What is Emptiness?

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  • Gareth
    • Jun 2020
    • 217

    I have recently been reading "Hua-yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra", by Francis H. Cook. after seeing a recommendation by Jundo in another thread. It is a really nice read so far, and he has the following to say about emptiness and identity:

    The point to the doctrine of indeterdependence is that things exist only in interdependence, for things do not exist in their own right. In Buddhism, this manner of existence is called "emptineess" (Sanskrit sunyata). Buddhism says that things are empty in the sense that they are absolutely lacking in a self-essence (svabhava) by virtue of which things would have an independent existence. In reality, their existence derives strictly from interdependence. If things possessed essences or substances of a metaphysical nature, then there truly would be real, ultimate differences between things. However, if each experiential datum, whether material or mental, derives its existence and meaning purely through its dependence on everything else, then it is not ultimately unique at all, but must be seen as identical with everything else in its emptiness. Thus, to be identical with everything else means to share in the universal interdependence, or intercausality, of all that exists.

    Sat today, Lah


    • Ippo
      • Apr 2019
      • 276

      Originally posted by Bion
      Typical zen [emoji1] [emoji23]
      You know, Hui Neng, at the end of his life, in his final instructions told his disciples to teach by answering everything in opposites, so if a question is asked in affirmative, to answer it in negative, if something is asked about a sage, the reply should be about an ordinary man etc.. The reason was to point to the interdependence of the two opposites. Basically, it is not wise to look at things as if they are just one clear fixed entity, cause nothing is that and that is not the buddha mind. So yeah, “zenny” answers sometimes, for sure hahaha

      [emoji1374] Sat Today
      I think, maybe Hui Neng, also tried to embody in his students not just interdependence but also the illusion of opposites. It's just one great Ocean, waves high, waves low.

      Should we ask him his meaning ??



      一 法

      Everyday is a good day!


      • tclark7
        • Aug 2021
        • 37

        Emptiness is not empty. Emptiness is potential. It's not a lack of anything, but rather a state of full openness. It's the wish (or non-wish) to be anything, everything, nothing, the thing.
        Zazen is a tool which allows things to fall from you, it's not "letting go" in an active sense. More like water off a duck's back. When things fall from you, you haven't lost anything. You've created that potential.


        • Bion
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Aug 2020
          • 5068

          Originally posted by Ippo
          I think, maybe Hui Neng, also tried to embody in his students not just interdependence but also the illusion of opposites. It's just one great Ocean, waves high, waves low.

          Should we ask him his meaning ??



          What are opposites but interdependence? There is no good without evil, sweet without sour, light without dark

          [emoji1374] Sat Today
          "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


          • Bion
            Senior Priest-in-Training
            • Aug 2020
            • 5068

            What is Emptiness?

            Originally posted by tclark7
            Emptiness is not empty. Emptiness is potential. It's not a lack of anything, but rather a state of full openness. It's the wish (or non-wish) to be anything, everything, nothing, the thing.
            Zazen is a tool which allows things to fall from you, it's not "letting go" in an active sense. More like water off a duck's back. When things fall from you, you haven't lost anything. You've created that potential.
            Even “potential” is empty, as it takes things for things to become something else, and even beyond that, it takes thinking to come up with the concepts of “potential” and “becoming”. And I would not call zazen a tool of any kind, really, but a state of being in which there are no “no things” to fall from “no person”, nothing to lose or create.

            [emoji1374] Sat Today
            Last edited by Bion; 01-10-2022, 07:12 AM.
            "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


            • Tobiishi
              • Jan 2009
              • 461

              Gassho all, interesting thread...

              It's interesting how hard we try to use words to describe things we admit are undescribable. Approximations, inferences, like shining a light around a dark room hoping to catch the shadow of a ghost. I appreciate all the effort, really, but at the end of the day there's no way to understand it logically, rationally. It's akin to an emotion, arising from within, without preamble. My own words are just as inadequate and silly to behold.

              Kodo Tobiishi sat today, lah
              It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.


              • Ippo
                • Apr 2019
                • 276

                Originally posted by Bion
                What are opposites but interdependence? There is no good without evil, sweet without sour, light without dark

                [emoji1374] Sat Today
                I think you missed my inquiry a bit, perhaps easy to do when you're speaking from a place of authority



                Last edited by Ippo; 01-10-2022, 02:53 AM.
                一 法

                Everyday is a good day!


                • Bion
                  Senior Priest-in-Training
                  • Aug 2020
                  • 5068

                  What is Emptiness?

                  Originally posted by Ippo
                  I think you missed my inquiry a bit, perhaps easy to do when you're speaking from a place of authority



                  I thought we were saying the same thing! [emoji28] I did miss your inquiry in that case. I do apologize for sounding authoritative and I’ll try to do better. [emoji1374]

                  [emoji1374] Sat Today
                  Last edited by Bion; 01-10-2022, 07:30 AM.
                  "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                  • Ippo
                    • Apr 2019
                    • 276

                    Originally posted by Bion
                    I thought we were saying the same thing! [emoji28] I did miss your inquiry in that case. I do apologize for sounding authoritative and I’ll try to do better. [emoji1374]

                    [emoji1374] Sat Today
                    Hey Bion, many times I've done the same; I should have qualified that in my comment. I too, will try to be better . I often 'get in the way' of things (things as they are).

                    Chat soon my friend,



                    一 法

                    Everyday is a good day!

