Rakusu, Kesa
Kyousui my best friend a long with a few others. lol says rightfully of us. We cannot sew our Rakusu because of disease. This is important to note. We would if we could. At the time I had bought the wrong fabric wrong thread wrong everything. I asked my wife if she could sew it for me. 5 weeks before Jukai, expert seamstress she is, she said impossible. It was then I turned to Jundo humiliated I said I could not manage. When the beautiful garment arrived in an unmarked envelope I opened it with tears, even today I cry when I think of this moment. Ah as they say in British Isles Tut Tut. Well the same is true for my friend though I think he finds solace in another way. What do I need but Treeleaf is one. I’m okay I just get overwhelmed by myself lol and I’m not going on and on…..
sat/ lah
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk ProPeaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive,for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