as they are able to adapt them to their physical needs) in ways which bring unique insights and outreach to our Path. To give a few examples:
    • One priest, although unable due to age and health and his duties to care for a visually impaired partner, has spent years with good reputation, catering to a small Sangha of other primarily elderly individuals in his community.
    • Another priest, although with a health condition which rarely allows him to exit his room without threat to health, has spent years making sound recordings for the visually impaired of Shobogenzo, offering guidance online, especially through his group focused on Zen, Pain and Chronic Illness to so many Zen practitioners in like circumstances.
    • Another priest, with cancer and in chemotherapy, is simply unable to perform standard rituals, so has designed alternative ceremonies which can be undertaken from a cancer bed.
    • Another priest, although with a potentially life threatening illness, carries on as a medical practitioner near her home helping ill and suffering sentient beings, but would be at serious risk of thromboembolism and stroke if engaged in residential practice away from home.
    • Still another priest, although healthy himself, cannot be far away from a relative in need of constant nursing care, yet also finds the time to cater to a Sangha, study and practice our Zen ways, all with good reputation.

    These priests would barred by the powers within the SZBA because, if I may summarize what has been said by some who would close the doors on their entrance, "Their training cannot be like our training was." In other words, their personal experiences of Zen practice, sitting with physical pain, debilitation, loss, isolation, cancer and mortality on the brink of life and death are deemed just not equivalent to a few weeks of sitting by a healthier person in a retreat somewhere.

    Why? Because a few healthier priests, fortunate enough to swing circumstances and get by, were able to get away from their life responsibilities for a time to do these things. I ask those more fortunate priests, "What is the true living of a 'temple-centered life'?" As one of these barred priests said to me, "We sit RIGHT HERE with pain, loss, isolation, cancer, and mortality, not off in some special isolated place." Their ministry is directed toward others who also know pain, loss, isolation, cancer, and mortality.

    I am sure that the SZBA folks mean well, that they are not bad people with evil intent. But sometimes even good people can do cruel things and can engage in terrible discrimination and prejudice without meaning to do so. I have been told by people in the SZBA, "Well, these folks don't have to be priests, and they can be of service in some other way." But why can't they be priests? Better said, are they not now demonstrating that they are superb priests, serious and serving others?

    Some have said to me, "Well, a priest must be able to do X, Y and Z, such as run a temple, sit Zazen for long hours, travel and give talks, for that is what priests do." Such people ignore the fact that, in both Asia and in the west, today and in centuries past, not all Zen priests fit that description, have found other ways of service (e.g., feeding the poor, nursing the sick, making art and poetry, building bridges and waterways, and much more) and that "running a temple" is not always a matter of some old building of wood and gold. Some recline Zen, or sit their Zen in the chemotherapy chair. Today, in the 21st century, there are ways for these priests to be trained, to practice and study, and to serve others through media simply unavailable 100 or 1000 years ago.

    Some in the SZBA have said to me, "Well, this is just their bad Karma from the past to now be sick, it cannot be helped." Such people ignore the fact that identical claims were used in the past by Soto Zen in Japan to excuse their discrimination against certain "untouchable" classes, the poor, lepers and other disabled, an injustice which Soto-shu in Japan has only now begun to apologize for. (read up on some Soto Zen history here: https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/nfile/2584)

    The SZBA points to some of its members, and has made a committee of its members, who have some types of disability that allowed them to do residential practice. Thus, they say, "See, even some disabled people can do it, and they became our members." However, the SZBA thus forgets that not all people are disabled in the same ways, and that, just because some could, that does not mean that we can compare those disabled people who cannot.

    The SZBA is now conducting a survey asking for input from individuals who have encountered barriers to priesthood "to find out more about the experience of Soto Zen priests and practitioners with physical/mental disabilities and/or who identify as neuro-diverse." It is a well meaning effort. HOWEVER, our fears are that the SZBA, once again as in the past, will fail to waive its residential training requirements for these good priests, and will instead insist that small measures ... a wheelchair ramp here or there, a shortened schedule, someone to help them walk to the bathroom ... is enough.

    It is far from enough for some. Taking small measures, while leaving in place the big barriers, will continue to bar some completely.

    More on this next time.

