Music that moves you?

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  • disastermouse

    Music that moves you?

    I have to say that almost any music that I've heard that was 'Buddhist' has failed to strike a chord with me...but sometimes I think I pick up some almost-Buddhist thoughts in the lyrics of various pop songs.

    "That was that and this is this,
    you tell me what you saw,
    Then I'll tell you what you missed,
    When the ocean met the sky,
    (you missed, you missed)
    When time and I shook hands and said 'goodbye',
    (you missed)
    When the earth folded in on itself
    (you missed)
    and said 'good luck',
    For your sake I hope heaven and hell,
    (you missed, you missed)
    Are really there but I wouldn't hold my breath,
    (you missed, you missed)
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?
    (you missed, you missed)
    You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death?"

    And also:

    "Everyone's afraid of their own life,
    If you could be anything you wanna be you'd be disappointed, am I right?
    No one really knows the ones they love,
    If you knew everything they thought about you'd wish that they'd just shut up"

    (Both of those are Modest Mouse songs)

    On another note, some music just strikes a chord with some other part of me:

    "Your father made fetuses with flesh-licking ladies,
    While you and your mother were,
    Asleep in the trailer-park,
    Thunderous sparks from the dark of the stadiums,
    The music and medicine you needed for comforting,
    So make all your fat fleshy fingers to moving,
    And pluck all your silly strings and bend all your notes for me,
    Soft silly music is meaningful, magical,
    The movements were beautiful,
    All in your ovaries,
    All of them milking with green fleshy flowers,
    While powerful pistons were sugary sweet machines,
    Smelling of semen all under the garden,
    Was all you were needing when you still believed in me,
    Say what you want to say!
    And hang for your hollow ways!
    Moving your mouth to pull out all your miracles,
    For me,"

    AND also:

    "And you mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder,
    And dad would throw the garbage all around the floor,
    As we would lay and learn what each other's bodies were for,

    And this is the room one afternoon I knew I could love you,
    And from above you how I sank into your soul,
    Into that secret place where no one dares to go,

    And your mom would drink until she was no longer speaking,
    And dad would dream of all the different ways to die,
    Each one a little more than he could dare to try...."

    (Those were both from 'Neutral Milk Hotel')

    Lastly, some just appeal very powerfully to Borderline Personality Disorder:

    (Sung rapid-fire in one breath with ukuleles and a music box as accompaniment)
    "Don't fall in love with me yet
    We only recently met
    True I'm in love with you but
    you might decide I'm a nut
    Give me a week or two to
    go absolutely cuckoo
    then, when you see your error,
    then, you can flee in terror
    like everybody else does
    I only tell you this cause
    I'm easy to get rid of
    but not if you fall in love
    Know now that I'm on the make
    and if you make a mistake
    my heart will certainly break
    I'll have to jump in a lake
    and all my friends will blame you
    There's no telling what they'll do
    It's only fair to tell you
    I'm absolutely cuckoo"


    "I don't wanna get over you,
    I guess I could take a sleeping pill,
    And sleep at will,
    And not have to go through what I go through,
    I guess I should take prozac, right?
    And just smile all night at somebody new,
    Somebody not-to-bright but sweet and kind,
    Who would try to get you off my mind,
    I would leave this agony behind,
    Which is just what I'd do,
    If I wanted to,
    But I don't wanna get over you

    Cause I don't wanna get over love,
    I could listen to my therapist,
    Pretend you don't exist,
    And not have to dream of what I dream of,
    I could listen to all my friends,
    And go out again,
    And pretend it's enough,
    Or I could make a career of being blue,
    I could dress in black and read Camus,
    Smoke clove cigarettes and drink vermuth,
    If I was seventeen,
    That would be a scream,
    But I don't wanna get over you.."

    So...what music hits you where you can't hide?

    (Both of those were 'The Magnetic Fields' from the excellent album 3 disk album "69 Love Songs")
  • Stephanie

    Re: Music that moves you?[/video]]

    Day, end of day
    Each hanging spiral
    Where is the shore
    From this clear blue silence?
    Up to the heavens that you daydream,
    Remembering the sun and the deep green ivy

    I know that sleep walking too
    In trying to be free
    Of all this damage in my eyes
    Making confusion in my mind
    When I hear a resurrection song

    Night lays me down when I'm fading
    When I can't go home because they hate me
    To sing that resurrection song

    Day, end of day
    Each hanging spiral
    What do you make
    Of this clear blue silence?

    Now that the engine driver
    Has grown to be a deep sea diver
    And the street has got no end,
    You'd better keep your heart strong, little friend
    Thought I heard a resurrection song


    • Stephanie

      Re: Music that moves you?[/video]]

      I'm on my way up to Canaan land
      I'm on my way up to Canaan land
      I'm on my way, glory hallelujah, I'm on my way

      Had a mighty hard time, but I'm on my way
      It's a mighty hard climb, but I'm on my way
      I'm on my way, glory hallelujah, I'm on my way

      All along the way, Satan lies a waitin'
      Every night and day, Satan lies a waitin'
      Hear me shout and pray: "Get behind me, Satan,"
      I'm on my way, glory hallelujah, I'm on my way

      Fight the Devil and pray: Lord, I want to climb higher
      Chase the Devil away--Lord, I'm caught in his fire
      Fight the Devil and pray: Lord, I want to climb higher
      I'm on my way, glory hallelujah, I'm on my way


      • Stephanie

        Re: Music that moves you?[/video]]

        Don't let the darkness eat you up


        • Stephanie

          Re: Music that moves you?




