Purpose of a Zen teacher?

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  • Undo
    • Jun 2007
    • 495

    Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

    Hola Jools and Ken

    This photo of me at work might explain a few things,

    On side note, could anyone direct me to a good site (possibly museum) which show and explains different clothing traditions for Monks and Nuns?

    Mystic Phil Wizard of none


    • Bansho
      • Apr 2007
      • 532

      Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

      Originally posted by plankton
      This photo of me at work might explain a few things,
      Ahhh, just as I suspected...


      • jamieguinn
        • Oct 2008
        • 13

        Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

        BuddhaNet has a link to at least the illustrated differences. There might be more but I didn't dig too deep.

        http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/bud ... astics.htm


        • Dosho
          • Jun 2008
          • 5784

          Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

          No, No, Nanette?


          • CinnamonGal
            • Apr 2008
            • 195

            Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

            A while ago I emailed Jundo asking for an interview via Skype (Sanzen Skype?). A few days passed but the reply still did not come. I was uncertain as to what to do next. Should I send another e-mail and ask if he had received the first one (as I would normally do) or should I just wait and see in case this was some kind of a test for my patience that was part of training?

            After a week or longer of waiting I finally sent another mail and this time he replied very promptly and we set up the time for the interview. Apparently, he simply had misplaced the first mail which happens to all of us. Of course it was me who had those preconceived ideas of what a Zen teacher could or even should be like.

            I remembered this when listening to the Buddhist Geeks podcast interview with Stuart Lachs in which he shared his long experience as a Zen practiotioner and talked about the Zen insitutions that have contributed to creating the myth of a know-all roshi that knows all.
            (For those interested, Episode 72 "Zen Masters: Dressing the Donkey with Bells and Scarves" and Episode 73.)




            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41188

              Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

              Originally posted by CinnamonGal
              A while ago I emailed Jundo asking for an interview via Skype (Sanzen Skype?). A few days passed but the reply still did not come. I was uncertain as to what to do next. Should I send another e-mail and ask if he had received the first one (as I would normally do) or should I just wait and see in case this was some kind of a test for my patience that was part of training?
              Irina, it WAS a test, and you passed! CONGRATULATIONS! :-P

              EVERYTHING I ever do is with full awareness, and absolutely everything is meant as an expedient means, possessing a hidden, subtle purpose... the meaning of which can only be perceived by the truly Enlightened. :shock: :shock: Even when I look like I am acting like an ass, or forgetful, I am really not. (I tell that to my wife all the time, but she does not seem to believe me :roll: )

              PS- And my apologies to everyone whose emails I misplace, which I do.

              PPS- We are going to read some of Stuart Lachs' writing on "Zen stereotypes" in a week or so, as part of the Precepts study.


              • CinnamonGal
                • Apr 2008
                • 195

                Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                Originally posted by Jundo
                Irina, it WAS a test, and you passed! CONGRATULATIONS! :-P

                EVERYTHING I ever do is with full awareness, and absolutely everything is meant as an expedient means, possessing a hidden, subtle purpose... the meaning of which can only be perceived by the truly Enlightened. :shock: :shock: Even when I look like I am acting like an ass, or forgetful, I am really not. (I tell that to my wife all the time, but she does not seem to believe me :roll: )
                Hey Jundo,

                That's exactly how I expect a Zen teacher to be! Great, I don't need to let go of those expectations. :lol:



                PS looking forward to more tests 8)


                • disastermouse

                  Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                  I know you guys are posting tongue-in-cheek, but some people really do attribute most teacher errors as profound wisdom. Then again, who's to say it isn't?



                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41188

                    Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                    Originally posted by disastermouse
                    I know you guys are posting tongue-in-cheek, but some people really do attribute most teacher errors as profound wisdom. Then again, who's to say it isn't?

                    Hi Chet,

                    Good to hear from you. I was thinking about you today.

                    That will be precisely our topic in the Precepts study next week, when we will read about Baker Roshi and such. Please look for that.

                    Gassho, J
                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Keishin
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 471

                      Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                      The purpose of a zen teacher is to give zazen instructions
                      anything else is superfluous


                      • Shohei
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 2854

                        Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                        To me @ first, I really didn't know what the point of a teacher was, judge my progress along the "path"? or keep me from believing my own delusions... none of which are with in a teachers control really. So I continued practicing alone.

                        After abit of that, and a lot of reading, the emphasis of student Needing a teacher got to me -right then I thought perhaps they know everything there is to know and are far more "enlightened" than I and really could bring me to some kind of realization...and I SHOULD seek a teacher!

                        In the recent past I kinda got over the idea that a teacher alone will make me a better Me. that part was still up to me and a Teachers role was maybe for:

                        you know guide post along the path... but really that wasn't exactly it.

                        I think its a relationship that changes and grows, where both are learning and teaching.
                        Right now Id say a guide along the path showing some of the spectacular views along they way...but like a good guide, letting you explore as well. Im sure that will change with time.

                        So my official answer is... not sure

                        Gassho, Dirk


                        • disastermouse

                          Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                          Originally posted by Keishin
                          The purpose of a zen teacher is to give zazen instructions
                          anything else is superfluous

                          Sit (followed by exposition of lotus, half-lotus, burmese, seiza, bench, chair, and kinhin postures) . Breathe (short exposition about how to count, follow, and drop the breath). Count your breaths for awhile...then drop that and follow the breath. Then even stop following the breathe and simply be aware of the wide expanse of existance.

                          Okay, now do that for the rest of your life.

                          There, that's Zazen instruction....and yet volumes of books are written about Zen. Every week, teachers are giving talks. Somehow, I think there's more to it than mere Zazen instruction.


                          • Rev R
                            • Jul 2007
                            • 457

                            Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                            Originally posted by krid
                            I think its a relationship that changes and grows, where both are learning and teaching
                            I think you nailed it right here Dirk.

                            Friend, adversary, zazen instructor, pontificator of Dharma, mirror and even student; a Zen teacher is all of these things. The purpose depends on circumstance.


                            • Jundo
                              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                              • Apr 2006
                              • 41188

                              Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                              Originally posted by disastermouse
                              There, that's Zazen instruction....and yet volumes of books are written about Zen. Every week, teachers are giving talks. Somehow, I think there's more to it than mere Zazen instruction.
                              Yes. Now even drop that idea.

                              Simply cross the legs, breathe, and that is enough.
                              ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                              • disastermouse

                                Re: Purpose of a Zen teacher?

                                Originally posted by Jundo
                                Originally posted by disastermouse
                                There, that's Zazen instruction....and yet volumes of books are written about Zen. Every week, teachers are giving talks. Somehow, I think there's more to it than mere Zazen instruction.
                                Yes. Now even drop that idea.

                                Simply cross the legs, breathe, and that is enough.
                                I better never catch you writing a book, Jundo-san!

