Non-traditional Heart Sutra Chant
My husband found this and sent it to me a while ago. I'm into it. Thank you for posting it.
然芸 Nengei
Sat today. LAH.遜道念芸 Sondō Nengei (he/him)
Please excuse any indication that I am trying to teach anything. I am a priest in training and have no qualifications or credentials to teach Zen practice or the Dharma. -
Thank you. It is great.
The priest's name is Yogetsu Akasaka. He is Soto. Apparently the story is that his father is a temple priest, and Yogetsu became a priest about 5 years ago to eventually take over the family temple. He spent time in Australia, the US and elsewhere. He has a bunch of recordings, most Buddhist themed.
Yogetsu Akasaka is a Zen Buddhist priest, live-looping artist, and meditation musician merging ancient traditions with modern soundscapes. His performances c...
Here is an interview in Japanese, but the machine translation is okay.
True Innovation理論により潜在能力を引き出すビジネススクール ホーム |自社製品 セミナー|鎌倉のZENschool|マインドフルネスを応用したトゥルーイノベーション理論に基づく各種ワ 鎌倉で自然に囲まれて起業相談鎌倉の自然に囲まれた中で、ゆったりとした時間のなかで起業に関する相談をお聞きします。普段と違った環境の中で心をオープンする ●ご挨拶と出演者紹介 三木:マインドフルビジネスストーリー第195回放送させていただきます。今日は即興音楽家で僧侶の赤坂陽月さんにZ
I think that this is his temple in Fukui Prefecture. Apparently, they like cats, and are famous for taking in and nursing sick strays.
Hmmm. He surely speaks English, so maybe I can invite him here for a Special Zazenkai/Concert? That would be a first. Let me mull that.
Gassho, J
Thank you. It is great.
The priest's name is Yogetsu Akasaka. He is Soto. Apparently the story is that his father is a temple priest, and Yogetsu became a priest about 5 years ago to eventually take over the family temple. He spent time in Australia, the US and elsewhere. He has a bunch of recordings, most Buddhist themed.
Here is an interview in Japanese, but the machine translation is okay.
True Innovation理論により潜在能力を引き出すビジネススクール ホーム |自社製品 セミナー|鎌倉のZENschool|マインドフルネスを応用したトゥルーイノベーション理論に基づく各種ワ 鎌倉で自然に囲まれて起業相談鎌倉の自然に囲まれた中で、ゆったりとした時間のなかで起業に関する相談をお聞きします。普段と違った環境の中で心をオープンする ●ご挨拶と出演者紹介 三木:マインドフルビジネスストーリー第195回放送させていただきます。今日は即興音楽家で僧侶の赤坂陽月さんにZ
I think that this is his temple in Fukui Prefecture. Apparently, they like cats, and are famous for taking in and nursing sick strays.
Hmmm. He surely speaks English, so maybe I can invite him here for a Special Zazenkai/Concert? That would be a first. Let me mull that.
Gassho, J
SatToday lah"Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - HongzhiComment
Thank you. He has the touch.
This has been shared here before but some of the newer Sangha members may not have heard this version
Thank you. He has the touch.
This has been shared here before but some of the newer Sangha members may not have heard this version
SatToday lah"Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - HongzhiComment
[emoji1374] SatToday lah"Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - HongzhiComment