          • chicanobudista
            • Mar 2008
            • 864

            Re: Music that moves you?

            Originally posted by disastermouse
            I have to say that almost any music that I've heard that was 'Buddhist' has failed to strike a chord with me...but sometimes I think I pick up some almost-Buddhist thoughts in the lyrics of various pop songs.
            I recently heard a trio of Buddhists via the 'Net who wrote exclusively Buddhist songs, but...... :roll: .....I just didn't get into it.

            But. I agee with you. Just recently, a Mexican pop singer,[/video]]Julieta Venegas, came up with a new CD and one of her songs just gave me that Buddhist tingle. :mrgreen:

            Her song "El Presente" ("The Present").

            El presente es lo único que tengo
            el presente es lo único que hay
            es contigo mi vida con quien puedo sentir
            que merece la pena vivir

            Con el mundo como va
            se nos acaba todo
            ay, ay, ay, ay
            La tempestad y la calma
            casi son la misma cosa
            ay, ay, ay, ay
            The present is the only thing I got
            The present is the only thing that is

            Is with you my love with whom I can feel
            That it's worth living.

            With the world as it goes
            everything will come to an end
            ay, ay, ay, ay
            The tempest and the calmness
            they are almost the same thing
            ay, ay, ay, ay

            Flor de Nopal Sangha


            • Stephanie

              Re: Music that moves you?

              Wait, were we supposed to be sharing songs we found particularly Buddhist, or songs that resonated with our particular emotional natures and spiritual journeys? Perhaps I need to dig up some more uplifting Buddhist anthems to post :mrgreen:


              • disastermouse

                Re: Music that moves you?

                Here's a video with the song 'Absolutely Cuckoo' from youtube:

                https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>

                And now 'I don't want to get over you'

                https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>

                Neutral Milk Hotel: "King of Carrot Flowers Pt
                https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>

                Modest Mouse 'lives'

                https://<div class="videocontainer w... </a> </div>


                • disastermouse

                  Re: Music that moves you?

                  Originally posted by Stephanie
                  Wait, were we supposed to be sharing songs we found particularly Buddhist, or songs that resonated with our particular emotional natures and spiritual journeys? Perhaps I need to dig up some more uplifting Buddhist anthems to post :mrgreen:
                  Whatever strikes you.

                  (I posted some youtubes of most of the songs I posted - they're better digested when heard).


                  • will
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 2331

                    Re: Music that moves you?

                    Don't Worry be Happy by: Bobby Mcferrin

                    Here is a little song I wrote
                    You might want to sing it note for note
                    Don't worry be happy
                    In every life we have some trouble
                    When you worry you make it double
                    Don't worry, be happy......

                    Ain't got no place to lay your head
                    Somebody came and took your bed
                    Don't worry, be happy
                    The land lord say your rent is late
                    He may have to litigate
                    Don't worry, be happy
                    LooK at me I am happy
                    Don't worry, be happy
                    Here I give you my phone number
                    When you worry call me
                    I make you happy
                    Don't worry, be happy
                    Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
                    Ain't got not girl to make you smile
                    But don't worry be happy
                    Cause when you worry
                    Your face will frown
                    And that will bring everybody down
                    So don't worry, be happy (now).....

                    There is this little song I wrote
                    I hope you learn it note for note
                    Like good little children
                    Don't worry, be happy
                    Listen to what I say
                    In your life expect some trouble
                    But when you worry
                    You make it double
                    Don't worry, be happy......
                    Don't worry don't do it, be happy
                    Put a smile on your face
                    Don't bring everybody down like this
                    Don't worry, it will soon past
                    Whatever it is
                    Don't worry, be happy
                    To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                    To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                    To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                    To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41208

                      Re: Music that moves you?

                      I still like "Heart Sutra", and various other Buddha-diddies from one Will Barry ...

             ... ID=6273880
                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • will
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 2331

                        Re: Music that moves you?

                        The drum playing on the Treeleaf theme song. Man that guy can bust out those beats.

                        To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
                        To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
                        To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
                        To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


                        • Hans
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 1853

                          Re: Music that moves you?


                          Michael Tiernan's "You hide" from his album "Spaces".

                          Someone edited some clips from the movie "Baraka" and made a nice homemade videoclip to accompany this tune.

                          Here's the link:[/video]]

                          Gassho, Hans


                          • KellyRok
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 1374

                            Re: Music that moves you?

                            Hi Hans,

                            I just wanted to say that I really like the video you posted. I have to say that is was very "moving" - I'd heard the song before but it was paired nicely with the other clips.

                            Thank you!

                            Kelly Rok


                            • Shugen
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 4532

                              Re: Music that moves you?

                              Very nice Hans.

                              Thank you.

                              Meido Shugen
                              明道 修眼

