Very easy: Keep the attitude that one is honoring tradition, so when in Rome (or Eiheiji monastery) bow like the Romans (or Eiheijians) bow, remember that this practice has elements of putting oneself into the ritual dance (and a dance does not need to "make sense" for its effects to fill the body), remember that this practice has elements of putting aside one's personal "likes and dislikes" in order to accept what one personally finds a bit not to one's taste ... remember that the beauty and power of some rituals and traditions only becomes clear after one has been doing them for awhile (although, alas, some never do!
) ... remember that some parts are just old religious superstition so no need to buy into it all hook line and sinker ...
... and, yes, just keep a sense of humor about the whole silly thing sometimes.
Gassho, J
PS - If it is okay, I may break this off as its own thread, because a very good question.

... and, yes, just keep a sense of humor about the whole silly thing sometimes.

Gassho, J
PS - If it is okay, I may break this off as its own thread, because a very good question.