The more I sit and the more I read I get more confused when it comes to Zazen. From one side it is said that zazen is not a meditation and all we do is to allow the reality to be as it is. In the following passage (please see attached screenshot from the book)rsz_2img_20201112_100715.jpg
rsz_img_20201112_100912.jpg , however it is written : "Today Zen students in temples throughout the land may sit many hours in meditation without lying down to sleep...., they never learn the way of entering a true state of meditation (dhyana). Because of that, the zazen they practice differs not in the least from that espoused by the heretical teachers. " Ju-ching gives some advice to Dogen, after which he experiences his "falling of the body and mind".
How do I know if my zazen is genuine and not simply sitting and starring at the wall?
Sorry for going over 3 sentences.
rsz_img_20201112_100912.jpg , however it is written : "Today Zen students in temples throughout the land may sit many hours in meditation without lying down to sleep...., they never learn the way of entering a true state of meditation (dhyana). Because of that, the zazen they practice differs not in the least from that espoused by the heretical teachers. " Ju-ching gives some advice to Dogen, after which he experiences his "falling of the body and mind".
How do I know if my zazen is genuine and not simply sitting and starring at the wall?
Sorry for going over 3 sentences.