Thank-you all so much for your patience with my incessant questions. 
It occurs to me that zazen springs from the Eightfold Path.
It is no secret that there have been zen teachers who have harmed others by engaging in sexual misconduct and sadly a host of other improprieties.
While I find that a side benefit of zazen for me is that it cultivates a "quieter spirit" and helps me fight off the noxious effects of the three poisons, the eightfold path and the precepts can be basically understood and followed by the novice of novices.
So, to me it seems, that the full practice of Zen Buddhism includes the whole of the Eightfold path with the precepts. To me it seems that a person can have the right concentration portion of the path nailed but woefully lack if he or she lies, steals, or commits sexual misconduct. Even though they sit Sesshins without number, dukkha continues.
Likewise, a person who rigidly follows the precepts and eightfold but neglects right concentration simply adheres to a code of ethics and suffers in duality.
Am I on the right track here?

sat today.

It occurs to me that zazen springs from the Eightfold Path.
It is no secret that there have been zen teachers who have harmed others by engaging in sexual misconduct and sadly a host of other improprieties.
While I find that a side benefit of zazen for me is that it cultivates a "quieter spirit" and helps me fight off the noxious effects of the three poisons, the eightfold path and the precepts can be basically understood and followed by the novice of novices.
So, to me it seems, that the full practice of Zen Buddhism includes the whole of the Eightfold path with the precepts. To me it seems that a person can have the right concentration portion of the path nailed but woefully lack if he or she lies, steals, or commits sexual misconduct. Even though they sit Sesshins without number, dukkha continues.
Likewise, a person who rigidly follows the precepts and eightfold but neglects right concentration simply adheres to a code of ethics and suffers in duality.
Am I on the right track here?

sat today.