Just a footnote: Traditional Seiza in Japan is very different from Seiza in the west, and involves sitting directly on the heels without any bench or support (I start to sweat after about 20 minutes, as do many younger Japanese who are no longer used to it):

That is --NOT-- recommended for Zazen (especially for Sam without his doctor!), although Zen monks are expected to sit such way for various ceremonies and for long periods!

Many people in the west sit their modified Seiza with either a wooden bench or a sideways Zafu.

Gassho, J

That is --NOT-- recommended for Zazen (especially for Sam without his doctor!), although Zen monks are expected to sit such way for various ceremonies and for long periods!

Many people in the west sit their modified Seiza with either a wooden bench or a sideways Zafu.

Gassho, J