    Gassho, J
    Last edited by Jundo; 01-29-2022, 06:26 AM.
  • Nengei
    • Dec 2016
    • 1658

    Please excuse any unintended appearance that I am trying to teach or explain anything. I am preparing for ordination as a novice priest, and have no depth of knowledge or qualifications for teaching Zen.

    Can an organization like the SZBA (or Sōtō-shu) remain relevant, if through these requirements they bar differently abled persons to engage in such service roles? Many of these potential priests could fully perform their duties and perhaps outshine allegedly able persons. It seems ableist; something any spiritual practice should strive to avoid. We take refuge in the Sangha, not the dogma.

    There are many people who have a Bachelors, Masters, or doctorate in Fine Arts, who work in IT or food service, or anything other than art. A lot of them are terrible artists. Anyone can get a DFA, as they have nothing at all to do with actual skill as an artist. I have never once had any person who comes to my studio ask whether I had a degree. They look at my paintings, and that's what matters.

    然芸 Nengei
    Sat today. LAH.
    Last edited by Nengei; 01-29-2022, 03:47 AM.
    遜道念芸 Sondō Nengei (he/him)

    Please excuse any indication that I am trying to teach anything. I am a priest in training and have no qualifications or credentials to teach Zen practice or the Dharma.


    • Tomás ESP
      • Aug 2020
      • 575

      Spot on Jundo and Nengei.

      "We take refuge in the Sangha, not the dogma."

      Gassho, Tomás


      • Onkai
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Aug 2015
        • 3170


        美道 Bidou Beautiful Way
        恩海 Onkai Merciful/Kind Ocean

        I have a lot to learn; take anything I say that sounds like teaching with a grain of salt.


        • Kotei
          Dharma Transmitted Priest
          • Mar 2015
          • 4338


          Kotei sat/lah today.
          義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


          • Shade
            • Aug 2020
            • 168


            I hope that the SZBA will make some much-needed changes regarding the recognition of priests. As an educator, I was trained to look at students as individuals with their own unique needs and to build on their strengths so that they can succeed. The goal is equity, and I don't see why the SZBA can't do the same.





            • Shonin Risa Bear
              • Apr 2019
              • 926

              Wind rises; grasses bend.

              ds sat/lah
              Visiting priest: use salt


              • Jinyo
                • Jan 2012
                • 1957



                Sat today


                • Anchi
                  • Sep 2015
                  • 556

                  Life itself is the only teacher.
                  一 Joko Beck

                  安知 Anchi


                  • Tai Shi
                    • Oct 2014
                    • 3481

                    I have been a part of this survey. That's not exactly what I wish to address in my comments. I ask Jundo to allow me to introduce myself with some of the issues facing me as making me qualified to speak out. I am lay member who tries to support, be sensitive to to gain trust, grandmotherly, married with one adult daughter 32 earning her PhD in Japanese literature. Now I am Ubasoku, 70-years-old, husband this year for 40 years, held professional positions, earned advanced degrees, legally disabled, sit zazen sometimes for 40 minutes. I don't sit the traditional methods of lotus, half lotus, or Burmese, my joints are gone. Treeleaf, second home to me, granted me Ubasoku. I am caring to all people. SZBA expectations are difficult to maintain for priests; I have earned distinguishing recognition in academia and could have worked toward becoming a priest in 2014. I have undertaken The Buddhist Precepts several times. Treeleaf gave me the gift I could not make it myself, the rakusu. My hands are filled with arthritis.

                    Perhaps I would make a good priest, but requirements don't me be a without money for residence. Rigorous physical requirements disqualify me; yet, few priests could earn my degrees. The two are not better or worse. I taught both full-time, and part-time for 23 years at colleges and universities. I would be expected to meet rules as priest-in-training that have nothing to do with being a priest.

