Soto Zen Practice at Europe
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Head Monk Nakagawa at video.
I practiced at Zen temple at Myotoku-ji.
Head monk Furusaka who is teacher at Eihei-ji(1st temple) and teached at Fumon-ji.
And I met Monk Nakagawa at Myotoku-ji.
I feel our big Sangha is one
Sat today
KakunenLast edited by Guest; 04-24-2019, 07:36 PM.Comment
Hi Kakunen,
Thank you for the video which I was searching for.
And you're most welcome to Europe when feeling up to!
sattodayKaidō (皆道) Every Way
Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.Comment
Let me also take this opportunity to introduce some of Nishijima Roshi's other Dharma Kids in Europe. Many actually are kind of rebels who broke off from the Deshimaru Lineage when they felt it was becoming a bit too formal and churchy in its connection to Soto-shu, so they tend to be rather independent types. Like here. There are other good folks among Nishijima's students whom i don't know so well, but the following are well worth a visit if you ever are nearby.
in France ...
Jiun Éric Rommeluère is the founder of Un Zen Occidental in Paris, He is a great modernizer:
Dharma et éthiqueInvité : Eric RommeluèreDans le Dharma (enseignement du bouddha) l’éthique, appelée en d’autres époques la morale, est essentielle. Comment ...
Lyon has Jean-Marc Bazy, a great fellow ...
Extrait d'un reportage sur le tour de l'âme en 88 temples, Henromichi réalisé par Jean-Michel Jorda.
My good friend Fr. Gustav Ericsson is also a priest in the Lutheran Church of Sweden. He visited Treeleaf Japan a couple of times ...
Amazon配送商品ならMy Christian Journey With Zenが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Ericsson, Gustav, Roshi, Gudo Nishijima作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。
Yudo Seggelke is in Germany ...
... as is Gabriele Linnneback in Dresden, who translated Shobogenzo into German with Nishijima Roshi ...
Dagmar Doko Waskoenig is in Germany and Austria, and is a very interesting teacher who is very serious about the Vinaya, and became a full Vinaya nun ...
Here appears to be a TV profile about her and her Sangha ... she has such graceful movements and form ...
This is "Buddhas Gefährtinnen" by Homa Nikou on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.
I will think of more. They are very spread around, such as this group in Spain connected to Yudo i believe.
Of course, there is Taigu and his students at the Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage ....
Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage. 743 likes. Blue Mountain Hermitage is a place where people can come together for Zen practice.
Gassho, J
STLahLast edited by Jundo; 04-24-2019, 02:29 PM.ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLEComment
doyu sat today and lent a handVisiting priest: use saltComment
In Hungary Wikipedia knows of six Zen sanghas, and of course Gabor Terebess lives there.
doyu sat today and lent a hand
Hi Kakunen,
You say ...
Sowing the seeds of Zen
Am I the only Japanese person here?
How about respecting Japan and the Japanese who created the trigger for this a little more?
Actually, Zen came from India and China, Korea and Japan, then moved on to the Americas, Europe and other places. In fact, Zen comes from the universe and Big Bang and maybe beyond that!
However, we do respect and honor Japanese Zen and Japanese culture! So much of what we do comes from and honors Japanese traditions, such as Oryoki and Master Dogen. It is interesting, because sometimes people criticize our Sangha for being TOO Japanese! Some Zen groups, like many of the Deshimaru Lineage groups in Japan, are trying to be very very Japanese (I sometimes say "more Japanese than the Japanese"), and that is good for them! All good.
Maybe it is like pizza. Japanese people now eat interesting pizza that looks and tastes like this, without consulting either Italians or Americans. However, it is very delicious to Japanese people (and to many non-Japanese too) and nutritious, so that is enough.
More here ...
Gassho, Jundo
あなたは今唯一の日本人メンバーかもしれません。日本の人々は、オンラインでもオフラインでも、日本語で禅 に接触する機会がたくさんあります。
実際、禪はインドと中国、韓国と日本から来て、それからアメリカ、ヨーロッパと他の場所に移動しました。実 際、Zenは宇宙とビッグバンから来ています。その前かもしれません。
しかし、私たちは日本の禅と日本の文化を尊重し、尊重します!私たちがしていることの大部分は、應量器や道 元禅師などの日本の伝統に由来し、尊重されています。面白いのは、時には人々が私たちのサンガをあまりにも 日本風だと非難するからです!多くのDeshimaru 系統グループのように、いくつかのZenグループはとても日本風にしようとしています(私は「日本人より日 本人」と言うことがあります)。すべて良いです。
たぶんそれはピザのようです。日本人は今、イタリア人やアメリカ人のどちらにも相談することなく、このよう な外観と味の興味深いピザを食べます。しかし、それは日本人にとって非常に美味しく(そして多くの外国人に とっても)栄養価が高いので、それで十分です。Last edited by Jundo; 05-05-2019, 11:12 PM.ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLEComment