It looks like I accidently deleted an old thread trying to revive it.
Our new member, Anisa F, asked ...
To which Kokuu responded ...
To which I responded ...
And all is restored. 
Gassho, J
Our new member, Anisa F, asked ...
At what point should one start to wear a Wagesa or a Rakusu? Is it optional? I have noticed that during the Zazenkais and weekly sittings most sangha members will wear the Rakusu or the Wagesa, but I don't know if I should wear one because I'm new to Soto Zen and this sangha. Are they something all sangha members should wear?
Hi Anisa
Members sew a Rakusu before they take Jukai (receiving the sixteen Zen precepts) and can wear it after that. The next Jukai preparation will begin in September ready for the ceremony in January 2022.
Kesas are mostly worn by members who have taken full/home-leaving ordination (Shukke Tokudo).
However, despite this, there is no hierarchy of sangha membership or practice and sitting without a Rakusu or Kesa is just the same as with. They are a reminder to those who have taken vows of the importance of the precepts and path of the bodhisattva. We have some members who have been here for years and chosen not to take Jukai or sew a Rakusu. It is totally optional.
Members sew a Rakusu before they take Jukai (receiving the sixteen Zen precepts) and can wear it after that. The next Jukai preparation will begin in September ready for the ceremony in January 2022.
Kesas are mostly worn by members who have taken full/home-leaving ordination (Shukke Tokudo).
However, despite this, there is no hierarchy of sangha membership or practice and sitting without a Rakusu or Kesa is just the same as with. They are a reminder to those who have taken vows of the importance of the precepts and path of the bodhisattva. We have some members who have been here for years and chosen not to take Jukai or sew a Rakusu. It is totally optional.
One small correction to what Kokuu wrote ...
In the Nyoho-e sewing tradition, to which Nishijima Roshi, Kodo Sawaki Roshi and this Sangha partake, anyone who has undertaken Jukai may sew and wear a full Nyoho-e Kesa during Zazen and practice, not only ordained folks.
Kesas are mostly worn by members who have taken full/home-leaving ordination (Shukke Tokudo).

Gassho, J