                    At 70, disqualified as priest. My wife and I provide for ourselves. The SZBA does not want people with medical histories. They don't care that a person needs physical or mental accommodation. For seven years at Treeleaf Zendo, despite age and disability, I trained myself to sit in a straight back chair with arms or I fall out of this chair. Disease require doctors to see me every two months told by professionals that I have accomplished more than most people in twice my life span. I cannot be a Soto Zen Priest. Wife says often, "You are just a guy and remember it!" a guy, I am wonderful father and a loyal and sensitive husband. I have decided to give up the priesthood. Ten years ago I had earned academic degrees for working as Professor, and Instructor at colleges and universities which I will ever have, no priesthood according to the rules of the SZBA. I am good guy, one of the of the best. Who at SZBA could stand in my shoes? Yet, I am unfit since I was 22-years-old.
                    sat/ lah
                    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-30-2022, 11:36 PM. Reason: revvision
                    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                    • Tai Shi
                      • Oct 2014
                      • 3481

                      No the priesthood is not an accompaniment but a calling. Obviously I have not been called but I am sure you are right. In the same way, from the time I was 16 years old, all I ever wanted to be is a poet, and though there were obstacles to becoming a poet I never once faulted the system that allowed me to work hard so tha I might write poetry. Sorry I was not implying you are correct. I chose early to work in the direction of male poets, and along the way there have been situations that only I understood like my first psychiatrist who told directly never marry, never become a parent, and never go back to school. This was after I had graduated from the best college in my state of Iowa. If I had listened to this psychiatrist, I would never have found Marjorie and we would never have become parents of a beautifully gifted person, our daughter, PhD candidate and Fulbright scholar, i ha madly in love with my wife after 41 years, and my calling is to follow my dream of poetry writing until I die. Marjorie and Laure have been there for me all through my brain surgery, Marjorie watching me wheeled to the OR for my brain surgery, Laurel called dad from Japan where she is conducting he research, and she teaches at one [emoji3516] the most prestigious universities in Japan. Our family never asked for a handful of difficult times. Every family has difficulty with some aspects of life, and when RNs wheeled me into ICU after surgery for my life, who was waiting but Marjorie. My surgery did not destroy us but made us stronger as a family. I wonder what that psychiatrist would say if i were to tell her Charles E Taylor. BA, MA, EdS, MFA and outstanding grades as a trained poet, and father, husband, 23 years college teaching one year at the University of Iowa instructor, one year University of South Dakota instructor. This before I was forced out of work at age 58 by my disabilities. I truly wanted to earn the MFA when I was 18, and all my dreams have been materialized because of my hard work. The priesthood is beyond me. I was a dedicated teacher turning my attention to those students who had the most difficult time successfully completing their education. I am sure these students are and became a success person not because of my understanding and dedicated teaching. If the priesthood is out of my reach I avoid the pain and suffering given to teaching. I was never expected to succeed because my initial diagnosis was schizophrenia and then about 18 years later crippling arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis. Many difficult times including my brain surgery, and my life has improved because of my brain surgery. Thank you for I recognize my limitations.
                      sat/ lah

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                      Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                      • Jishin
                        • Oct 2012
                        • 4821

                        I think that at the end of training priests should be required to pass a standardized exam before becoming licensed to practice independent of their teachers. This would ensure that only able priests, regardless of disability, entered the profession.

                        Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH


                        • Tai Shi
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 3481

                          I agree Jishin. Maybe you should write that test based on the MMPI 2 R , and diagnosis them fit or unfit to practice priesthood duties. You might have a staffing with 7 of your cronies. Would you like to be judging Priesthood in addition to the fathers, husbands, and professionals in every walk of life. Of course, psychiatrists should be judge and jury for everything and maybe there would be no felons. Maybe if psychiatrists judged everyone we could just do away with the pronouns I and me. Make them all we and us. Have you even heard of the novel Anthem. Ah yes standards are for everything including the right to breed. You can be the psychiatrist who judges me insane lol so I can escape with my wife into the wilderness.
                          sat/ lah

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                          • Tai Shi
                            • Oct 2014
                            • 3481

                            I’m worked up because I feel misunderstood. My comments were not intended to criticize Treeleaf priests or priests in training. I feel misunderstood. Maybe I can just keep my eyes open and mouth shut. Thank you [emoji120] thank goodness I don’t have to be judge and jury. I never believed in grades.
                            Tai Shi
                            sat/ lah

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


                            • Jundo
                              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 41109

                              Originally posted by Jishin
                              I think that at the end of training priests should be required to pass a standardized exam before becoming licensed to practice independent of their teachers. This would ensure that only able priests, regardless of disability, entered the profession.

                              Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH
                              Like a driver's test for the universe?

                              I am afraid that the paper test will not cover it, we need a road test too.

                              Gassho, J

                              ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE

